Does North Korea Have McDonald‘s In 2024? (Full Guide)

North Korea is perhaps the most closed off country in the modern world. Under the authoritarian rule of the Kim dynasty, North Korea zealously guards itself from foreign influences. This isolationism raises the question – does this reclusive nation have American fast food staples like McDonald‘s?

As of 2023, there are no McDonald‘s locations within North Korea‘s borders. The reasons why provide insight into the Hermit Kingdom.

Why Doesn‘t North Korea Allow McDonald‘s?

The North Korean regime views Western brands like McDonald‘s as an ideological threat. State propaganda has long demonized the United States and capitalism as evil influences. Some examples include:

  • Posters and campaigns labeling America as "imperialist aggressors"
  • Messages glorifying the Kim family as the protector from Western corruption
  • Movies and cartoons portraying Americans as literal wolves and pigs

Allowing symbols of Western culture like McDonald‘s, Starbucks, and KFC would expose North Koreans to outside ideas. The totalitarian government cannot risk citizens questioning propaganda or longing for more freedoms.

Beyond ideological concerns, North Korea operates a 100% state-controlled socialist economy. There are no private enterprises or foreign investments. Reports estimate state-owned share of the economy is between 95-100%:

Economic IndicatorNorth KoreaUnited States
State Control of Economy95-100%25-30%
Ease of Doing Business189th Rank6th Rank

Allowing major foreign brands would cede control and expose corruption in a system built on oppression. So McDonald‘s and other Western businesses face immense political barriers in North Korea.

What Fast Food Is Available in North Korea?

There are no independent restaurants in North Korea, with all dining establishments owned by the government. A few state-run restaurants in Pyongyang serve foreign-style fast food.

The Green Leaf Coffee Shop is one of the only spots where burgers are served. Visitors describe the cheeseburger as barely resembling McDonald‘s, arriving cold on stale bread. Here‘s how Green Leaf compares to a Big Mac:

Green Leaf BurgerBig Mac
MeatThin, low-quality beef100% beef patties
BunFlat, dense breadLight, pillowy bun
VeggiesLimited toppingsOnion, pickles, lettuce, etc.
TasteBland, unappealingSignature McDonald‘s flavor

Other restaurants in Pyongyang offer inferior versions of pizza, corn dogs, and french fries. But North Koreans have no frame of reference for how paltry these imitation fast foods are.

Could North Korea Ever Allow McDonald‘s?

There was brief speculation in 2018 that North Korea was interested in bringing McDonald‘s to Pyongyang. This followed rare diplomatic meetings between Kim Jong-Un and world leaders.

However, I believe the chance is still extremely unlikely in the near future. The regime relies on maintaining a cult of personality and vilifying foreign influence. Allowing the very symbol of American capitalism to operate in Pyongyang would undermine decades of propaganda.

Significant reforms allowing foreign businesses and investment would likely be prerequisite for a McDonald‘s. Currently, North Korea ranks the absolute worst in economic freedom.

Personally, I don‘t foresee McDonald‘s gaining ground in North Korea until regime change occurs. The Kim family has held an iron grip on power for over 70 years and shows no true interest in reform.

Barring a seismic shift in North Korea‘s leadership, McDonald‘s and fast food fans visiting Pyongyang will still be stuck with horrid knockoffs for the foreseeable future.


North Korea‘s totalitarian socialist system and fear of outside influence have prevented Western fast food chains from entering the country. The government maintains strict control over the economy and access to information. As a result, brands like McDonald‘s and KFC do not exist within North Korea‘s borders despite some limited interest.

While Pyongyang has a few meager fast food copycats, they offer none of the iconic taste that has made McDonald‘s a global juggernaut. Until North Korea institutes major reforms, visitors will not find a Big Mac or McFlurry anywhere in the Hermit Kingdom.

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