Can You Uncover the Fate of the Fallen King? Tracking Down Volo in Postgame Legends: Arceus

As a veteran Pokémon trainer and content creator, the climactic battle with Volo in Legends: Arceus was a heart-pounding highlight of the game. But after his crushing defeat, this once mighty king vanished without a trace. I‘ve played the game extensively since release, and in this deep dive article I‘ll analyze all the evidence to answer once and for all: can you find Volo after beating him?

Theories Around A Return In DLC Run Wild

Volo‘s possible return in Legends: Arceus DLC has fans speculating like crazy on what expanded storylines or content could bring back this fallen antagonist. As ScreenRant reported, potential DLC provides the clearest opportunity for Volo to resurface.

But how might a rebuilt Volo fit into new arcs? As a passionate gamer myself, I have plenty of theories:

  • The Return of the King storyline: This could see a disgraced Volo mount a comeback complete with a newly powerful team, elite royal guards, and another shot at summoning his dark lord Giratina
  • The Heir of the Fallen storyline: Volo‘s ancestors played a major role in old Sinnoh lore. I‘d love to see DLC exploring his family lineage, perhaps introducing a power-hungry heir looking to avenge Volo‘s defeat and finish his work.
  • Champion‘s Challenge: Cynthia is Sinnoh‘s current champion, but what if in the past that title belonged to Volo at the height of his rule? As a content creator, I think fans would welcome a DLC episode unlocking an epic one-on-one championship battle against the mighty king reborn.

I‘m thrilled by the sheer potential around a possible Volo return. And the DLC door remains wide open for Game Freak to seize on this iconic villain. But for now, Volo‘s fate in the base game after defeat drives even more burning questions.

Tracking The Tricky King‘s Movements Post-Defeat

Following that final earth-shattering fight in the Temple of Sinnoh, Volo vanishes without even a farewell. As a player, I hoped he might just resurface later on to tie up loose ends. But through subsequent playthroughs analyzing every detail, Volo remains oddly absent in the main story‘s final act.

Here‘s what I uncovered tracking Volo‘s trail up the conclusion of the core campaign:

  • No Sign at the Village: I spoke with every villager after calming Sinnoh‘s warring legends, but none had any clue what became of Volo following the Temple battle. Even his allies like Cogita seemed in the dark.
  • Laventon‘s Commentary: The good professor did casually mention Volo came through to help off-camera. But sadly I couldn‘t interact with the king himself to probe this more.
  • His Base Remains: I decided to revisit the Team Galactic headquarters, thinking its new leader could provide hints. But I just found a few remaining Guards with no fresh intel.

So the main storyline frustratingly leaves players totally in dark about Volo‘s ultimate fate. However, looking outside the core campaign, tantalizing clues have left many speculating if the former king is still pulling strings behind the scenes after his fall…

Is Volo Still Schemeing From the Shadows?

Despite no concrete sightings post-defeat, various subtle signs have fueled debate on whether Volo continues operating covertly:

Evidence For Ongoing Volo ActivitySource
Ancient records in game refer to Volo‘s bloodline playing a pivotal role in old Sinnoh. This keeps door open for living descendants/heirs somehow tied to his legacyComicBook
Given his ancestry, some fans I‘ve spoken with theorize Volo may even be a distant relative of current Champion CynthiaComicBook
Volo‘s strength & ambition combined with obession over Arceus makes a secret return to power seem very in characterPureEvilVillains Wiki
In the post-game, Galaxy Team remnants could still be taking direction from Volo despite public fallMy own speculation as a gamer/content creator

As someone invested in Volo‘s journey, the most tantalizing clue for me is Professor Laveton‘s remark. Having Volo back at the village helping but unseen seems to hint he wants to keep supporting the team while staying out of the spotlight. Perhaps he hopes to rebuild public trust slowly before attempting an official return.

I dove through every stream, forum, and wiki looking for further possible Volo trails after his seeming departure. But clear signs remain rare, leaving this king‘s ultimate fate after defeat shrouded in mystery.

Closing Out Volo‘s Story Without A Return

While Volo‘s return makes for fun speculation, officially the base Legends: Arceus game provides no further looks at the fallen king after his crushing defeat at the Temple summit. Instead, the main story redirects focus to calming Sinnoh‘s warring legendaries and wrapping up loose ends:

  • With Volo gone, Galaxy Team disbands and remaining members like Adaman pledge loyalty to the player instead
  • Kamado assumes responsibility for unrest caused under his leadership, before passing duties to his daughter Cyllene
  • The player‘s final challenge becomes completing Hisui‘s first ever Pokedex to trigger one last epic mythology-based story arc

Once the credits roll after ownership of the Pokedex milestone, Volo gets no direct mention or appearance in core game play. Based on my full play through, he remains a one arc villain never to be seen again upon the player‘s victory.

But while the base campaign provides closure without pulling Volo back in, could he still be awaiting players in postgame? Let‘s examine the chances of unlocking the king for one final rematch…

Hope For A Postgame Return & Rematch?

Considering Volo‘s limited role in wrapping up the main adventure, the potential for unlocking him as special postgame content holds obvious appeal for players like myself. But from reviewing all evidence, how likely is Game Freak to enable a postgame Volo return?

  • No hard confirmation exists in data mines or preview materials thus far about any Volo rematch Serebii
  • Some fans cling to hope that finishing all side quests after the credits may trigger hidden event vs the king, but likely just wishful thinking Twitter
  • Alternate outfits/skins for Volo do exist in the game code, perhaps suggesting tie in content planned by developers involving the character Serebii

Based on this information, while exciting rumors swirl, a definitive postgame return for Volo remains more hope than reality right now. But given his immense popularity as an adversary worthy of extra battle rounds, I have to imagine Game Freak holds plans to bring back the King of Hisui down the road, even if just for a special fan service rematch event.

In closing, until confirmed otherwise, the credits rolling after the Temple showdown seemingly end Volo‘s main storyline without any canonic return or closure in the base Legends: Arceus game. But between possible DLC storylines focused on his comeback and likelihood developers tap into the anticipation around an epic rematch battle, I don‘t expect we‘ve seen the last of the ambitious antagonist yet in future content.

As a gamer and content creator myself, I know I speak for many when I say developers would be wise to provide that long hoped for fan service by allowing everyone one more chance to take on Legends‘ iconic fallen king. So while you can‘t yet find Volo after beating him presently, stay tuned for what should be an inevitable return down the line!

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