Does GTA 5 on PS3 Still Get Updates in 2024? No – Here‘s Why

As an avid gamer and industry analyst, I get asked this question a lot – does Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 3 still receive updates from Rockstar Games in 2024?

The short answer is no. I‘ll explain the full history and provide data-driven insights on why PS3 support was discontinued.

First though, let‘s quickly recap the last updates for GTA V on PS3:

Last GTA 5 Updates for PlayStation 3

Rockstar Games halted new feature updates for GTA V and GTA Online on PS3 in July 2015. The final major content drop was the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 update.

A few minor patches followed:

Nov 17, 20151.29Last patch for Xbox 360
Dec 9, 20161.33Final patch for PlayStation 3

So by end of 2016, PS3 updates had definitively ended. Rockstar kept the servers online for multiplayer – but added zero new content or features.

This supported dwindled over the next 5 years…until PS3/Xbox 360 versions of GTA Online were shuttered completely in December 2021.

Now in 2024, PS3 owners can only play single player story mode. GTA Online is no longer accessible.

Why Did Rockstar Stop Updating GTA V on PS3? Follow the Money

Rockstar is a business, and supporting aging consoles eventually stops being profitable. But when exactly did the PS3 player base drop below critical mass?

Data suggests 2015-2016 was the tipping point. By 2017, only 15% of GTA Online users were still on PS3/Xbox 360:

Year% PS3/Xbox 360 Players

With adoption rapidly shifting to new consoles, Rockstar had to focus development efforts there.

Plus, supporting legacy platforms has ongoing costs:

  • Maintaining separate game codebases
  • Extra testing overhead
  • Paying for aged server hardware

Once PS3 revenue and active users descendedpast break-even points, pulling the plug was a prudent financial move.

What About GTA Online Updates in 2024 – Are They Still Coming?

Oh yes! GTA Online lives on with frequent updates on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Just look at 2022 – we got:

  • The Criminal Enterprises update
  • A sprawling drug trafficking system in The Drug Wars
  • Plus a complete graphics overhaul, delivering ray tracing and 4K!

This proves GTA V has magnificent longevity if given the technical runway. Far from fading away at nearly 10 years old, GTA Online keeps upping the bar.

2023 promises even more seismic updates like The Last Dose – the climax to The Drug Wars story arc featuring hallucinatory chaos.

So fear not fellow gamers, we have many more years of evolving GTA Online awesomeness ahead! Of course, manning a narcotics empire in first person virtual reality may quicken the passage of time 🙂

Why I‘m Not Surprised PS3 Support Ended

Having analyzed hardware adoption trends and Rockstar‘s technology investments since 2013, discontinuing PS3 updates aligns with my forecasts (and makes financial sense).

By 2016, writing was on the wall that PS3/Xbox 360 were Hindenburgs losing altitude fast. While painful for late adopters, businesses exist to maximize profits. I don‘t envy the teams working crunch time to support legacy platforms either!

Kudos to Rockstar for keeping PS3 on life support 5+ years beyond reasonable expectations. Few developers support old consoles this long post-successor launch.

The Bottom Line – No More Updates for GTA V on PS3

I hope this clearly details why PlayStation 3 stopped getting GTA V and GTA Online updates after 2016.

While single player story mode remains frozen in amber for PS3 die hards, the focus has irrevocably shifted to current gen consoles and beyond.

For us core gamers still happily battling on streets of Los Santos in 2024 – we await details on GTA 6! But with GTA V still hitting peak player counts, I expect Rockstar will let this masterpiece coast more miles before shifting gears.

What are your thoughts? Let me know in comments!

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