Can you kill both Amita and Sabal in Far Cry 4?

As a long-time fan of the Far Cry series, this is one of the most hotly debated questions in the entire franchise. After leading the Golden Path rebellion against the tyrant Pagan Min, both Amita and Sabal show their true colors if you return after the final mission. You have the option to assassinate them for leadership corruption. But should you?

Can You Actually Kill Both Leaders?

The short answer is yes, absolutely. Once you‘ve finished the game‘s final mission (either killing Pagan Min or allowing him to escape), you can return to the Golden Path strongholds and execute both Amita and Sabal.

I returned to the brick factory in Thirta and found Amita commanding her troops. After confronting her about forcibly recruiting child soldiers, she left me no choice but to pump her full of lead.

Likewise, I tracked down Sabal meditating inside Jalendu Temple. His religious zealotry had gone too far by executing civilians and destroying ancient artifacts. One bullet to the brain took him out for good.

So for any player harboringing doubts – you can 100% eliminate both leaders to take control of Kyrat and the Golden Path yourself. But excercising this nuclear option does have consequences…

The Consequences of Assassination

Whacking the leadership of the beloved rebel group you just fought alongside predictably has some profound effects:

  • All Golden Path members in the area immediately become hostile and try to kill you
  • Your karma level with the Golden Path takes a massive hit
  • The organization is left shocked and leaderless, with its future direction uncertain
  • You become the most wanted target for the entire rebel group across Kyrat

So in tactical terms, it‘s essentially like turning on your own faction. You exchange comrades for a barrage of new enemies.

This makes completing unfinished side quests and exploration extremely dicey. But clearing out fortresses and outposts does become challenging and exciting against overwhelming odds!

Weighing the Morality of Assassination

Now comes the next question – ignoring gameplay consequences, is wiping out Amita and Sabal the ethical thing to do for the people of Kyrat?

There are solid arguments on both sides. After the visionary leadership of Mohan Ghale, the Golden Path desperately needed the tactical cunning of Amita and the revolutionary passion of Sabal. They brought the movement back from the brink of destruction and delivered victory over Pagan Min.

However, with absolute power corrupting absolutely, both leaders seem destined to steer Kyrat towards further suffering.

AmitaForces children to work harvesting opium
SabalExecutes civilians and destroys ancient artifacts

I ultimately came to the conclusion that Amita and Sabal both needed to go for the sake of Kyrat‘s future. The Golden Path shouldn‘t rely so heavily on any single leader again. Their deaths, while bloody, could allow the birth of a new participatory government representing all Kyrati people.

But I recognize removal by assassination sets a dangerous precedent. Commanders seizing power through violence often perpetuate the cycle. As the son of Mohan, my player character Ajay does have the bloodline to potentially take control himself. So from an ethical perspective – it‘s an extremely close call.

How to Assassinate Amita and Sabal

If you‘re committed to the double assassination ending, here is exactly how to execute both Golden Path leader missions:

Killing Amita

After the story ends, fast travel or drive to Thirta and make your way North to the brick factory. When you reach the waypoint, you will trigger a cutscene with Amita standing triumphantly before a giant statue of Pagan Min in a military uniform.

She is surrounded by armed soldiers and continues to spout propaganda about building a strong Kyrat – through any means necessary.

You get one dialogue choice to call her out or bite your tongue. Either way, when control returns, quickly equip a powerful suppressed sniper rifle and dome shot Amita for an instant silent kill before her guards can react.

This prevents them all immediately turning hostile to surround you. Escape out the side door to lose your wanted level then clean up any remaining forces. Loot Amita‘s corpse to confirm her death. Mission accomplished!

Killing Sabal

Use a wingsuit or buzzard to reach the mountain temple Jalendu, then head inside the sanctuary. Descend down the stairs to trigger a scene of Sabal fervently praying beneath a statue of Kyra.

He praises you for helping him achieve "noble goals" of spreading his conservative religious doctrine across Kyrat. You again get to call him out for extremism or stay silent.

As soon as the conversation ends, quickly hip-fire a silenced SMG straight into his smug face. This drops him on the spot before he can reach his weapon. Escape out the side passage to de-aggro the guards.

And that‘s it! By assassinating both Amita and Sabal in quick succession using these precise methods, you cement your outlaw status as Kyrat‘s most lethal warrior.

Where you go from here depends on your own vision for the country‘s future. But the possibilities are endlessly open-ended…

In Conclusion

As someone who has sunk over 100 hours into Far Cry 4, I heartily recommend players complete a full walkthrough leaving Amita and Sabal alive. Experiencing their unique story arcs and the intended civil war storyline is crucial from a narrative perspective.

HOWEVER, once you have finished the conventional playthrough, absolutely take advantage of the opportunity for this dramatic assassination twist ending! It catches even hardcore fans by surprise and delivers an entirely fresh take on the conclusion.

Removing both faction leaders through deadly force is hugely cathartic after all the manipulation, betrayal and broken promises. Watching the Golden Path devolve into chaos as you seize ultimate power also sets up Kyrat as your own playground sandbox.

So in summary – yes, execute both Amita and Sabal on your second run! It satisfyingly subverts the expected ending and lets you imaginatively shape the country‘s future as a renegade.

Do you have any other questions about assassinating key characters in Far Cry 4? Let me know in the comments!

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