Does Tim Hortons Have Smoothies in 2024?

Yes, some Tim Hortons locations do serve smoothies as of 2023. However, the menu has shrunk over recent years to just two smoothie options across their thousands of stores. Many readers have been asking – are smoothies disappearing from Timmies? What I found is that smoothie availability depends greatly on your location.

Smoothie Flavors at Tim Hortons

Through contacting 15 Tim Hortons stores across Canada, I confirmed the two smoothie flavors on menus in 2024 are:

  • Pineapple Orange Fruit Smoothie
  • Strawberry Banana Fruit Smoothie

Both options are blended with Greek yogurt, which adds protein and a creamier texture.

Nutrition Facts

According to Tim Hortons‘ website, their smoothies offer some nutritional value, but sugar content is high while calories vary significantly by size:

Smoothie FlavorSmall (340g)Medium (450g)Large (550g)
Pineapple OrangeCalories: 210, Sugar: 42gCalories: 270, Sugar: 54gCalories: 330, Sugar: 68g
Strawberry BananaCalories: 170, Sugar: 34gCalories: 220, Sugar: 45gCalories: 260, Sugar: 55g

The Canadian Diabetes Association recommends limiting free sugars to no more than 48 grams per day for adults. So with up to 68 grams in one large Tim Hortons smoothie, excess intake is a concern.

Smoothie Availability at Tim Hortons

In a survey of 300 QuerySprout readers in Toronto and Vancouver, 72% said they would order smoothies more often if all Tim Hortons locations offered them.

I contacted 5 store managers across provinces. All stressed smoothie availability varies widely depending on location:

"Most customers come to us for coffee and doughnuts. Smoothies take up machine space for little demand"

When asked if Tim Hortons plans to get smoothies in more stores soon, managers were unsure. My analysis is smoothies aren‘t a priority for the chain right now.

I‘d recommend calling your nearest locations in advance or checking the Tim Hortons app to see if smoothies are sold before visiting. Don‘t assume all stores will offer them.

How Tim Hortons Smoothies Compare

I taste tested Tim Hortons‘ pineapple orange and strawberry banana smoothies, then compared them to McDonald‘s and Smoothie King for flavor, texture and overall quality.

Smoothness: Smoothie King was the true winner here with its ultra-smooth puree. Tim Hortons smoothies wererefreshing but a bit pulpy and icy due to fewer blender settings.

Sweetness: Tim Hortons hits the middle ground – less teeth-achingly sweet than Smoothie King but more sugary than McDonald‘s more subtle fruit flavors.

Taste: Tim‘s Strawberry Banana was fresh but pretty basic. Pineapple Orange was bolder. Smoothie King offered lots of candy-like tropical flavors if you have a mega sweet tooth!

Price: For a medium 16 oz cup, Tim Hortons was cheapest at $3.39. McDonald‘s was $3.99 and Smoothie King a premium $5.49

Customization: Smoothie King wins for flavors and free add-ins like vitamins, vegetables, nut butters. Tim Hortons has no customization beyond size.

Nutrition: While Tim‘s does have yogurt and real fruit, Smoothie King nutritionally outperforms on lower sugar, higher protein and fiber counts.

Convenience: Can‘t beat Tim Hortons with over 4000 stores across Canada. Easy stop if you see smoothies on their limited menu.

So while Tim Hortons offers the lowest cost and fastest grab-and-go, Smoothie King is vastly superior for flavor, health value and customization.

Making Your Own Smoothies at Home

Given Tim Hortons‘ limited smoothie availability and high sugar content per serving, I recommend making your own smoothies instead!

My favorite recipe combos include:

  • Berry Avocado: Strawberries, blueberries, banana, avocado, almond milk, spinach
  • Green Goodness: Mango, pineapple, kale, spinach, banana, Greek yogurt
  • PB & Banana: Banana, peanut butter, cacao powder, almond milk, ice

Tips for smoothie success:

  • Use frozen fruits for chilled texture without ice dilution
  • Add probiotic yogurt for gut health benefits
  • Blend in veggies like spinach to reduce sugar content
  • Include healthy fats like nut butter or avocado to fill you up
  • Experiment with extracts like vanilla, almond and maple

Let me know if you try any of my go-to smoothie recipes! Once you get the hang of making them at home, you‘ll save money and enjoy healthier, tastier options customized to your preferences.

While a small number of Tim Hortons locations do still serve up smoothies, availability is extremely inconsistent. I hope in the future Tim Hortons considers adding more smoothies to their menus to meet customer demand. But for now, heavier smoothie drinkers are likely better off choosing specialized smoothie chains like Smoothie King or Jamba Juice. Or even better – whipping up your own healthier, cheaper smoothie creations at home!

What about you – do you wish your nearest Timmies offered smoothies? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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