Did Notch regret selling Minecraft?

No, Notch does not seem to regret selling Minecraft to Microsoft in 2014 for $2.5 billion

Notch, whose real name is Markus Persson, created Minecraft and sold his company Mojang which owned Minecraft to Microsoft in a surprise deal worth $2.5 billion in 2014. At the time, Notch said the sale would allow him to continue working on games without as much pressure and focus more on his personal life.

In the years since the sale, Notch has made some comments indicating mixed feelings about no longer being involved in Minecraft‘s development. However, he has not outright said he regrets the decision. The sale brought him an enormous amount of money and allowed Minecraft to grow under Microsoft in ways it may not have otherwise.

Criticism Notch Faced for Selling Out

After selling Minecraft, Notch faced some backlash from fans who felt he had "sold out" by handing the game over to a large corporation like Microsoft. There were concerns that Microsoft would ruin the spirit of Minecraft or overly commercialize it.

In response, Notch said he understands why some fans feel he is a "sellout" but the sale was the right business move and best thing for himself and the future of Minecraft at the time. He admitted the scrutiny has been difficult though.

The Evolution of Minecraft Post-Notch

Since 2014 when Microsoft acquired Mojang, Minecraft has continued to evolve and expand dramatically. Some key developments:

  • Unified Bedrock engine allowing cross-play across platforms
  • Numerous new mobs, biomes, materials, and dimensions added
  • Redstone mechanics improved
  • Minecraft Marketplace launched for community creators
  • Spin-off games like Minecraft Dungeons released
  • Augmented reality versions and merchandise developed

Notch has occasionally commented that Minecraft today seems a "bit dead" to him or that he preferred the earlier simplicity of the game. However, the franchise remains as popular as ever today.

Benefits of the Microsoft Acquisition

While the buyout was concerning for some hardcore fans at first, Microsoft has arguably been a good steward of Minecraft‘s legacy. They have prioritized community building and enabled the game to spread to new platforms.

Some key benefits of Microsoft‘s purchase of Minecraft include:

  • Greater resources – Microsoft invested to improve staffing, expand servers, and deliver more frequent updates
  • Cross-platform play – Unified Bedrock engine allowed cross-play between mobile, console, and PC
  • Developer support – Programs like the Marketplace enable community creators to be compensated
  • Spin-off growth – New games like Dungeons and Legends reaching new fans

The incredible continued success of Minecraft reflects these investments by Microsoft. It remains one of the best-selling and most popular video games of all time.

The Importance of the Community

While Notch originated Minecraft and led its early development, the game‘s success stems largely from the community that has formed around it. This vibrant community creating mods, videos, artwork, servers, and more continues to thrive today. Microsoft seems committed to nourishing this community that is so vital to Minecraft‘s lasting popularity through initiatives like the Marketplace.


Notch has undoubtedly had mixed emotions watching Minecraft evolve without his direct involvement over the past 8 years since selling the game. However, the sale has allowed the franchise to grow beyond what Mojang may have achieved independently. While the spirit of early Minecraft is gone for some, the game remains vibrant and influential under Microsoft‘s care. For better or worse, the Minecraft phenomenon endures even without Notch at the helm today.

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