Can you play Skyward Sword before Breath of the Wild?

Yes, you can absolutely play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword before Breath of the Wild. While the two games have connected backstories within the expansive Zelda timeline, both work very well as independent adventures full of captivating stories and gameplay. Ultimately, deciding which title to play first comes down to personal preferences around accessibility, gameplay styles, storyline focus, and more.

How Skyward Sword Established the Zelda Franchise

As the origins story in the series’ extensive lore and mythology, Skyward Sword sets up countless integral aspects of the Zelda universe that later games like Breath of the Wild build upon:

  • The establishment of Skyloft and the Sky people as precursors to Hyrule and Hyrulians
  • The creation of the all-important Master Sword that recurs in every game
  • The backstory of the royal Hylia bloodline and Goddess reincarnations
  • The introduction of recurring elements like the Triforce, bird riding, and demon enemies

Skyward Sword essentially stitches together the initial fabric that the broader Zelda tapestry is then embroidered upon. Through its vibrant world stacked vertically across floating islands and down through mysterious caverns leading to the sprawling surface lands below, players witness Hyrule’s historical founding while defeating swarms of demons and the evil Demon King Demise.

Knowledge gained here enriches future chronological games, but isn’t required to enjoy them. However, fans of lore can deeply appreciate Breath of the Wild all the more after Skyward Sword demonstrates just how Hyrule rose to prosperity before eventually falling to ruin.

Key Gameplay and Mechanics Contrasts Between the Titles

As two of the most critically acclaimed Zelda titles (per 94 Metascore and 97 Metascore), Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild showcase vastly different approaches to combat, exploration, mobility, and progression:

Gameplay AspectSkyward SwordBreath of the Wild
Combat StyleMotion control sword fightingVaried melee, ranged weapons
World DesignDiscrete interconnected zonesSeamless open world
Progression SystemStructured, progressiveOpen-ended freedom
Puzzle ComplexityHighly challengingWidely varying

This table summarizes fundamental distinctions between the titles. These may influence players to favor starting with either Skyward Sword for its focused structure or Breath of the Wild for its accessibility through freeform exploration.

Weighing Story Order Versus Accessibility

One key consideration around playing order stems from the inherent trade-offs between storyline continuity versus modern gaming sensibilities.

As the first chapter, Skyward Sword holds huge narrative weight yet its motion-based combat and strictly segmented world feel dated to some after Breath of the Wild’s massive open environs. However, by playing in story order, you better understand Breath of the Wild’s place at the far end of that awesome timeline.

Meanwhile, Breath of the Wild makes major innovations enhancing gameplay freedom which won’t be fully appreciated after the constrained original formula of Skyward Sword. Yet you’d lose the poignancy of witnessing the full decline of Hyrule without the critical backstory.

Overall, while starting with Skyward Sword bolsters story continuity similar to movies unfolding chronologically within an overarching universe, oftentimes audiences first experience properties through more recent releases that ultimately compel them to go back and appreciate the entire saga.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

Based on analysis above evaluating vital differences and play order considerations between the two titles highlighted below, the concise yet rather obvious recommendation is:

  • For franchise newcomers, start with Breath of the Wild to benefit from more accessible and forgiving open world freedom before diving back into the structured origins.
  • For Zelda veterans, if story continuity matters most, begin with Skyward Sword then play Breath of the Wild to fully witness Hyrule’s complete history.

Or simply embark on whichever adventure speaks to you most right now, perhaps alternating between the two for maximum immersion! Their exclusive mechanics ensure wholly distinct quests across Hyrule no matter which you play first.

Now go don that iconic green tunic and stock up on bombs, bows, potions and rupees as your epic journey awaits! Let me know if you have any other questions comparing these two incredible titles.

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