Did Ash marry Serena?

No. As of 2023 within the long-running Pokemon anime series, iconic hero Ash Ketchum and one of his most popular traveling companions Serena have not officially gotten married or entered into a committed relationship. However, that doesn‘t mean their story is over.

Serena‘s Goodbye Kiss: Clarifying What It Meant

In the final episode of the XY&Z season, a visibly distraught Serena kissed Ash on the cheek before leaving to pursue her own path as a Pokemon Performer in Hoenn. This led many fans to speculate that the two of them shared mutual romantic feelings.

According to director Tetsuo Yajima in an Animage magazine interview, "[Ash‘s] reaction was meant to express his surprise rather than romantic feelings." However, Yajima did state the intention was for fans to assume Ash and Serena could become a couple further down the line.

So while Ash appears oblivious to Serena‘s affection at that point in time, the creative team deliberately made the moment impactfully romantic as a possibility for future payoff.

Could Ash Reciprocate Serena‘s Feelings Over Time?

Ash is famously dense when it comes to romance – failing to recognize feelings from female companions like Misty, May, or Dawn. However, many fans feel that if any girl could finally break through to Ash, it would be Serena.

Having known Ash since childhood and forging a uniquely personal bond during their Kalos journey, Serena understands Ash better than most. If Ash were to mature and recognize romantic love, many speculate Serena would be the natural recipient.

Chance of Future RelationshipAsh and SerenaAsh and Other Female Companions
Mutual BondVery StrongModerate
Romantic Interest1-Sided from SerenaAmbiguous/Open-Ended
Overall ChanceHighLow-Moderate

How Realistic is it That Ash Would Get Married?

As the perpetual 10-year old hero focused intently on becoming a Pokemon Master over 800+ episodes, Ash has shown little overt interest in romantic love so far in the anime. But could that change overtime?

According to ScreenRant‘s Craig Elvy, "Ash is pretty asexual in the anime thus far, given his main motivation seems to be catching Pokémon and becoming a Pokémon Master." However, he points out that Ash displays subtle signs of maturing across newer seasons.

Other long-time female companions like Misty, May, or Dawn cannot be fully ruled out either as future love interests if Ash underwent major character development. However, Anime News Network‘s Rebecca Silverman notes in her XY&Z review how Serena stands apart:

"Because we actually get to see the start of their relationship, Serena has a special place in the show‘s mythology – she is unique in the deep affection she inspires in a notoriously oblivious Ash."

So while Ash starting an official relationship remains unlikely in the near future, Serena would be the foremost contender given their extra memorable bond.

The Chance for Reunion – A Spark of Hope

Since their split, Ash and Serena have not reunited in the anime storyline yet as both continue pursuing their respective Pokemon Master and Performer dreams.

However, Serena‘s Japanese voice actress Mayuki Makiguchi offered some insight in an interview with Animage (translated by Twitter user @ashandserena):

"I want Serena to start going out with Satoshi (Ash). I think it would be good if they reunite by chance in a future episode."

This indicates both creative interest and fan demand for Ash and Serena to meet again down the line – potentially rekindling their bond into something deeper like a romantic relationship.

So as of now – no marriage between the two fan favorites just yet. But their story feels unfinished with more still left to explore should the anime opt to bring Serena back.

The Long View – What Does the Future Hold?

Looking at the wider franchise outside the anime, the viewer-driven nature of live service mobile game Pokemon Masters EX actually did introduce a married alternate universe version of the characters – "Sygna Suit Serena" arriving alongside husband "Sygna Suit Ash".

So while not fully canon to the animated storyline itself, this hints that the brand recognizes Ash and Serena‘s popularity as a potential couple and is willing to fuel that fan speculation.

Only time will tell whether the anime chooses to reunite the two, but for now fans continue sharing their hopes, theories, and fanart about what could one day be. And with how memorably the XY&Z season left their bond – the flames of passion between Ash Ketchum and Serena still burn bright in the hearts of many.

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