Do console commands work on cyberpunk in 2024?

The quick answer is yes, you can absolutely access a wide range of console commands to customize your Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay on PC as of the latest 1.6 patch in 2024. With just a few mods, the console opens up god mode, free attributes, level boosts, infinite money, and more without disabling Steam achievements. As a devoted Cyberpunker, let me walk you through everything you need to know.

Accessing the Power of the Console in 2024

Back in 2020 at launch, console commands were mostly unusable on Cyberpunk 2077. But thanks to incredible modders doing choom‘s work, today we have full access on PC. Here‘s how:

  1. Download and install the Cyber Engine Tweaks mod.
  2. Launch Cyberpunk 2077 through Cyber Engine Tweaks EXE file.
  3. In game, press the ~ tilde key to open the console.

I highly recommend binding the console to a more convenient key like the Pause/Break key for easy access. Personally out of habit I use `. After you open the console for the first time, Cyber Engine Tweaks will also generate a handy cyber_engine_tweaks.ini file allowing you to toggle settings.

What Can You Do with Console Commands?

Later I‘ll provide some killer commands, but in summary the console lets you:

  • Activate god mode for immortality
  • Instantly gain XP and level up
  • Spawn money, weapons, clothing, and items
  • Increase attributes like Reflexes and Cool
  • And pretty much break the game in any way you want!

It essentially unlocks cheat-level access to gameplay systems and stats. Like bringing up old school GTA where you‘d type in "cheese" for armor and "rocketman" for a jetpack.

Does Using the Console Disable Steam Achievements?

This was a major concern early on for achievement hunters like myself. Thankfully, as of the 1.6 patch, using ANY console command in Cyberpunk 2077 does not disable Steam achievements earned in that play session.

You can go absolutely wild spawning vehicles and one shot killing entire districts, but still get your "Legend of the Afterlife" platinum trophy. I‘ve tested this extensively myself across multiple saves.

However, take note this applies only to Steam – using console commands still blocks earning achievements on GOG, Epic Games Store, Xbox and PlayStation versions. Sorry chooms!

Step-by-Step Guide to Opening the Console

If you‘re still fuzzy on actually accessing the console, choom I got you covered with a foolproof walkthrough:

  1. Install Cyber Engine Tweaks – Grab the latest mod .zip file from NexusMods here. Extract everything directly into your Cyberpunk 2077 folder, overwriting any existing files when prompted.
  2. Launch Using Cyber Engine Tweaks EXE – Don‘t boot the game normally through Steam or GOG. Instead, run specifically the new Cyber Engine Tweaks .exe file you just installed. This handles loading the mods.
  3. Start Cyberpunk 2077 Through Mod Menu – A console menu should appear asking you to select mods before running Cyberpunk 2077. Just click "Start Cyberpunk 2077" to boot the game now with mods enabled.
  4. Press Tilde Key In-Game For Console – Once loaded into a save, tap the ~ tilde key. This normally sits below Escape on US keyboards. If that doesn‘t work, try other bracket keys like ` or even F1-F12.
  5. Type Commands and Press Enter – You‘ll see a text input field appear. Start entering stuff like Game.AddToInventory("Items.PreemGoldPlatedBeretta",1) then press Enter to run.
  6. Explore All Possibilities! – Go wild spawning vehicles, gear, and Steam achievements via the command references on this page. Remember most console usage like god mode won‘t block earning more achievements.

And that‘s seriously all there is too it choom! Takes just minutes to set up, and leaves your game sandoxxy as Pacifica.

Killer Console Commands to Rule Night City

Now for the good stuff – actual console commands that let you leap tall mega buildings in a single bound across Night City and crush Adam Smasher with one Mantis Blade strike.

God Mode for Infinite Life and Immortality

Easily my #1 most used command for reckless urban exploring. Toggle god mode to become invincible via:


enters god mode, taking no damage. Disable with GodMode() again.

This keeps all gameplay totally normal, except now you‘re an un-killable cyborg warlord. Hilarious for angering the NCPD or jumping from skyscrapers!

Infinite Ammo to Unleash Bullet Hell

My next go-to command for enabling floor-to-ceiling lead rain fury:


Grants infinite ammo on ALL equipped weapons, from pistols to tech shotguns. Remember to toggle off when done via false.

Combining this with quad jump or faster movement mods lets you channel your inner John Woo diving around the room while blasting unlimited shotgun rounds at dazzling speed.

Legendary Item Spawning for Instant Upgrades

Tired of grinding missions hoping for that one epic katana? The console can instantly spawn weapons, cyberware, and clothing via Item IDs.

