Did Ace have a child?

As a long-time One Piece superfan and content creator focused on analyzing each chapter, I get asked this burning question a lot: Did Ace actually father a child before his death at Marineford?

The Story of Portgas D. Ace Thus Far

Now for non-fans, some quick background on Ace – he was the son of the infamous King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger, and his lover Portgas D. Rouge, who courageously carried baby Ace for 20 months after Roger‘s execution to protect him from persecution.

Eventually taken in by mountain bandit Curly Dadan, Ace grew up alongside Luffy in the forests of Mt. Corvo, developing a lifelong bond with him as sworn brothers. Vowing to chart his own course, Ace sets sail and rises swiftly in piracy, joining the legendary Whitebeard Pirates where he felt he found a home.

Tragically, Ace lost his life protecting Luffy at the pivotal Battle of Marineford, cementing his legacy as one defined by brotherhood. Now in terms of romantic connections – Ace regrettably never had a confirmed lover or partner during his travels. But could that fiery pirate have left behind a secret heir we don‘t know about yet? Let‘s analyze some compelling theories from One Piece devotees!

Examining the Top Theories About Ace‘s Potential Children

(Theory 1) Ace fathered a child with Jewelry Bonney

The past of the mystifying Supernova Bonney remains mostly unknown. As a fellow native of South Blue, some fans speculate she may have history with Ace back in their youths. Perhaps a baby resulted between these hot-headed pirates? We need to know Bonney‘s full backstory to get more clues!

(Theory 2) Ace & Yamato‘s literal explosive baby

In one of the more outlandish theories, fans humorously suggest Ace getting together with the powerful Yamato while visiting Wano in the past. But apparently Yamato‘s pure strength launched their newborn child into orbit immediately upon delivery! Surely Eneru will locate this lost Ace-Yamato space baby someday…

(Theory 3) Ace‘s daughter Maria with unnamed mother

One theorizer crafts Maria D. Portgas as Ace‘s feisty pirate daughter, a true daddy‘s girl trained by Ace himself before his death. But they do not identify Maria‘s mother, leaving it a wide open mystery. Is her mom waiting to be revealed as an existing character? That would ignite the fandom!

Ace‘s ChildSuspected MotherFan EvidenceRealism
Maria D. Portgas (daughter)UnnamedDetailed backstory for MariaNo canon basis but a popular fan creation
Child with BonneyJewelry BonneyBoth from South Blue originallySomewhat plausible, awaiting Bonney‘s full history
Spacebaby with YamatoYamatoShock of delivery sends newborn flyingHilarious but impossible theory

So those are three visible examples of fan speculation on whether Ace ever conceived a baby. What other clues might point to Ace possibly fathering a child?

Analyzing Canon Info for Hints About Ace & Parenthood

Oda is renowned for planning stories and character arcs years in advance in his meritsiculous notes. Could there already be clues about Ace having a secret child planted by the master mangaka? Let‘s investigate some possibly telling tidbits:

-> Ace‘s Mother Rouge Hiding Him After Roger‘s Death

Rouge incredibly carried the late Pirate King Roger‘s baby for 20 months to protect Ace from persecution. Ace may have picked up some lasting lessons or instincts for safeguarding one‘s offspring from his mother‘s sacrifices.

-> Scrapped Storyline With Female Character Isuka

Originally Ace had an arc involving a potential love interest named Isuka planned. So Oda at least entertained Ace romance at one point. Their storyline was discarded but knowing Oda, he rarely abandons ideas fully. Could Isuka or echoes of this plotline reemerge? You never know!

-> Ace‘s Special Flower Accessory as a Nod to His Mother

Some fans argue the bright orange flower accessory Ace wears in remembrance of his mother could also subtly signify he too became a parent before his death. It‘s reading deeply into limited material but you can‘t rule it out!

-> The Mystery of Bonney‘s Connection to Ace

Bonney clearly shares history with Whitebeard‘s crew and specifically reacted emotionally when hearing of Ace‘s death. Her past interacting with Ace or perhaps a deeper bond remains untold. Whatever happened between them offscreen could come back into the story soon!

Who Could Have Been the Mother of Ace‘s Possible Child?

If Ace did indeed father a child, whether before setting sail or even during his pirating days, who are the top candidates to be the mother based on his interactions and relationships?

Here are the front-running possibilities in my speculative opinion:

-> Jewelry Bonney – Given her ties to Whitebeard‘s crew and Ace‘s origins in South Blue, she remains the most logical choice to have mothered Ace‘s baby. Once her history gets revealed more, I‘d bet money we get confirmation on this theory! There has to be significance to her bonds with Ace and Whitebeard.

-> Yamato – We know Yamato long idolized Ace when he briefly visited Wano years ago. Who knows what else may have transposed behind the scenes? An unlikely pairing perhaps but Yamato‘s own complex history with parenthood via Kaido makes this stay intriguing.

-> Isuka – As mentioned, Ace nearly had a dedicated arc with female pirate Isuka as a central character and possible love interest. That never came to fruition but considering how intertwined Ace‘s life was with Wano, the remnants of this storyline with Isuka might experience a revival down the road.

-> Makino – As a very close childhood friend of Ace and Luffy, some fans think she could have gotten entangled with Ace romantically off-panel before his departure from Luffy‘s hometown. This would obviously cause chaos with her current status as mother to Shanks‘ child!

There are easily more radical theories about supporting characters possibly birthing Ace‘s kids – I‘ve seen Tashigi, Hina, Robin and shockingly even Smoker suggested by devout fans. But the above four feel like the prime candidates based on Ace‘s backstory.

Let me know in the comments which Ace ship feels the most convincing to potentially produce offspring!

My Conclusion: Did Ace Actually Father a Child?

Given the immense secrecy and misdirection that defines One Piece, I have to conclude it is absolutely possible Ace fathered a secret child we have yet to officially meet in the story. There are simply too many conspicuous theories and subtle hints left unresolved about his past relationships and contacts.

Oda loves to subvert expectations and set up plot points chapters if not years before they pay off. Ace having a future heir to carry on his legacy who joins the final war against Blackbeard and the World Government in honor of the Whitebeard Pirates just feels like something he‘d craft.

My money remains on Jewelry Bonney eventually getting confirmed as the ace up Oda‘s sleeve (pun intended) when her backstory comes more into focus. Her ties to Ace‘s native sea certainly don‘t seem coincidental. And the emotional capacity of her shedding tears upon hearing Ace‘s fate indicates profound history we have not seen.

I‘d wager Bonney hid Ace‘s child away somewhere safe for protection in the perilous New World and will reunite with them soon. The warning Ace gave Luffy about a potential "Great War" on the horizon may come from his own parental instincts to shield his young one from danger.

But only Oda knows the actual answer right now. Do you think Ace spawned a next generation of his bloodline before Marineford? Or will he remain a free spirit with offspring only among his fellow Whitebeard swashbucklers? Share your best theories with me! Until the winding tale of One Piece reaches resolution, this mystery endures.

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