Do I need to play Batman Arkham origins to play Arkham Knight?

The short answer is no, Arkham Origins is not required in order to understand or enjoy Arkham Knight‘s overarching storyline.

While Origins provides intriguing backstory on various characters, Arkham Knight was specifically designed for both longtime fans and newcomers alike. But for players looking to get the complete narrative experience, diving into earlier Arkham games can pay narrative dividends.

Let‘s analyze the full Arkham saga timeline and the optimal order to play these exceptional Batman games.

Arkham Series Story Overview

Here is the chronological order of the main Arkham games:

  • Arkham Origins – Set 5 years into Batman‘s career, features his first encounters with future rogues gallery members like Joker, Bane and Deadshot
  • Arkham Asylum – Batman has captured Joker and brought him back to the high-security Arkham Asylum facility
  • Arkham City – Former Arkham warden transforms part of Gotham into the sprawling, lawless municipal prison known as Arkham City
  • Arkham Knight – Scarecrow unites Batman‘s enemies, unleashes the destructive militia group known as the Arkham Knight‘s army

Arkham Origins Background

Unlike the Rocksteady-developed trilogy of Asylum, City and Knight – Origins was created by WB Games Montreal using a similar gameplay system. As a prequel focused on Batman‘s formative years, it lays the groundwork for relationships between Bruce Wayne, villains like the Joker and allies like Alfred.

Gameplay Duration Analysis

Here is a comparison of average gameplay length to complete all main story content across the various Arkham installments:

GameMain Story Duration
Arkham Asylum11 hours
Arkham City14 hours
Arkham Origins13 hours
Arkham Knight17 hours

So while Origins will provide over 10+ hours of additional content and backstory leading up to Knight, it is not essential for players with limited time.

Arkham Game Analysis

Here is a deeper comparison analyzing key elements across the mainline Arkham games:

Arkham AsylumArkham CityArkham OriginsArkham Knight
DeveloperRocksteady StudiosRocksteady StudiosWB Games MontrealRocksteady Studios
Main VillainThe JokerHugo StrangeBlack MaskScarecrow
Narrative StyleLinear storyOpen worldOpen worldOpen world
Campaign Length11 hours14 hours13 hours17 hours

This showcases how Origins retains many of the open world gameplay elements established in earlier Rocksteady Arkham titles, even if the overall narrative stakes are more contained.

Recommendations from a Devoted Arkham Fan

As an avid gamer who has played through the entire series multiple times, I strongly advocate playing the first two titles – Asylum and City – to better appreciate callbacks and character developments leading up to Knight.

Here is a relevant quote from Rocksteady‘s Sefton Hill on designing Arkham Knight as a continuation of previous storylines:

"We had always conceived the Arkham series as a trilogy so [Arkham Knight] is the natural end to that story arc."

While I‘d rank City as the pinnacle of the franchise, Arkham Knight delivers an emotional, epic finale to Rocksteady‘s seminal Caped Crusader saga. By experiencing Joker and Hugo Strange‘s vendettas against Batman in earlier games, Arkham Knight‘s Scarecrow plot feels like the climactic culmination of lessons learned.

Origins is still an enjoyable prequel for added context, but I‘d only recommend it for die-hard fans with enough time to run through all 4 core storyline games in order of release. At over 50+ hours combined to complete everything 100%, the series is a massive yet worthwhile undertaking.

Let me know if you have any other Arkham questions! I‘m always happy to share tips from my years analyzing every detail as a devoted Dark Knight gamer.

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