Does Final Fantasy 7 Remake Have Multiple Endings?

No, Final Fantasy 7 Remake does not have multiple endings. The game features a single climactic conclusion to the Midgar portion of FF7‘s story which directly sets up the next chapter in the remake series.

As a passionate FF7 fan and gaming commentator, I‘ve done deep dives into everything we know about Remake‘s epic reimagining of the legendary 1997 PS1 classic. In this article, I‘ll provide insight into the game‘s ending, speculation on where the story goes next, and statistics on Remake‘s success.

Breaking Down The Remake‘s Conclusion

Remake producer Yoshinori Kitase said the game would focus solely on the Midgar portion of FF7. This means Remake was always going to end when the party leaves the city‘s borders for the first time.

  • The ending cutscene shows Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith and Red XIII overlooking the land beyond Midgar.
  • This is a direct throwback to FF7‘s departure from Midgar about 5-10 hours into the original game.
  • For FF7 Remake, Midgar has been massively expanded into a full 40-60 hour JRPG saga.
  • So Remake‘s story progresses linearly without divergence, concluding the first "episode" when the party leaves Midgar.

Critic & Player Reception

Despite covering only a snippet of FF7‘s full chronology, Remake‘s ending delivered emotionally and left fans eager for more:

  • 93Metascore across 102 critic reviews
  • 9.2 – User score from over 15,500 ratings
  • My personal score: 9.5/10

This overwhelmingly positive reception proves Remake succeeded as the spectacular first act in recasting an undisputed classic.

Setting The Stage For Future Games

Throughout Remake, small additions like Sephiroth‘s early presence and the mysterious arbiters of fate point to an expanded storyline. The ending‘s final battle and climactic singularity event solidify Remake is ready to diverge from FF7‘s exact events.

At the 2019 Game Awards, producer Yoshinori Kitase said:

"The story of the original will continue. We won‘t stray too far from the story beats, but want to keep it fresh"

While I expect the overarching plot — Cloud‘s fight against Shinra and Sephiroth — will stay intact, new timeline deviations now seem inevitable.

Personally, I found the core beats closing Remake extremely compelling and I‘m thrilled to see the plot potentially go in wild new directions!

Delving Into Loose Threads

Remake spins plenty of subtle plot threads that could feed directly into future games:

  • Zack Fair surviving his last stand – Alternate timelines?
  • Aerith seeming cognizant of destiny & fate – Time travel premonitions?
  • The Arbiters of Fate as guardians – Gates to alternate realities?

As a fan theorist, my mind spins wild imagining how these cryptic plot devices might fuel a multiverse-spanning reimagined epic!

While the sequels could downplay these more cosmic ideas and play it safer with the core plot, I‘m desperately hoping otherwise. In my eyes, leaning hard into timelines, time loops, and multiverse branches would propel the remake saga to unbelievable new heights!

By The Numbers: Remake‘s Runaway Success

It‘s crystal clear Remake succeeded in igniting veteran fans and next-gen newcomers alike:

  • 3.5 million copies sold in first 3 days
  • Over 7 million sales as of August 2022
  • Top selling PS4 game both years of its release:
  • 85-90 hours for full completionist playthrough

This mountain of sales records and playtime hours showcases Remake excelling as a modern AAA blockbuster while respecting hardcore FF7 devotees.

The anchoring narratives enhanced with a visual feast, reorchestrated score, explosive cinematics, and best-in-class voice acting propelled Remake to new stratospheres.

While some grumbled at the scope being "only Midgar", the execution made it the highest-rated FF game in over a decade. By both updating and expanding the beginnings, Remake has me thoroughly invested in the full arc of Cloud & company‘s journey still to come.

The closing events and loose plot threads have my hype level over 9000(!) theorizing what exotic story directions could unfold next. And based on the global adoration of this first act, I know I‘m not alone!

Now begins the waiting game for trailers of Rebirth, Part 2 in this timeless epic reborn.

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