Can You Reverse a Plus 2 Card in UNO?

As a passionate UNO player and gaming content creator, one of the most common questions I get from fans is: "Can you reverse a Plus 2 card in UNO?" So let‘s dive into the details around reversing Plus 2s and other key UNO rules!

The Short Answer

No, you cannot reverse or negate the effect of a Plus 2 card in UNO, even if you play a Reverse card immediately after. When a Plus 2 card is played on you, you must draw 2 cards and skip your next turn no matter what.

But there‘s more UNO strategy and nuance here, so read on!

Deep Dive on UNO‘s Plus 2 Rules

Over my many (too many?) hours playing UNO, getting hit by devastating Plus 2s at the worst times, and returning the favor against friends, I‘ve become an expert on its rules.

Here‘s everything you need to know about reversing, countering, and stacking Plus 2s:

You Can‘t Reverse a Plus 2 After It‘s Played

  • When a player places a Plus 2 card, the very next player must draw 2 cards immediately and forfeit their turn. No exceptions.
  • Playing a Reverse card after does not cancel or reverse this effect. It simply changes the order of play for future turns.
  • The only Reverse cards that can be played are ones matching the Plus 2 card‘s color (e.g. both red) or another Reverse card. So you can‘t just play any old Reverse trying to get revenge!

Plus 2 Cards Cannot Be Stacked or Chained

A common house rule suggestion is allowing players to "stack" or chain Plus 2s to rack up even bigger penalties. **However:

  • Officially, Plus 2 cards cannot be stacked per UNO‘s rules. If a Plus 2 is played on you, you must draw 2, not 4 or 6 or anything higher.
  • You cannot play your own Plus 2 on top of one played to "reverse" the effect back onto the previous player. Only 2 cards get drawn always.

This table summarizes it nicely:

Plus 2 Used On YouCan You Play Your Own Plus 2 Back?Total Cards Drawn

So chaining Plus 2s is not allowed no matter how tempting!

Strategic Usage of Reverses

While Reverses can‘t undo a Plus 2 after it happens, they still have strategic value:

  • If you suspect you may get hit by a Plus 2 soon, you can play a Reverse prematurely to change up the turn order and throw opponents off!
  • You can also time playing your own Plus 2 more strategically with skips and reverses to maximize damage!

So in summary:

  • You cannot directly reverse or negate Plus 2s in UNO
  • Chaining Plus 2s is not allowed
  • But! With strategy and future planning, you can play skips and reverses to set up offensive Plus 2 moves, or throw opponents off before they can use one on you

Hope this gives you some pro tips on how to leverage (or avoid!) Plus 2s and use reverses strategically even though reversing Plus 2s directly is against the rules! Let me know in the comments if you have any other UNO questions.

As a gaming content creator I‘m happy to provide more UNO strategy guides and fun videos demonstrating these rules in action. So subscribe to my channel!

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