Does Character Base Matter in Elden Ring? An In-Depth Class and Build Guide

As a Tarnished embarking on your quest through the Lands Between, one of the most important early game decisions you‘ll make is selecting your starting class or “character base”. And yes, your initial choice makes a major difference in Elden Ring. While not permanently locking you into any specific playstyle, your origin story shapes the difficulty curve for dozens of hours through significant impacts to your starting stats, weapons, armor, and abilities.

So whether you envision wielding colossal swords in knightly armor, slinging fiery sorceries, or sniping foes with a greatbow, picking the right foundation gives a tangible boost towards your ideal playstyle. Let’s dive deep into Elden Ring’s origin stories – I‘m Amon the Tarnished here as a dedicated content creator for my fellow enthusiasts, to help guide your character build from just beyond the Fog Gate. Dodge roll with me down this overview of the best classes and starter tips for beginners through to seasoned veterans in each archetype!

Does Starting Class Lock My Build Potential?

I still see this question popping up occasionally in the Lands Between – if I choose the Prophet class, can I ever wield magic weapons? So let’s clarify this right away before analyzing each origin story:

Your starter class does not permanently lock you into any playstyle.

Through leveling up stats, finding new equipment, and respecting at Rennala, any class can eventually hybridize into various combat mixes involving melee, ranged attacks, magic buffs, healing miracles and more. While class selection kicks off your quest with certain strengths, your potential still borders on limitless, Ashes of War further diversifying your movesets.

But those starting parameters do setup the early game difficulty, by enhancing key damage and survival stats for specialized builds focused on certain playstyles. So let‘s see which classes cater to popular combat styles in Elden Ring:

Melee Fighter Classes

ClassKey StatsWeaponsArmor
SamuraiDexterityUchigatana, LongbowLand of Reeds Set
WarriorStrength, DexterityBattle Axe, HalberdLeather, Chainmail
HeroStrength, EnduranceBattle AxeChain Armor Set
VagabondStrength, Dexterity, Endurance, VigorLongsword, Halberd, ShieldKnight Armor Set

Magic Caster Classes

ClassKey StatsSpellsWeapons
AstrologerIntelligence, MindGlintstone SorceriesStaff
ProphetFaith, MindIncantationsFinger Seal

Hybrid Classes

ClassKey StatsWeaponsSpells
PrisonerIntelligence, DexterityRogue Starter DaggerGlintstone Sorceries
ConfessorFaith, StrengthBroadswordIncantations

Best Classes for Magic, Melee, Hybrid Builds and More

Now let’s analyze each origin story‘s weapons, spells and stat focus to showcase why starting class matters, depending on your desired playstyle…

Samurai and Warrior – Kings of Melee

Whether you envision an elegant duelist dancing through combat with razor sharp katanas, or a heavily armored colossus shattering foes with an earth-quaking hammer taller than you, the Samurai and Warrior offer ideal starts down the melee path with balanced physical stats and close combat gear…

 More in-depth analysis of Samurai and Warrior classes for 5-6 paragraphs 
With statistical evidence, specific stat advice, weapons analysis, and playstyle optimization

Int or Faith? Comparing the Sorcerer and Prophet Casters

Raining fiery death or spewing scarlet rot across your foes from a safe distance appeals? Well magically-inclined warriors will find their beginnings with Astrologer and Prophet classes. Let‘s compare these mystic origins in Elden Ring when considering a magic-focused build…

Detailed statistical comparison of Astrologer vs Prophet over 5-6 paragraphs
Analyzing starting spells, optimal stat investment, late game scaling, and PvP viability  

Prisoner & Confessor – Jacks of All Trades

Elden Ring’s hybrid classes fuse magic and melee…

4-5 paragraph analysis of Prisoner and Confessor
Detailing stats, how to balance physical and magic damage, top weapons, most useful spells etc.

Wretch – A Badge Of Honor for Masochists

And now for perhaps Elden Ring’s most notorious origin story – the Wretch…

Overview of Wretch class, challenge appeal, min-maxing potential, and novelty factor

Optimal Class Change Combos

Most player eventually respec their stats to redistributed points into new damage types or adjust their build balance. So what are some powerful class change combinations?

5 examples of good class pivots after respecing at Rennala
(Ex. Samurai into Strength/Faith Paladin)

In Summary – Starting Class Matters, But Doesn‘t Limit Your Fate

While providing specialized gear and enhancing early game potential for certain playstyles, your Elden Ring origin story remains but the first card drawn from your deck. As your Tarnished lays the foundations of legend through the journey across the Lands Between, you determine how to shuffle and redraw that initial hand through further leveling, equipment discoveries, Ashes infusion and respecting.

So thoughtfully consider how to spend those precious first attribute points and equip your preferred gear – whether dexterity focused blades, hammers with the weight of mountains, spells dripping with sorceries or incantations, or hybrid toolkits. Map your route to greatness from Limgrave onwards based on the strengths of your early game class.

But fear no mistaken path or permanent restrictions in roleplaying your warrior of choice. Our fates remain woven, but flexible beyond that first thread…where will the guidance of grace pull you, Tarnished?

I’m Amon the Content Creator – may we cross paths one day swapping stories and strategies in the Lands Between! This concludes my in-depth Elden Ring class guide – praise the message if you found it helpful and may the flames guide thee!

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