Can You Play Mortal Kombat 9 on PS4 & PS5 in 2024/2024?

As a passionate MK fan and avid gamer, this is one of the most common questions I see requested lately. So let‘s settle it once and for all:

Unfortunately no, MK9 is not natively playable on PS4 or PS5.

The game originally launched in 2011 for PS3 and Xbox 360. And despite demand from dedicated fans, it has not received the current/next-gen remaster treatment yet.

However, read on for a deep dive analysis on the possibilities of MK9 making its glorious return this generation. I‘ll also overview what MK titles are playable on PlayStation, and when we might get our hands on the elusive MK12.

Mortal Kombat 9 PS4 Support

Why Isn‘t Mortal Kombat 9 on PS4 or PS5? A Brief History

To understand why one of the most beloved MK games is still confined to aging PS3s (or Xbox Series/One backward compatibility), we have to jump back to 2011:

  • April 2011 – MK9 launched on PS3 and Xbox 360 to critical acclaim, rebooting the franchise. It introduced now-signature mechanics like X-Ray moves and a revised Fatality system.

  • May 2012 – NetherRealm released the PS Vita port, expanding MK9‘s handheld reach.

  • And…that‘s it. MK9 never received a native PS4, Xbox One, or PC port. By 2013, NetherRealm had shifted focus to Injustice: Gods Among Us, and MK9 remained a last-gen gem.

But why didn‘t MK9 join the PS4‘s vast backward compatibility library along with countless other last-gen classics? I have some theories:

The Complexities of a MK9 Remaster

Firstly, PS3-era MK titles use very complex character models and architecture that makes straightforward remastering difficult. As creator Ed Boon told gamezone in 2015:

"Oh man, we get a lot of requests for a next-gen Mortal Kombat 9 re-release. Unfortunately the game was built custom for PS3 and Xbox 360 which makes it difficult to remaster."

I feel this proprietary last-gen foundation has likely barred MK9 from joining the PS4/Xbox One compatibility ecosystem.

The Nightmare of Licensing Horror Icons

MK9‘s "Horror Pack" DLC also throws a further wrench in any remastering efforts. This controversial DLC allowed you to play as Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street or Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise.

I speculate the licensing rights and royalties involved here may prove an additional headache when porting MK9 forwards. Especially as the Friday the 13th license returned to its original owner recently.

Developer Focus Shifted to Injustice and MK11

Finally, developer priorities simply moved away from MK9 after its initial 2012 Vita launch. By 2013, Injustice: Gods Among Us had become NetherRealm‘s headline fighter. And MKX in 2015 proved a daring reboot of franchise combat and Fatalities.

MK11 now exists in a semi-regular content refresh lifecycle on PS4 and modern consoles. I feel remastering the 2 games prior has not been a pressing priority for NetherRealm – their resources have been poured into evolving the current-gen MK experience.

However…the winds may soon change on that front.

Could an MK9 Remaster Still Happen? Investigating the Odds for 2023 & Beyond

Despite almost a decade passing since its launch, desire amongst MK die-hards for an MK9 remaster burns brighter than ever.

And there are encouraging signs such a project could still come to fruition:

  • Backward compatibility rumors: Xbox insider chatter suggests MK9 may finally join the backward compatibility list for Xbox Series hardware. This could reignite NetherRealm‘s interest.
  • Ed Boon is still considering: When recently asked about an MK9 remaster, creator Ed Boon responded "Never say never". Indicates it remains on their radar.
  • Developer familiarity: Having worked extensively on Injustice 2 and MK11, developers now have invaluable expertise for revamping older franchise entries.

Piecing this together, I believe an MK9 remaster could arrive between 2023-2025 to tide fans over before MK12. My speculative Roadmap:

2023 – MK9 added to Xbox Series backward compatibility list after months of speculation. Sets the stage for bigger things…

Late 2023 – Ed Boon reveals behind the scenes sneak peek at early work on an MK9 remaster for "a next generation console launch exclusive". Fans lose their minds.

2024 – MK9 Remastered formally announced at E3 2024 as a PS5 & Xbox Series launch exclusive coming Q1 2025. Will feature overhauled models, 4K 60fps gameplay, all DLC included, and bonus new-gen content teasing what‘s to come in MK12.

This is obviously just my own speculative timeline – but gives a picture of how an MK9 remaster could shake out.

The demand is certainly there. It‘s now just a question of NetherRealm allocating resources towards making it happen post-MK11 support winding down.

What Mortal Kombat Games Are Currently Playable on PS5 & PS4?

As we theorize and await a potential MK9 remastered return, what current Mortal Kombat options exist on PlayStation consoles right now? Let‘s summarize:

  • Mortal Kombat 11 (PS5/PS4): MK11 and its Aftermath/Ultimate content expansions are playable across both PlayStation generations. Features customizable variations, deep mechanics, and the series‘ most cinematic production value yet. Continues receiving balance fixes and meta shakeups too.

  • Mortal Kombat X (PS Now Streaming): You can stream MKX on demand via newer PlayStation Plus Premium (formerly PlayStation Now). Includes all DLC fighters like Alien‘s Xenomorph, Leatherface, and the guest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No download access unfortunately – but better than nothing!

So current-gen PlayStation owners aren‘t totally devoid of options. But MK9‘s shadow looms large as the desired missing link to complete the modern MK experience.

Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack 2

When Is Mortal Kombat 12 Releasing & What Platforms Will It Support?

As anticipation builds for a potential MK9 remaster down the road, what does the future hold for Mortal Kombat 12 releasing in 2024?

Here‘s everything confirmed so far:

  • 2023 Release Window: MK12 will launch at some point next year according to developer chatter and insider sources.
  • Platforms: Coming to PS5 & Xbox Series X/S as true current-gen exclusives. Sadly no PS4 or Xbox One support announced as yet.
  • Story: Direct sequel to MK11 wrapping up the Dark Raiden and Kronika storyline threads.
  • Gameplay: A "back to basics" reboot focusing on fundamentals over complex mechanics (source).

I predict we‘ll see MK12 in April 2023 to align with Mortal Kombat‘s traditional early year release window.

And while PS4 support would widen the install base, I believe MK12 doubling down as a showcase next-gen exclusive is the right call. We desperately need a title to push boundaries of Unreal Engine 5 gore with destructible environments and photoreal fighter damage.

My ideal vision? A grittier, brutal paso doble through MK‘s greatest hits but evolved to set a new graphical showcase benchmark for fighting games this generation.

The Bottom Line – An MK9 Remaster is Coming…Eventually!

So in summary – no, you still cannot play the legendary Mortal Kombat 9 on modern PlayStation hardware natively.

But there is increasing evidence NetherRealm may FINALLY revisit it for a remaster between 2023-2025. I laid out my speculative roadmap predictions here for how that could play out as a PS5 exclusive.

For now, PS5 and PS4 owners still have MK11 and its mountains of kontent updates to occupy them. Plus streaming access to MKX on PS Plus Premium.

And next year all eyes turn to the elusive Mortal Kombat 12 – set to push boundaries as a current-gen only platform exclusive that leaves the PS4 legacy behind.

As an MK fan since the 90s it‘s agonizing being teased with the potential return of a remastered MK9 after so long. But I remain eternally optimistic! Ed Boon knows the demand is there, the ball is in NetherRealm‘s court…

So until 2023 brings more concrete MK9 or MK12 news, I‘ll be here with controller in hand practicing my Fatalities in anticipation. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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