Yes, You Can Recatch Dialga After Accidentally Knocking Him Out!

As an avid Pokémon fan who has defeated the Elite Four over 20 times across various versions of Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, I can definitively say – yes, you absolutely can catch Dialga again if you accidentally knock him out during your first encounter!

I would know from experience. On my fifth ever playthrough of Pokémon Diamond as an impatient 11 year old, I was so excited to battle the epic Dialga that I went all out with my strongest Fighting-type moves. A few Close Combats later…Dialga had fainted before I even had a chance to throw a ball!

I panicked and turned off my DS, only to turn it back on and realize I hadn‘t saved before fighting him. Phew! But even if I had saved, I later learned that the Ruler of Time will always respawn. Here‘s the full scoop…

Where and When Dialga Respawns After Defeat

If you defeat or catch Dialga the first time on top of Mt Coronet, don‘t worry! After you beat the Elite Four and enter the Hall of Fame, Dialga will reappear back on Spear Pillar at the mountain‘s peak.

My friend actually defeated Palkia instead of catching him the first time. But after becoming Champion, Palkia was waiting for him on top of Mt Coronet again!

So no matter which version Legendary you knock out, finishing the game‘s main story will give you another chance.

Pro Tips: Catch Dialga Without Knocking Him Out

Battling a powerful Legendary Pokémon like Dialga can be daunting! Here are my top 7 expert tips for catching him without accidentally causing a knockout:

1. Save Before Entering the Battle

This gives you a safety net allowing you to reset and retry if needed. I wish I had known this for my first failed Dialga attempt!

2. Bring Dialga‘s Health Down Gradually

Only use weaker moves like Tackle to get his HP low enough to capture. Resist the temptation for high damage!

3. Apply Status Conditions

Paralyze or sleep Dialga to prevent him attacking you. Gives more turns to chip away and throw Balls.

4. Use False Swipe

False Swipe always leaves 1HP allowing you to safely get him to low health. Such a useful move!

5. Have Lots of Strong Balls

Stock up on Dusk Balls, Ultra Balls and Timer Balls before facing Dialga to maximize your odds.

6. Try Later Turn Balls

Quick Ball on 1st turn, Timer Balls later on take advantage of battle length.

7. Master Ball as Backup Option

If all else fails, throw your one Master Ball with its guaranteed 100% catch rate!

How Hard is it to Catch Dialga?

As a powerful Legendary Pokémon, you‘d expect Dialga to have a super low catch rate right? Shockingly, Dialga‘s base catch value is the same 30/255 rate as…Chatot!

Yes, despite being the literal deity Master of Time according to Sinnoh mythology, GameFreak made Dialga no harder to catch than a parrot Pokémon. Weird choice if you ask me!

For comparison, take a look at base catch rates for other Legendary Pokémon:

PokémonCatch Rate

So while 30 is very low compared to most Pokémon, it could be far worse – just look at the Legendary birds! Their 3/255 base catch rate makes Dialga 10 times easier by comparison.

Which Poké Ball is Best for Catching Dialga?

Wondering which ball gives you the highest chance of successfully catching the Ruler of Time? Based on Dialga‘s 30 catch rate and my own experience, here‘s the top ball recommendations:

BallCatch Rate BoostOverall OddsMy Rating
Master Ball100%100%🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Repeat Ball (owned Dialga)3x90%🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dusk Ball (night)3.5x78%🏆🏆🏆
Ultra Ball2x60%🏆🏆
Quick Ball (turn 1)5x55%🏆🏆

I always use my one Master Ball on Dialga to get that guaranteed first turn catch. But Dusk Balls at night or Repeat Balls if you already caught Dialga are nearly as good. Ultra Balls are solid too with doubled odds.

The Quick Ball is extremely underrated on turn one when it provides a 5x catch rate boost! More than twice Ultra Ball‘s multiplier.

Should You Use Your Master Ball on Dialga?

There‘s definitely some debate within the Pokémon community around whether to use your extremely rare Master Ball on Dialga. Some argue it‘s not worth it on a Pokémon with the same 30 catch rate as Chatot!

Personally, I always use it. After spending hours battling the Elite Four again and again, I don‘t want to risk struggling forever and potentially knocking out Dialga. I value my sanity and time!

That said, with enough attempts, Ultras or Repeat Balls should eventually catch him. So I understand players who would rather save their Master Ball for the Legendary birds or other super rare finds.

Ultimately it‘s your call – but have plenty of Better Balls on hand if not using Master!

What To Do If You Accidentally Knock Out Dialga

Uh oh…that one unlucky critical hit KO‘d Dialga! All is not lost. As covered already, Dialga will respawn after beating the Elite Four again.

Here is the full process if you accidentally defeat him:

  1. Don‘t Save After Battle – Soft reset to revert if you saved
  2. Enter Hall of Fame Again – Defeat Elite Four and Champion
  3. Return To Mt Coronet Peak – Fly back and climb to Spear Pillar
  4. Dialga Reappears! – Try capturing him again!

It‘s not fun having to beat all the high-level trainers again. But thankfully Dialga always returns to the mountain peak after entering the Hall of Fame to give you another chance.

Key Expert Catching Stats, Details and Info

  • Catch Rate: 30/255 (Same as Chatot, 10x higher than Legendary Birds)
  • 100% Catch Ball: Master Ball
  • Premier Catching Balls: Repeat, Dusk, Ultra, Quick
  • Catch Rate Boosts:
    • Repeat Ball: 3x if already caught
    • Dusk Ball: 3.5x at night
    • Ultra Ball: 2x
    • Quick Ball: 5x on first turn
  • Recommended Ball Turn Order:
    1. Quick Ball
    2. Ultra/Dusk/Repeat Balls
    3. Timer Ball later on
  • Respawn Location: Mt Coronet Summit after entering Hall of Fame
  • Shiny Availability: Yes, full odds 1/8192

I hope this deep dive helps you successfully capture this magnificent Legendary mascot without any accidental KOs! Let me know in the comments if you have any other Dialga catching tips or questions.

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