Did Doomguy Really Marry Isabelle? Evaluating an Iconic Gaming Meme

The short answer is no – there is unfortunately no evidence the legendary Doomguy has officially tied the knot with Animal Crossing‘s Isabelle in canon. But the idea sparked one of gaming‘s most viral memes and fan fantasies.

The Unlikely "Relationship" Origins

On March 20, 2020, the new releases Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons just happened to launch on the very same day. Fans noticed the serendipitous timing and amusing contrast between the ultra-violent, demon-slaying Doomguy and the cheerful, family-friendly Isabelle.

This led to fan artists and meme creators portraying the two characters hanging out together or even dating. The "Doomabelle" hashtag soon spread rapidly online, capturing gamers‘ imaginations:

Doomabelle Fan Art

But does this internet sensation reflect any true canonical connection between the two franchises? Let‘s explore the history.

Doomguy‘s Backstory: A Marine Fueled by Vengeance

Doomguy is the unnamed player character in id Software‘s groundbreaking Doom shooter series. Introduced in 1993‘s Doom, he is characterized by relentless aggression against the demonic forces of Hell.

As a marine stationed on Mars, Doomguy survived an invasion from Hell which killed his pet rabbit Daisy and left him sworn to vengeance. Doomguy has since remained the protagonist across Doom II, Doom 3, Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.

While older backstory referenced a wife and child also killed in the invasion, the newer games focus solely on Daisy as Doomguy‘s emotional motivation for his crusade against demonkind. He has no confirmed love interests in any Doom game.

Isabelle: Animal Crossing‘s Cheery Assistant

Meanwhile, Isabelle debuted in 2012‘s Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS as the player‘s helpful secretary and guide to the world of the game. With her upbeat attitude and reliable advice, she quickly became a fan-favorite character.

Isabelle even gained expanded roles like mayor in later Animal Crossing titles. But beyond implied crushes on the player regardless of gender, she has no defined romantic relationships in the games.

So how did these two dissimilar characters end up paired by the internet?

Behind the Meme: "Doomabelle" Takes Off

When Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing happened to launch on the very same date, fans immediately noticed the funny contrast between the two games‘ styles and characters.

This inspired artist Sophie Prewitt to tweet the first image of Isabelle cuddled up with Doomguy along with the caption "Opposite games with the same release date!!"

The tweet went viral fast, and the Doomabelle meme was born. Fans began creating countless wholesome art and comics imagining the two hanging out together as pals:

More Doomabelle Fan Art

The absurd mix of brutal Doomguy and cute Isabelle was too amusing for the internet to resist. But was there any actual substance to this relationship, or just coincidence?

Developers Coy About the Meme‘s Canonicity

While fans latched onto the Doomabelle concept, developers at id Software and Nintendo have remained coy about whether it reflects any official crossover canon between the franchises.

Doom Eternal director Hugo Martin diplomatically acknowledged the meme‘s popularity in an August 2020 interview with VGC:

"The internet will come up with all types of crazy stuff. Who am I to say this or that? I think the fact that people are having fun with it is really cool."

So Martin seemed entertained yet noncommittal on the meme‘s canonicity. Nintendo has offered no comment at all on this unauthorized pairing of their mascot Isabelle.

Imagining a Timeline: How Could They Have Met?

While not canon, the imagination runs wild thinking of how Doomguy and Isabelle could meet and eventually wed if their worlds collided. Here is one possible timeline:

  • 20XX: Fluctuations in the spacetime continuum cause a demonic Hell portal to open above the idyllic Animal Crossing village.

  • 20XX + 1: Doomguy emerges from the portal, weapons hot, ready to purge the area of any demonic contamination. A frightened Isabelle confronts him alone.

  • 20XX + 2: After a tense standoff, Isabelle convinces Doomguy that her village is peaceful. Doomguy vows to protect it from the portal‘s monsters.

  • 20XX + 3: Working together side by side, romance blooms between marine and secretary as they defend the village daily.

  • 20XX + 4: Doomguy proposes to Isabelle and they are wed under the glowing Hell portal swarmed by invading demons! True love prevails.

If only this adorably absurd fan fiction were real canon! We can dream…

The Verdict: A Fun Meme, But Not Actual Lore

While immensely popular and creative, the marriage between Doomguy and Isabelle lives on only in fan imagination and memes, not any official game lore. id Software and Nintendo have not acknowledged any crossover relationships between their flagship characters.

But the vast appeal of "Doomabelle" demonstrates the willingness of gaming fandoms to embrace even the most absurd fictional relationships and find common ground. The two franchises may be diametric opposites, but their characters made for the perfect internet odd couple!

So did Doomguy really marry Isabelle after all? We can conclusively say the wedding vows were only in fans‘ minds and memes, but what an amazing reception it was!

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