To Truly Appreciate AC3, Should You Start with the Earlier Games?

As an avid Assassin‘s Creed gamer who has sunk over 200+ hours into the franchise, I get asked this question a lot by newcomers curious about the best entry point. In my expert opinion, you don‘t need to play the first two games before diving into AC3 – but I strongly recommend it to fully appreciate the rich lore and background.

At a Minimum, Play Assassin‘s Creed 2

Could you jump right into AC3 and have a good time? Absolutely. The first hours draw you into Connor‘s story without much confusion. But I always urge friends to at least play Assassin’s Creed 2 (AC2) first, because it brilliantly launches the central conflict.

Why AC2 Matters

As the breakout hit that cemented the franchise‘s popularity, AC2 introduces you to recurring characters like Desmond, Lucy, Rebecca, and Shaun in the modern timeline. More importantly, it features Ezio Auditore‘s first steps into the war between the heroic Assassin Order and villainous Templars searching for powerful artifacts.

AC2 sets up plot threads that weave through later games, so it provides helpful background before meeting Connor in AC3 during an earlier period of history.

How AC2‘s Story Flows into AC3

While Connor‘s American Revolution adventures can stand alone, details about the Assassins‘ centuries-long resistance against Templar domination over humankind provide valuable perspective. Otherwise, the story‘s references to this eternal struggle may float over your head!

After the robust 30+ hours AC2 offers, AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations continue Ezio’s gripping saga for those hungry for more backstory before switching protagonists in AC3.

Do You Need 100% Completion?

To thoroughly prepare for AC3, getting 100% synchronization in the past games takes serious dedication! But attaining every Achievement isn’t essential to appreciate how Connor’s tale fits into the franchise’s overarching narrative.

Here are completion hour statistics for guidance, in case you don’t have 50-200 spare hours to master the previous titles:

GameMain Story Completion100% Completion
AC115 hours38 hours
AC224 hours73 hours
AC: Brotherhood19 hours61 hours
AC: Revelations20 hours66 hours

I recommend focusing only completing AC1‘s and AC2’s core story content if you‘re pressed for time. This hits the major plot points to establish the Assassin/Templar dynamic before meeting Connor.

But again, jumping straight into AC3 won‘t ruin enjoyment! The developers intentionally crafted a welcoming entry point for newcomers.

The Rich Lore Adds So Much

Even though I could technically play AC3 first, I‘m grateful I started with AC1 and AC2. The added lore, world-building, and characterization made Connor feel like part of a living, breathing continuum of the Brotherhood. I fell hard for Ezio‘s charisma and charm!

As an assassin in 1700‘s colonial America, Connor isn‘t quite as playful. But seeing how his seriousness fits into the Order‘s evolving fight through history thrilled me as an AC nerd.

I guess what I‘m saying is…If you have the patience, invest some time upfront. It‘ll pay off down the road! But no mandates from me either way. I support fans sprinting straight for the era or gameplay that intrigues them most too!

There‘s no "right" way to enjoy these games. I only hope to pass along perspective from my 600+ total hours to help newcomers pick the path that best matches their style and appetite. Let me know in comments if any AC6 experts agree (or disagree)!

Connor awaits whichever route you take! But he especially appreciates players who know how his Colonial Brotherhood chapter fits into centuries of Assassins before him…

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