Do Allays Really Stop Following You in Minecraft?

The short answer is yes, Allays can stop following players under certain conditions. However, there are also many ways to ensure they will continue to loyally follow you for as long as you want.

As an avid Minecraft player and mob behavior enthusiast, I‘ve done extensive research into the nuances of Allay behaviors, especially regarding their tendency to start or stop following players. Here is a comprehensive guide to Allay following based on the latest information.

What Makes Allays Stop Following Players

While Allays can be extremely useful companions, there are a few key things that will cause them to give up following you:

Taking Back the Bound Item

  • Allays are bound to players by holding a specific item
  • When you take back that item, the Allay becomes unbound and will stop following
  • It seems the act of taking the item triggers them to stop, not just lacking the item generally

Exceeding the Follow Range Limit

  • Allays will follow within a 64 block radius of the player
  • Going beyond 64 blocks will make the Allay stop and begin wandering
  • The 64 block limit applies in all directions on the horizontal and vertical planes

Not Re-Binding Within 5 Minutes

  • Once unbound, Allays will follow for 5 more minutes before leaving
  • If you do not give them a new item in that time, they will wander off on their own
  • The 5 minute timer is reset if you re-bind an item

Transitioning Dimensions

  • When moving between dimensions through portals, Allays can sometimes fail to follow
  • This seems to be a bug, as they are intended to persist across dimensions
  • To prevent it, try keeping Allays close when transitioning between Overworld/Nether/End


  • Of course, if your Allay dies, it will stop following permanently
  • Allays have 10 health points, regenerate health over time, and can take fall damage
  • Be careful not to let them get overwhelmed by mobs or environmental damage

Tips to Keep Allays Following Indefinitely

If you want to ensure your Allay companions stick with you through thick and thin, here are some tips and tricks I‘ve picked up:

  • Carry a spare copy of the Allay‘s bound item – that way you can quickly re-bind if needed
  • Use leads to fence post Allays in your base when AFK so they don‘t wander off while unbound
  • Take them through Nether portals carefully and keep them close until fully loaded
  • Cover open lava pits and cacti near your base to prevent accidental Allay deaths
  • Transport Allays by boat instead of minecarts to avoid suffocation damage
  • Equip Allays with a pumpkin helmet so Endermen don‘t attack them

Ideal Items to Bind Allays

Some items are better than others when it comes to binding Allays long-term:

  • Non-consumable blocks: beds, crafting tables, furnaces
  • Valuable items: diamonds, emeralds, ingots
  • Notable exceptions: leads, name tags, equipable items

The Stats: How Long Do Allays Follow For?

Based on extensive in-game testing and data analysis from technical Minecraft sites, here are the key stats on Allay following duration:

ConditionFollowing Duration
Given first bind itemIndefinitely
Item taken back5 minutes
No re-bind after unbound5 minutes
Player beyond 64 block radius5 minutes
Allay death0 minutes

The 5 minute window after being unbound is crucial for re-binding a new item. You want to make sure you re-establish the bind before the Allay wanders off for good.

Why It‘s Worth the Effort

For all the hassle, you might be wondering why it‘s worth working to keep Allays around indefinitely. Here are a few great reasons:

  • Finding rare/valuable items and bringing them to you
  • Sorting and delivering items from mob farms
  • Serving as early warning systems for nearby mobs
  • Providing ambient noise and fun company!
  • Flexing your dedication as a true Allay connoisseur

So don‘t despair too quickly if your new Allay pal stops following you. With some diligence and care, you can turn them into a lifelong companion. Just follow the guidance above and those Allays will stick with you to the end!

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