Does Lance Become Altean in Voltron: Legendary Defender?

As a long-time superfan of Voltron: Legendary Defender, the question of whether Lance becomes Altean at the end has fascinated me since the finale aired. When Princess Allura gave Lance those curiously glowing Altean marks, what did it mean?! Let‘s analyze all the evidence to get to the bottom of this epic fandom mystery together!

The Quick Answer

After an intense deep dive into interviews, analyses, and the events of the last season, the conclusion is…the Altean marks do not literally transform Lance into an Altean biologically or physiologically. He remains human. However! The marks still carry huge symbolic significance for his character and lead to an incredible new path for Lance‘s future. More on that soon!

Examining the Source: What Exactly Are Altean Marks?

In the Voltron universe, Altean marks are a unique biological feature of Alteans, but their appearances can differ based on the individual. Here‘s a quick lowdown:

  • Glowing, color-changing facial markings
  • First appear in early childhood
  • Reflect emotional/mental states – glow brighter with strong feelings
  • Princess Allura has iconic pink marks

So when Allura uses her magic to gift Lance these marks, what powers come with them? According to series showrunner Lauren Montgomery:

"The marks are definitely more symbolic than anything actually physically changing about Lance…I don‘t think she had enough energy left to physically change his DNA."

This confirms the marks themselves don‘t biologically turn Lance Altean. He still has a human lifespan and genetics. But let‘s talk symbolism!

Just What Do the Altean Marks Symbolize?

Allura‘s final gift shows how much Lance meant to her – she wanted him to carry a permanent memento of her heritage and their love. The marks connect him to Altean culture in a profoundly intimate way. But wait…there‘s more!


The marks don‘t just remember Allura – they glow based on Lance‘s emotions, showing he now harbors Altean magic! Show staff even hinted the marks connect him to Allura‘s lingering life essence. So in a spiritual sense, an echo of her lives on through Lance. How beautiful is that? 😭

It‘s poetry…Lance always felt overshadowed. But Allura‘s ever-present light now shines in him, hinting at great potential ahead!

What Does This Mean for Lance‘s Future?

Unlike recent seasons where he struggled with his role, Lance seems primed for new ascension as the marks awaken unseen magical capabilities. Perhaps he‘ll become an ambassador strengthening relations with the surviving Alteans. Maybe the marks hint at a future Druid-like role channeling their ancient magic!

My personal theory? The marks connect Lance to Allura‘s immense energy, revealing untapped powers that elevate him to the level of the other Paladins. With this spiritual boost, his empathy and loyalty can finally shine to full strength – allowing Lance to take the lead rallying support for the coalition‘s relief efforts!

It represents the culmination of his journey gaining confidence as a vital member of the team. And wherever the marks lead Lance next, I can‘t wait to see this awesome hero come into his own. He deserves it after all the blood, sweat, and tears!

So while he doesn‘t gain Altean biology, Lance does gain a profound symbolic bond granting magic, purpose, and the strength to rise higher than ever! Our boy is growing up – but he‘ll never stop being the lovable Lance we know at heart. ❤️

In Summary:

  • Allura’s marks don‘t biologically turn Lance Altean
  • They symbolize her love and connect them spiritually
  • The glowing marks harbor Altean magic and life essence
  • This will elevate Lance to new heights of power and leadership!

So while the marks don‘t make Lance a new species, they signal something incredible on the horizon for his character. He remains the same paladin we know deep down – but now empowered to share his gifts with the universe at a cosmic scale!

What do you think? Share your own Lance theories with me! And for more Voltron content: quiz, trivia and forums check out my site or video channel. Stay tuned for more legendary updates!

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