Does Borderlands 1 Have DLC?

Yes! Borderlands 1 has 4 story-based campaign DLC expansions that add substantial amounts of new content and gameplay:

  • The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
  • Mad Moxxi‘s Underdome Riot
  • The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
  • Claptrap‘s New Robot Revolution

Combined they include over 50+ hours of additional gameplay and missions beyond the base Borderlands 1 experience, with tons of new areas to explore, enemies to fight, storylines to uncover, weapons to acquire and more loot to claim.

As a hardcore fan whose played through the entirety of Borderlands 1 many times, I definitely recommend picking up all the DLC if you enjoy the base game!

Overview of Borderlands 1 DLC Content

Here‘s a quick overview of what each Borderlands 1 expansion includes:

DLC TitleNew MissionsEstimated PlaytimeKey Features
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned135 hours– Undead/Halloween theme
– New zombie enemies
– Tons of legendary weapons
Mad Moxxi‘s Underdome Riot3 Arenas3 hours– Arena battles
– Wave-based survival challenges
The Secret Armory of General Knoxx2910+ hours– Massive new environments
– Hundreds of new weapons
– More vehicles & enemies
Claptrap‘s New Robot Revolution166 hours– Quirky Claptrap focused story
– New boss fights

As you can see, there‘s a ton of extra gameplay and content available! Upwards of an additional 50 hours on top of the roughly 30 hour base Borderlands 1 campaign…

Breakdown & Analysis of Each Borderlands 1 DLC

Now let me break down each DLC expansion in more detail, providing some analysis and insider tips from my many playthroughs…

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned

This was the first DLC released and sets the tone perfectly for additional Borderlands content – irreverent humor paired with fun new enemies and loads of legendary items to farm.

  • 13 All New Missions filled with pop culture references to zombie films
  • Estimated 5+ hours of gameplay
  • Introduces brand new WereSkags, zombies and pumpkins!
  • Find Occult weapons that do bonus damage to undead
  • Several new incredibly powerful Legendary weapons only available here
  • Level cap remains 50

The Good Doctor Ned is actually Dr. Zed‘s brother. He‘s created a zombie plague on the island that you have to battle through.

Personally out of all the DLCs this one captures the true spirit of Borderlands the best – crazy characters, monsters to battle and loot to collect.

From the new legendary weapons and enemies introduced, I‘d rank Zombie Island as a must have addition for any Borderlands fan.

Mad Moxxi‘s Underdome Riot

Mad Moxxi opens a battle arena where players compete against waves of enemies to prove who‘s the best badass on Pandora.

  • 3 Arenas – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3
  • Each arena has 20 Rounds
  • Special Boss Round after finishing all 20 rounds
  • 3-5 hours of wave-based arena battle gameplay
  • More a challenge/survival mode than story expansion
  • No cap increase, level remains 50

There‘s not too much depth here and it mostly recycles existing weapons and enemies. But as a way to put your skills to the test against relentless foes it‘s good mindless entertainment.

Since there‘s no substantial world or rewards though, consider it lower priority. I‘d only suggest getting Mad Moxxi‘s if you crave more battle scenarios after exhausting the base game.

The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

This DLC expansion easily provides the most bang for your buck in terms of new content and gear to discover…

  • Over 10+ hours of new gameplay
  • 29 New Missions – longer more complex than base game
  • Massive new environment – Atlas Armory Military Base
  • Hundreds of new amazing weapons only found here
  • More vehicle variety – use Crimson Lance machines
  • Level cap raised from 50 to 61 – enjoy those 11 skill points!

The sheer amount of new weapons and equipment from fighting General Knoxx‘s forces is staggering…I found even more rare guns here than the base game and 1000‘s of combination possibilities to create special effects.

They also introduce new "Pearlescent" purple/cyan weapons which are above even Legendary gear in terms of damage and bonuses!

So for players obsessed with the never-ending loot hunt like myself, General Knoxx is basically heaven.

The expanded level 61 cap also lets your character become even more devastatingly badass which is deeply satisfying.

Hands down this is best and most essential DLC for Borderlands 1 even a decade later.

Claptrap‘s New Robot Revolution

This expansion features the crazy Claptraps going haywire and deciding to take over Pandora for themselves…

  • 16 New Missions
  • 6+ Hours of gameplay
  • Claptrap focused storyline
  • New Boss enemies like INAC and Dukino‘s Mom
  • Industrial theme throughout the new areas

While appreciated for mixing things up, the missions do tend to feel repetitive with multiple re-treads through similar factories and facilities.

There‘s less variety in gear compared to General Knoxx although a few standout new Legendaries and Pearlecents. Plus the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap boss fight is pretty epic!

In the end Claptrap‘s revolution, while humorous, comes across as a bit less inspired or substantial vs. the first two DLCs. I‘d play this last out of the four.

For new players looking to acquire Borderlands 1 now in 2024, I highly recommend going for Borderlands: Game of the Year (GOTY) edition which includes the full base game AND all 4 DLC packs for the complete experience:

  • Four brand new expansions: “The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned,” “Mad Moxxi‘s Underdome Riot,” “The Secret Armory of General Knoxx,” and “Claptrap’s Robot Revolution.”
  • Providing 50+ hours of gameplay across 5 different world areas
  • Hundreds of additional legendary and pearlescent weapons/gear that can‘t be found anywhere else
  • 61 level cap lets you keep progressing your character builds

Given the insanely high replay value of looting and shooting on Pandora, having access to all content lets you enjoy the longest and most rewarding grind the franchise has to offer.

Personally I‘ve played the GOTY edition from start to finish at least 15 times over the past decade and am blown away it still holds up even when compared to all the later games!

So in summary, Borderlands 1 absolutely has substantive DLC that every fan should experience as part of the complete package. Game of the Year edition is the definitive way to enjoy everything Pandora has to offer.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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