Does the Best Buddy CP Boost Go Away in Pokemon Go?

The short answer is yes, the best buddy CP boost does disappear if you switch your designated buddy Pokemon in Pokemon Go. While the Best Buddy status itself is permanent once earned, the combat-focused CP boost only applies while that Pokemon is set as your current walking buddy.

As an avid Pokemon Go player myself, I‘ve experimented with the boost mechanics extensively. In this guide, I‘ll cover all the intricacies on how the temporary yet impactful CP boost works.

What is the Best Buddy CP Boost?

The Best Buddy system was introduced back in December 2019 as a way to improve bonds with your favorite Pokemon. Alongside aesthetic perks like your Best Buddy joining you on the map, Niantic also added a unique CP boost exclusively for current Best Buddies.

According to official descriptions, this CP boost is equivalent to two extra power-ups or increasing your buddy to one level higher. So essentially, your maxed-out Best Buddy will battle as if it was Level 41 rather than the standard maximum of Level 40.

This means your current Best Buddy gets a significant edge over non-boosted Pokemon in raid and PvP battles when the statuses are comparable otherwise.

The Boost Disappears if You Switch Buddies

Based on my experience and reports across player communities, we‘ve confirmed some key points on how the boost works:

  • The CP boost only applies while the Pokemon is your designated walking buddy.
  • If you switch your Best Buddy out for another Pokemon buddy, it loses the CP boost.
  • To regain the boost, you simply have to set your previous Best Buddy as your current buddy again.

So in summary—yes the CP boost does essentially "go away" if that Pokemon loses its current Best Buddy status to another mon.

Quantifying the Exact CP Boost

Just how impactful is that bonus CP from being your current Best Buddy though? According to analysis from GamePress, at the cap of Level 41 with the boost, some Pokemon can gain as much as 104 additional CP or more compared to standard Level 40 stats.

For example, take a look at this table showing CP differences for popular Ultra League Pokemon:

PokemonLevel 40 CPBest Buddy CPBoost Gain
Galarian Stunfisk14971601104

As you can see, the boost range gives these Pokemon a 6-8% improvement to their Combat Power. In close PvP matchups, that can easily decide a win!

When to Maintain Your Best Buddy Boost

Now as an enthusiastic Pokemon Go battler, I always make sure to set my designated PvP Pokemon back as my current Best Buddy whenever I enter a Battle League session or challenging raid. Even 15 minutes is enough to get the CP boost back before the battle party locks in.

Because swapping buddies mid-walk does reset your candy distance progress unfortunately. So I optimize my primary walking focus separately from my Best Buddy battling selections.

For example, I‘m currently walking Noibat as my long-term candy buddy. But before raids and Rocket battles, I‘ll switch to my solid battle picks like Excadrill or Rampardos to activate their Best Buddy damage once more.

It only takes seconds, making it well worth the effort to maximize battling performance!

Parting Tips on Managing Best Buddies

To wrap up, remember these key takeaways when managing your Best Buddy roster:

  • The CP boost only applies to current designated Best Buddies
  • You can regain the boost by switching that Pokemon back as your Buddy
  • Plan buddy swapping before major battles to boost your lineup
  • Have separate candy walking vs battle buddies to optimize play

I hope these insights help you take full advantage of the Best Buddy combat benefits! Let me know if you have any other questions. This enthusiastic Pokemon Go expert is always happy to analyze new battling techniques with fellow fans.

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