Dual Wielding Katanas in Kenshi – Weapon Analysis and Strategy

I‘ve sunk over 200 hours into Kenshi, and during my travels through its expansive world, no weapon is more ubiquitous than the katana. As a passionate gamer, I wanted to provide a comprehensive analysis around the viability of using two katanas in this hardcore RPG.

Can You Actually Dual Wield Weapons in Kenshi?

In short – no, Kenshi does not natively support dual wielding of melee weapons. Despite having two weapon slots, characters will only actively attack with the main hand weapon equipped.

However, several player-made mods provide the visual flair of dual wielding through extra weapon models. The most popular ones are Twin Blades and Wield Anything.

Twin BladesMirrors main weapon visually in off-handNo stat boosts from off-hand
Wield AnythingLets you equip any item visuallyCan seem unrealistic

These simply make it look like you‘re dual wielding weapons. But your damage output will remain unchanged, as only the main hand actively strikes enemies.

According to multiple redditors and Steam community members, the secondary weapon slot does still serve an important purpose:

"I use it for carrying extra loot without overencumbering my squad."

"I keep a backup dexterity weapon there for getting lockpicking bonuses when needed."

So while dual wielding katanas isn‘t possible, the second slot isn‘t meaningless either.

An Ode to the Katana

The katana requires no introduction for Kenshi players. Fast, deadly, lightweight – it‘s the perfect accompaniment for lone wanderers and large factions alike.

Let‘s analyze why it‘s so ubiquitous:

  • Blazing Swing Speed: At 0.9 attack speed, it‘s much faster than heavy weapons at 0.75. This allows landing more hits.
  • Bleeding Edge Damage: Standard katanas have 35 cutting damage – enough to cleave off limbs! Higher quality ones reach up to 50.
  • Great Reach: At 1.2 weapon length, katanas provide good striking range to keep enemies at bay.
  • Featherweight: Weighing just 5 kg, they don‘t slow down users. This helps chasing down prey.

Coupled with good armor penetration, katanas can be equipped by fighters of any playstyle for reliable performance.

Compared to other dexterity weapons like sabres, katanas have slightly slower swing speeds in exchange for heavier per-hit damage. Against heavy weapons like falling suns, they trade raw power for attack speed.

This combination of flexibility and high DPS makes them a fixture for both new and expert players.

The Cream of the Crop: Top-Tier Katanas

While most katanas perform well, a few legendary variants take things even further:

  • Meitou grade katanas – Exceptionally forged blades with 50-60 cutting damage and bonus armor penetration. Highly prized collector‘s items!
  • Catun No. 1-3 – Specialist sabres with 45-55 cutting damage and extra limb damage. Extremely rare.
  • Topper – At 65 damage, it‘s the outright strongest katana in vanilla Kenshi. But good luck getting Cat-Lon to give his up!

Now let‘s see how katanas fare across different character builds and playstyles:

Solo Wanderers

For lone nomads just looking to survive, pairing a katana with a crossbow or ranged weapon is a popular choice. You can then engage threats safely from afar and use the katana as last resort if overwhelmed.

However, relying solely on katanas can be problematic early on against wildlife. Beak things in particular require carefully timed blocks and dodges to bring down. So carrying an additional falling sun or heavy weapon helps immensely until your skills improve.

Martial Artists

For unarmed masters, a katana complements fist-based attacks well. Since martial arts penalize weapon skills, fighters tend to use katanas purely as backup weapons or for passive bleeding DoT effects before switching back to fists.

This is where the second weapon slot comes in handy – allowing quick swaps without fumbling through inventory screens mid-battle!

Weapon Specialists

Dedicated weapon experts, like hackers and sabre duelists, almost always carry a katana as additional protection given how versatile it is.

However, relying too much on katanas compared to their specialized weapons can dull certain skills over time. So use it as a backup rather than main choice for appropriate builds.

Roleplaying Limitations in Kenshi

Now one question players often ask – can you start families or relationships in Kenshi?

Unfortunately the answer is no. Kenshi is focused purely on sandbox gameplay elements like exploration, building, and conquest. The roleplaying aspect does not extend to marrying characters or managing dynasties.

While modders have made relationship dialogue mods, the core game remains centered on personal journeys of survival versus emotional bonds with characters.

So in summary, while you can‘t dual wield weapons effectively, katanas are extremely versatile armaments for the dangers across Kenshi‘s expansive world. Understanding their strengths and shortcomings against different enemies and environments is key to survival in this unforgiving land.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other katana quick tips and tricks to share!

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