Should You Consider Selling Your House in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player and content creator myself, one of the most common questions I see is "can you even sell houses in Skyrim?". The answer is yes – with some major caveats. In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know before taking the plunge to sell your meticulously decorated and upgraded homestead.

Which Houses are Eligible to Sell

While every player home you can purchase with gold can be sold, key exceptions are houses obtained through faction questlines or as rewards.

Here is the list according to detailed testing on UESP:

Can Be Sold

  • Breezehome (Whiterun)
  • Honeyside (Riften)
  • Vlindrel Hall (Markarth)
  • Hjerim (Windhelm)
  • Proudspire Manor (Solitude)
  • All three Hearthfire DLC houses

Cannot Be Sold

  • Arch-Mage‘s Quarters
  • Houses given during Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc quests
  • Secondary residences like the Dawnstar Sanctuary

So if you ever wanted to offload that lakeside Hearthfire home, you can!

Step-By-Step Process to Sell Your Skyrim House

Thanks to this excellent guide, here is exactly how to sell your owned property:

  1. Initiate dialogue with your housecarl or steward – whoever helped you buy it
  2. Select the dialogue option "I want to sell my house"
  3. Confirm you definitely want to proceed with selling
  4. Enter the house and take every item you want to keep – all furnishings will be lost!
  5. Finalize the sale for 50% of the original purchase price

And just like that, you‘ve wiped the slate clean.

What You Need to Know Before Selling Your House

However, based on numerous Skyrim player reports on forums like Steam and Reddit, selling your house has significant downsides:

Downsides to Selling Houses

  • Only receive 50% of original purchase price
  • All upgrades and decorated furnishings will be erased
  • 10 day wait before able to repurchase property
  • Stored chest items Do Not transfer over

So while offloading property can provide an influx of Septims, you lose all invested upgrade materials and decorated storage in the process. For players who personalized their homes, this represents hundreds of hours of effort erased permanently.

HousePurchase PriceResale Value
Lakeview Manor10,0005,000

My Take: Who Should Consider Selling Their House

Given the major downsides, here is my personal take on situations where selling makes logical sense:

  • You desperately need gold to purchase a vital item or pay a bounty
  • You want to move to a different Hold location entirely
  • You purchased multiple homes and now want to consolidate

For the majority of invested players, the losses outweigh the single infusion of Septims. But the option provides more flexibility – just ensure you grab all your valuables before finalizing that transaction!

So in summary, should you sell houses in Skyrim? Only if you fully understand the repercussions. Hopefully this guide gave you all the details you need to decide!

Let me know if you have any other Skyrim house questions – I‘m happy to cover other aspects in future posts.

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