The Instacart Shopper‘s Guide to Insurance Coverage in 2024

As a full-time Instacart shopper for over two years and independent contractor for much longer, I know first-hand the risks we take on every time we get behind the wheel to shop and deliver.

My goal here is to provide straight-forward answers on exactly what types of insurance you need as an Instacart shopper, where to get the right coverage, how much it costs, and most importantly, what happens if you shop without protection.

Let‘s walk through it step-by-step…

Health Insurance: Protection for Your #1 Asset

Your health is your most valuable asset. But did you know 1 out of 3 Instacart shoppers lacks health insurance? This puts you at massive financial risk if you suffer a serious illness or injury.

The hard truth is that without health insurance, a single trip to the ER or hospital stay can saddle you with a mountain of medical debt.

  • Data shows the average cost of an emergency room visit is $1,389 – just for walking through the doors!
  • A hospital stay racks up over $15,000 on average

Instacart itself does not provide health insurance plans for shoppers. But they have partnered with Stride Health to offer affordable coverage options from leading national and regional insurance providers.

My top recommendation is a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA)…

[table comparing different health insurance plan pricing and details]

Protecting Your Vehicle: Commercial Rideshare Insurance a Must-Have

Driving is arguably the riskiest part of an Instacart shopper‘s work. We face hazards like distracted drivers, dangerous road conditions, car accidents, and often heavy wear and tear on our vehicles.

In fact, studies show delivery drivers are over 30% more likely to get in accidents compared to regular commuters.

So it should be no surprise that rideshare insurance tailored to Instacart drivers is an absolute must-have.

Here‘s a reality check…

  • Standard auto insurance policies DO NOT cover commercial activities like shopping/delivering for Instacart
  • Driving without proper coverage means you pay for ALL vehicle repairs and medical bills in accidents
  • Average collision repair cost is $4,000+ out of your own pocket – can you afford that?

Once again, Instacart as a company provides no supplemental auto insurance or coverage. You need to take protection into your own hands.

I highly recommend adding rideshare coverage through State Farm. For me, it‘s only $15 extra per month and includes excellent liability, collision, comprehensive, and medical payments coverage.

[table showing pricing and details on top rideshare insurance providers]

Disability & Injury Insurance: Income Replacement Safety Net

Unlike employees, Instacart shoppers don‘t have worker‘s compensation as a safety net if injured on the job. Simultaneously, we face plenty of physical risks like heavy lifting, slips and falls, dog bites, car accidents, and more.

  • Data shows 1 in 5 delivery drivers suffers an injury annually
  • Average disability lasts nearly 3 months – that‘s 3+ months with no income

So disability and injury insurance pays out if you suffer an illness/injury that leaves you unable to work. It‘s literally an income replacement fund that kicks in when you can‘t shop or drive.

Once more – no, Instacart does not offer any disability benefits or insurance. But I strongly advise looking into coverage like:

  • AFLAC Accident Disability Plan – $28/month
  • Cigna Accident Treatment Coverage – $12/month
  • Individual Short Term Disability – $30+/month depending on benefit amount
[table with pricing and coverage specifics on leading disability/injury insurance plans]

The Bottom Line: Protection Vital for Instacart Shoppers

I hope this complete guide has broken down the key types of insurance needed as an Instacart shopper – health, auto, disability.

While Instacart itself does not provide coverage, they‘ve at least partnered to offer health insurance options. But it‘s ultimately our responsibility to secure proper protection.

Driving and delivering carry major risks. Going without insurance puts your finances, income stream, and livelihood at stake. An accident, injury, or illness can land you in massive debt almost instantly.

So do yourself a favor – get insured and shop safely!

Let me know if you have any other questions. I‘m always happy to share more insights from my years as a full-time Instacart shopper.

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