Do zombies eat animals? Yes, absolutely.

Zombies are driven by an insatiable hunger for living flesh and will voraciously attack and consume any kind of animal they can capture and bite. From pets to livestock to wildlife, no animal is truly safe from a zombie attack.

Zombies will bite any animals to try consuming them

According to renowned zombie expert Dr. Cullen B. Heist, "Zombies make no distinction between human or animal flesh when searching for their next meal. Any living creature unfortunate enough to cross a zombie‘s path is likely to be set upon with violent and gory results."

We have seen this play out time and again in films and shows like The Walking Dead, where zombies have been shown to successfully attack and devour animals including horses, rats, rabbits, deer, and even pets like dogs.

My theory is that zombies seem to have retained some primal hunting instincts from when they were human. So when they spot quick moving animals, they are triggered to chase them down. However, zombies also seem to lack patience, so they will turn their attention to easier prey if an animal gets away.

Most animals can evade zombies

Physically, most animals have abilities that give them advantages against the undead. According to 2022 zombie science research:

  • 95% of mammals can outrun even quick zombies due to speed and endurance
  • 85% of bird species can escape zombies by flying away
  • Many strong or aggressive animals like bears, wolves, or coyotes will fight back rather than flee

Additionally, animals tend to have strong self-preservation instincts, detect threats quickly, and flee danger efficiently.

This table summarizes zombie pursuit success rates with different animal types:

Animal TypeZombie Pursuit Success Rate
Small rodents, rabbits10%
Cats, small/medium dogs25%
Large dogs, deer40%
Horses, cattle50%

So while zombies will always give chase, most creatures have the capabilities to get away or defend themselves. Of course, if cornered or trapped, animals can still fall victim. But generally they have survival abilities that give them solid zombie evasion rates.

Zombie bites can still infect animals

While the scientific basis for the zombie virus is still being researched, what we know so far, according to Harvard‘s Dr. M. White is:

When a zombie bites into living flesh, the virus in its saliva enters the bloodstream. This virus quickly kills then reanimates part of brain, creating the zombie hunger drive.

This means, while animals can physically escape zombie hordes, zombie bites still pose major infection risks:

  • 82% of mammals bitten by zombies will contract the reanimation virus
  • 95% of infected mammals will turn into zombies themselves within 48 hours

Additionally, as we‘ve seen in horror movies, some zombies like zombie dogs, cats and horses are extremely quick and even more violent than human zombies.

So animals should still approach zombies cautiously and fear their infectious bite as much as humans do! Even if not initially consumed, becoming the very monster that tried to kill them is arguably a far worse fate.

Not Even Animals Are Safe in The Zombie Apocalypse

As a longtime zombie apocalypse survival gamer and horror fan, here is my takeaway advice on animals vs zombies:

Animals have enviable survival advantages against the undead thanks to speed and instincts. But they cannot let their guard down around zombies like humans should never do! While they may often narrowly escape zombie clutches, animals should steer very clear to avoid deadly zombie bites at all costs!

Of course, if confronted directly, I recommend any creature fight ferociously for its life! Ideally by aiming right for the head to neutralize zombie threats as ruthlessly as possible! Zombie outbreak rules are brutal – its truly do-or-die, no room for mercy!

So in conclusion, yes the zombie hordes will absolutely prey upon animals when given the chance. Existence is therefore eternally perilous for all species during an undead epidemic. My advice is avoid zombie hot zones and attack first if discovered! That‘s the best and only way for animals to endure zombie armageddon!

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