Do you need both campaign packs to play Modern Warfare?

The short answer is no, you do not strictly need both campaign packs installed to play Modern Warfare‘s campaign. However, the specific packs required do vary slightly across platforms. Let‘s break it down:

Campaign Pack Requirements

PlatformPacks Needed
Xbox OneCampaign Pack 1 + Campaign Pack 2
PlayStation/PCData Pack 1

So Xbox One players need both campaign packs taking up about 18GB of space, while PlayStation and PC players get away with just a 7GB Data Pack 1 for the campaign install.

Multiplayer Pack Requirements

Interestingly, the multiplayer pack requirements also differ:

PlatformPacks Needed
Xbox OneMultiplayer Pack
PlayStation/PCData Pack 1 + Multiplayer Pack 2

So Xbox One players again need an additional Multiplayer Pack, while PlayStation and PC require Data Pack 1 plus the large Multiplayer Pack 2 averaging around 10GB.

Why Split Up The Packs?

According to GameSpot, the packs are split up to allow players to install only the modes they want to play rather than having one massive 80-100GB game file. This helps manage load times and storage space.

As a gamer myself, I love this flexibility! If you only care about campaign or multiplayer, you don‘t have to install content you won‘t use.

Tips for Managing Installs

Here are my top tips for managing your Modern Warfare install based on the pack requirements:

  • Check the packs needed for your platform and mode(s) of choice
  • Note total storage space required before installing
  • Delete unneeded data packs as you switch between modes to save space
  • Check for update patches regularly as these may require several extra GB!

Following these tips will keep unnecessary packs from clogging up your console or PC storage.

So in summary – while you don‘t strictly need both campaign packs for Modern Warfare, the total install size quickly adds up, especially on Xbox One. Check the platform-specific requirements carefully as you install packs tailored to the modes you actually play.

Let me know if you have any other questions! As both a gamer and guide writer, I‘m happy to provide more Modern Warfare tips and tricks.

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