Do you get anything for completing Halo Infinite‘s campaign on the Legendary difficulty setting?

In short – no, there are no major gameplay rewards or bonuses for finishing Halo Infinite‘s story on its toughest Legendary mode. But you do unlock some nice cosmetic items and, more importantly, gain access to an alternate ending scene.

As a hardcore Halo fan who lives for the ultimate challenge in campaign modes, I‘ve done multiple Legendary run-throughs. And while the bragging rights and adrenaline rush are rewarding enough, I‘m still greedy for more prizes to show off my efforts!

So I‘ve dug into all the leaks and debates to uncover if there are ANY other legendary unlocks in Infinite…

A deeper look at Halo Infinite‘s Legendary campaign rewards

Here‘s the skinny on what finishing Halo Infinite Solo or Co-Op on Legendary specifically earns you:

  • Alternate ending scene – I won‘t post spoilers here, but similar to past games you get some extra story nuggets. It adds context and sets up the next adventure!
  • Nameplate & backdrop – "Forza Horizon" nameplate and backdrop which is a nice flex. Nothing wild though.
  • Emblems and armor colors – "Stone Green" and "Copper" are the only cosmetics directly linked to Legendary. Pretty dull for the effort if you ask me!
  • Achievements – There are Xbox achievements from completing missions to full Legendary completion. But these are just bragging rights.

And that‘s it! No special armor unlocks or powered up weapons/vehicles that carry over to multiplayer or future campaigns.

What gives?! You‘d think Master Chief would get some gnarly new Mjolnir gear for his trouble…

Does ANYTHING else unlock across the whole Halo Infinite package?

Digging deeper into potential prizes:

  • Campaign collectibles – Skulls, audio logs, cubes etc. Some need Legendary to access at all. But again just bragging rights/achievements.
  • Multiplayer weekly rewards – There have been some armor pieces and colors you can unlock via challenges. But not tied specifically to campaign progress as far as I can tell.
  • Battle pass content – The cosmetics on the free and premium Season 1 & 2 passes seem campaign-agnostic too.

So unfortunately, that alternate ending seems to be the only Legendary-exclusive unlock in all of Halo Infinite as it stands today.

I‘d love to be proven wrong though! If any fellow Spartans know additional unlocks, hit me up. I could use some new bling…

What gameplay changes come with Legendary difficulty?

Since the prizes are a letdown, let‘s examine why you might still want to attempt this beast of a challenge anyway:

  • Way stronger/smarter enemies – More damage, health, accuracy. New behaviors too, like dodging grenades or rolling from danger. Prepare to die…a lot!
  • You‘re far weaker – Master Chief may be the ultimate weapons, but he goes down fast on Legendary. Battle strategy is key and stealth becomes more viable.
  • No respawn! – Well, sorta. If you die you restart from last checkpoint. So tension runs high in firefights!
  • Mythic with Skulls – Turn on all difficulty modifiers for the ULTIMATE pain and glory. I‘m still stuck here…
  • Co-op remains – You can tackle Legendary with up to 3 friends still. Teamwork becomes critical!

So in summary – Legendary adds a ton more complexity that will push your Halo skills to the limits. And the bragging rights should be good enough, even without new goodies…right?!

Let me know what you think. For now, I‘m heading back for another cram session before my next Legendary run!

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