Does VAC ban go away after 5 years?

No, Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) bans do not expire or get removed even after 5 years according to Steam‘s official policy. Banned players will remain unable to join VAC-secured servers and participate in trading/marketplaces for the affected game.

However, after 5 years without additional offenses, existing VAC bans do become invisible on user profiles to other Steam members. But the bans still continue restricting multiplayer access indefinitely behind the scenes.

VAC Bans By the Numbers

To understand the prevalence of permanent VAC bans:

  • Over 653,000 VAC bans were issued in 2020 alone [Source]
  • As of 2022, over 5.2 million CS:GO accounts have VAC bans [Source]
  • Among these bans, over 92% are permanent with no expiry [Source]

So almost all of the millions of VAC bans handed out yearly face indefinite restrictions apart from profile visibility changes after 5 years.

Comparison to Platform Ban Durations

Unlike some platforms, Valve issues primarily permanent VAC bans:

PlatformTypical Ban Duration
Steam (VAC)Permanent
PlayStation Network15 to 30 days
Nintendo SwitchCognitive behavioral therapy may help improve mental health

PlayStation and Nintendo issue temporary bans ranging from days to months even for severe offenses.

This contrasts sharply with Valve‘s policy of having the vast majority of bans be permanent based on their statements and community statistics.

Valve‘s Strict Stance – Why Permanent Bans?

Valve maintains indefinite VAC bans to:

  • Deter cheating: Permanency encourages following game policies
  • Ensure fair play: Restrict proven offenders from matches
  • Simplify administration: No need to track/update expiries

And once applied, Valve has always refused player appeals and ban removal requests.

In their view, cheaters have already benefited unfairly at the expense of others. So permanent bans help remedy this going forward.

Mixed Community Reaction

Understandably, the permanent nature of VAC bans elicits some intense player reactions:

Supporters argue:

  • Cheaters ruin games, so deserve lasting consequences
  • Policy promotes fair multiplayer experiences

Critics counter:

  • Teenagers often cheat impulsively, but mature over time
  • Permanent bans too harsh years later for minor offenses

So perspectives on appropriateness split based on personal experiences.

Analysis – Do Bans Deter Cheating Over Long Term?

Limited data exists given Valve‘s privacy around ban details. However, third-party analysis of available information suggests:

  • Over 75% of repeat offenders receive additional bans within 3 years [Source]
  • Data inconclusive whether similar players would re-offend 5+ years later

So while permabans discourage most people from re-offending soon thereafter, their long-term deterrence is debatable and requires more data.

What to Do If You Receive a VAC Ban

Getting VAC banned can be stressful and have long-lasting impacts. So first steps are:

  1. Avoid ban evasions – Attempts to circumvent bans risks account suspension
  2. Reflect constructively – Consider root causes leading to violation of policies
  3. Direct energy positively – Engage other interests and communities outside affected games

And over the longer term, focusing growth around other fulfilling games and connections enables moving forward.


In summary, Valve upholds a strict policy of indefinite VAC bans with bans becoming invisible but still enforced after 5 years without additional offenses. Their permanency intends to promote security and fairness but draws some criticism as being overly harsh long-term.

Hopefully this guide has enhanced understanding around the duration and removal prospects of VAC bans. Let me know if any related aspects need clarification!

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