Can you solo a mega raid?

I know the instinct when you first hear about mega raids in Pokémon Go. "Ha! I got this! Can finally flex my skills soloing the toughest thing Niantic can throw at me." Let me stop you right there. Mega raids crank the difficulty to 11, so straight up – no, you cannot solo mega raids in PoGo. I‘ve tried, many others have tried, no one has come close without serious exploit abuse.

These apex tier raids live up to the hype in challenge, requiring expert-level counters and coordination from multiple high-level trainers to stand a chance. But fret not, passionate trainers! I‘m here with the real guide to strategizing, building your raid parties, and collectively toppling these mega-evolved beasts. Let‘s get into it!

Mega Raid Bosses – CP and Difficulty Analysis

Make no mistake, the mega evolved Pokémon you face as mega raid bosses are no joke. Their CP ranges from 42,691 for Mega Venusaur up to a massive 50,460 for Mega Gengar. For comparison, top legendary raids like Giratina sit around 42,000. Mythical raid bosses don’t even come close either. We’re talking end-game stats and movesets you need to stand up against.

As fellow PoGo enthusiasts know well, CP isn’t everything either. You also have their typing, attack power, and sustainability to account for. Mega Venasaur retains its double grass/poison weakness despite the CP advantage. Contrast with Mega Charizard Y and its single fire type vulnerability, boosted fire STAB damage, and flaming hot 5,638 max attack stat.

Bottom line – these mega raid bosses are balanced to constantly pressure a full squad of high level counters. Their movesets are diverse and hard-hitting across the board. Which brings me to…

How Mega Raids Compare to Legendary Difficulty

Legendary raids are no cakewalk, but how much harder are these mega raids? Niantic classifies mega raids as ‘Tier 6’ – a step up from the tier 5 legendary/mythical raids we’re used to. Fitting, as the numbers confirm mega raids are meant to be a supreme challenge.

Let’s look at PokeBattler estimates on the squad sizes needed to take down some of the heaviest hitters:

Mega GengarMega Charizard YGiratina Origin Forme
Clear %95%93%98%
# of Trainers15186

As you can see, mega raid clears need nearly triple the ideal number of trainers as the tough Giratina Origin forme. Their massive stat totals let them pressure your squad relentlessly. This table says nothing of the maxed counters and rejoining persistence required!

So if legendary raids are like midterms, mega raids are your relentless final exams. Time to hit the textbooks and be ready!

Key Mega Raid Counters and Meta Picks

One relief is that the same species get recycled as mega bosses. That means you can zero in on powering up the top counters for each typing and be prepped when their raid rolls around. Building a broad roster is critical, so you can form type-advantaged offensive and defensive cores no matter the mega foe.

Here are some of the most versatile, meta defining picks to rush out during raid events and set as Buddies:

  • Mega Charizard Y – Fire DPS supreme. Also boosts allies.
  • Mega Gengar – Massive ghost/poison damage. Watch for Psychic.
  • Rampardos – Rock wrecker says it all. Just no bulk.
  • Chandelure – Ghost and fire beast. Tanky for a glass cannon.
  • Excadrill – Mud Shot + Rock Slide. Nuff said.

There are too many to name fully with all the type coverage needed. Safe to say, expect to invest plenty of Stardust and Candy powering up squads with depth and versatility. Time to put in the work!

The Grind is Real – Farming Mega Energy

So you’ve built your roster of counters. Next up – farming Mega Energy to evolve them in the first place! As veterans know, you accumulate Mega Energy from:

  • Catching specied from raids, eggs, research, and spawns
  • Walking your Mega Evolved Buddy
  • Completing Mega Raids themselves!

It’s a grind, no doubt. To unlock a species initial mega evolution takes 200 energy at minimum. You get slightly more bumping into that species as a mega raid boss itself, but it still means weeks of catching and walking to store up.

Pro Tip: I always have a Charizard, Gengar, or Blastoise as my mega evolved buddy. Grabs energy even as I grind stops and mons for events or just relaxing at home. Find a good Netflix mega evolved buddy!

The Reality: Gather Your Party for Raids

At the start I dreamed of solo record times against these mega titans. Now I know better from harsh experience. Draining their massive HP is a total team effort.

My advice? Swallow your pride like I did. Join local groups, build a raid party, coordinate times and locations. Exchanging stories and seeing fellow trainers pile the damage makes victory way more fun. Sure, raid rewards get split more ways. But pulling off tight wins as a cohesive group feels crazy good.

Honestly I was the same way with legendarily raids too when they launched. Some mindsets you gotta shake as the game evolves.

So don‘t get discouraged, crew! We can conquer mega raids together with patience and friendship. I’ll be right there with you guys shocked when someone actually solos one down legit. Maybe by 2030? 😉 Let me know your mega raid dreams and struggles down in the comments!

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