For example, grab the best sniper rifle with:


Simply look up the Item ID on wiki guides like Cyberpunk 2077 Fextralife and plug it in surrounded by quotes. Adjust the number before closing parenthesis to specify amount.

Pro Tip: Search Google for "Cyberpunk 2077 item codes" to find huge weapon and clothing lists, including rad unique stuff unobtainable normally!

Level Up and Attribute Boosts to Become a Demigod

Tired of being an unimportant merc scrub? Time to max out V‘s potential with instant XP gains and stat increases via:


Replace 2000 with any number of XP points to instantly shoot up levels. Be reasonable though, going from 15 -> 50 may break quests.

Character.AddItem(Player, "PerkPoints", 10)

Adds 10 free Perk points to unlock new abilities. Combine with XP boosts to become an unmatched killing machine!


Sets Body stat to 15, the max for physically god-likeenhancements. Replace Body with Reflexes, Tech, Cool or Intelligence!

But use responsibly choom! Maxing everything at level 1 kind of ruins progression. I suggest unlocking content 10 levels early as a compromise.

Infinite Money to Buy Anything

Despite V‘s exceptional thieving skills, eddies always seem short in supply. But with the console, unlimited funds await via simple money spawn commands.

The below adds 50,000 eddies, enough to buy multiple vehicles or high end cyberware:


Adjust values accordingly, just don‘t forget the comma! Pro tip: set a hotkey to run this command rapidly.

For perspective, here‘s some average Night City prices:

ItemCost (Eddies)
Sports Car$25,000
Heavy Pistol$2,000
Meal at Restaurant$100

So input anything from 1,000 for ammo and food up to 100,000,000 for owning all vehicles and expensive mega tower penthouses!

Achievement Unlocks for Platinum Trophies

This brilliant command auto-pops trophies and achievements like disabling mines during a spree, without tedious grind.


Simply insert the correct achievement ID surrounded by parentheses and brackets.

I confirmed unlocking GuerrillaOfTheRails manually popped for me, scoring a solid +30 Gamerscore. Now just repeat for the other achievements tied to missions, activities, and progression.

Note: As mentioned above this sadly only works on Steam, not consoles or other PC launchers. Lame but c‘est la vie choom!

Cyberpunk 2077 Maximum Level Cap

Alright you asked so I‘ll deliver the details on max level possible in Cyberpunk 2077 as of 2023. Buckle up!

The current level cap across all platforms is Level 50. This lets you unlock every available skill across multiple trees for some seriously beefed up V builds.

Reaching max level requires 2,028,000 total XP points from missions, kills and other activities.

Here‘s a reference on XP requirements per level:

LevelTotal XP Needed
10 XP
15159,000 XP
30889,500 XP
50 (Max)2,028,000 XP

So if using Game.AddToPlayerExp cheat commands:

  • Level 15 requires 159,000 XP
  • Level 30 is 889,500 total XP
  • Max Level 50 needs 2,028,000 total XP

Dump points in perks granting cold blood regeneration, elemental damage, stealth, blades, handguns etc. to build an unstoppable solo assassin of the digital urban wildlands!

What Happens At Max Level 50?

Sadly after hitting the cap, activities no longer award experience points or perk points. So exploration and combat loses some luster.

However, you can still respec your build by purchasing the 100,000 eddie Tabula E-Rasa perk unlock. This resets all spent points to reallocate from scratch.

You may also want to finish any outstanding missions, gigs, scanner hustles, and errand content if aiming for 100% completion. That grind keeps things spicy!

Otherwise, clean up residual achievements, max out relationships with love interests, or replay using vastly different builds on higher difficulties.

Or hop into New Game Plus at max level with end game gear for a supremely unbalanced power trip!

Parting Wisdom Choomba

And that just about wraps up this epic deep dive guide into unlocking and using Cyberpunk 2077‘s secret console command potential in 2024!

Hopefully the above tips help you enable god mode immortality, unlimited free attributes and money, instant achievement unlocks, Teleportation, and really let imagination run wild breaking Night City wide open.

While the console and mods do counterbalance the difficulty, they breathe so much fresh choombata life into replayability after multiple endings. Especially with friends!

What cool commands have you discovered? Let me know down in comments, and be sure to Like and Subscribe for more Cyberpunk modding tutorials soon! Just started tinkering with vehicle spawns, so expect some unholy EU-approved transport mashups incoming. Stay digital you electric underground renegades!

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