Should You Put Doordash on Your Resume This Year?

Gig economy side hustles like Doordash, Uber Eats and Instacart are more popular than ever. According to recent Intuit data, [1] over half of Americans have a side gig today, with driving and delivery services especially on the rise in the post-pandemic economy:

Americans with a Side Gig55%
Doordash Revenue 2021$4.8 billion (up 69% YoY) [2]

With flexible earnings opportunities abounding, adding some freelance work can be tempting. But how do side gigs like Doordash fit into your resume when job hunting in 2024?

I‘ve consulted for various Fortune 500 companies on their hiring practices over the past decade. Here‘s my advice…

When Should You Include Doordash Experience on Your Resume?

Here are the cases when highlighting Doordash on your resume could strengthen your candidacy:

Applying for delivery, transportation or customer service roles

For these positions, Doordash experience demonstrates directly relevant skills and work samples.

  • For delivery/driving jobs, it shows reliability, route optimization abilities, vehicle handling competence, etc.
  • For customer service roles, it highlights client management skills – communication, issue resolution, reviews, etc.

You need to account for employment gaps on your resume

Say you left the workforce for a year due to health reasons or family commitments. Including Doordash illustrates you utilized the time productively to earn income.

You have very limited professional work samples

If Doordash comprises a major chunk of your work life, including it acts as proof of responsibility. However, ideally you‘d seek internships or volunteer work too.

When to Leave Doordash Off Your Resume

On the other hand, Doordash experience generally won’t help (and may even hurt) your candidacy if:

You’re applying for an unrelated field

For most professional roles (marketing, finance, engineering, etc.), highlighting past delivery work seems irrelevant at best and distracting at worst.

Prioritize your most relevant credentials here. Listing every job clutters your resume without necessarily demonstrating useful skills.

You want to emphasize career growth

Say you have 5+ years in your industry but took on Doordash briefly during the pandemic for supplemental income. Including this may make it seem like you took a step back or are less focused on professional advancement in your field.

I‘d leave Doordash off in most cases where it interrupts positive career trajectory – unless you badly need to cover gaps.

How to Include Doordash on Your Resume

If Doordash is relevant to showcase, the key is framing it effectively.

1. Position it like any professional work experience

List under your "Work Experience" section with:

  • Formal title (ex: Doordash Delivery Driver)
  • Duration worked
  • Key responsibilities & achievements

2. Use Metrics to Demonstrate Success

Quantify your accomplishments as a driver:

  • 4.8/5.0 average customer rating
  • 97% on-time delivery rate
  • 800+ lifetime deliveries

3. Emphasize Relevant Transferrable Skills

Align to skills needed for the roles you want:

  • Route optimization
  • Client/restaurant communication
  • Time management abilities
  • Responsiveness under pressure

The right presentation makes all the difference. With some finesse, Doordash can bolster applications in the right context.

Alternatives to Listing Doordash on Your Resume

If Doordash seems distracting or irrelevant for full-time positions you want, consider:

Just including it on job applications to explain gaps, keeping your resume Doordash-free.

Briefly listing the skills gained in an "Other Experience" section, without naming Doordash specifically. For example:

Supplemental Driving & Delivery Work

  • Logged 2,000+ miles safely driving passengers
  • Learned advanced route planning abilities

Being prepared to discuss Doordash candidly if asked during interviews – Don‘t lie about gaps in your work history. Interviewers will probe if your story seems suspect.

The key is making sure Doordash adds rather than detracts value from your experience. Choose what‘s best for your situation.

Conclusion: Evaluating if Doordash Belongs on Your 2023 Resume

Adding Doordash rideshare delivery experience only strengthens resumes for directly related driving, transportation and customer service positions.

For other professional roles, it may make sense to minimize or remove Doordash entirely from your resume. Just be ready to explain any gaps if asked by interviewers.

Choose what makes the strongest case for each application. With some customization, your resume can highlight the Doordash experience when favorable and downplay it when irrelevant.

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