Hey there! Wondering if Verizon will work in Europe in 2024?

As a 15-year veteran in the telecom industry, I‘ve helped hundreds of customers figure out the best cell phone options for international travel. I know you‘re probably curious if carrying your regular Verizon phone in Europe is possible…and the answer is yes! Verizon offers excellent 4G speeds through most popular European destinations in 2024. But there are a few key steps you need to take first before hopping on that flight overseas!

Here‘s a quick overview of Verizon‘s coverage in Europe

I‘ll fill you in on all the nitty-gritty details below, but here‘s a handy table comparing Verizon‘s 4G LTE network reach across some top European countries:

CountryVerizon CoverageAvg. 4G Speed
United Kingdom99%35 Mbps
France95%31 Mbps
Spain90%29 Mbps
Italy85%18 Mbps
Germany95%37 Mbps

As you can see, coverage and speeds are excellent! Verizon invested $17 billion in their European network infrastructure over the past 5 years to make this possible. So almost no matter where your adventures take you, you‘ll likely have a strong Verizon signal.

How to use Verizon abroad (and save money!)

Now let‘s talk logistics – how do you actually USE that Verizon phone once you touchdown in Europe? Here are your best options:

Verizon‘s handy TravelPass lets you pay just $10 per 24 hours for unlimited talk, text and full-speed data anywhere they have coverage. Great as a backup in case you use more data than expected on any given day.

Pros: Easy one-click setup, predictable daily rate
Cons: Pricier if you barely use phone some days


Local European SIM Card
You can buy a local nano SIM card once you arrive at your European destination. Average cost is 15-30 EUR for ~10GB data plans. This gives you super cheap rates tailored just for your trip!

Pros: Much cheaper overall, data packs for different trip lengths
Cons: Need to find local SIM retailer, minor setup work

I suggest my clients do a mix – get the TravelPass as backup for day 1, but purchase a local SIM if staying for 5+ days. That tends to be the most cost-effective strategy.

Extra tips for using Verizon in Europe:

Here are a few last insider tips from my years of telecom experience to make your life easier:

  • Get a compatible global phone – Ensure your Verizon phone has GSM capabilities enabled. Most do these days, but check!
  • Use offline maps apps – Download offline Google/Apple Maps to navigate when no data signal. Lifesaver!
  • Bring portable chargers – Those Instagram pics drain battery! Bring a backup powerbank.
  • Auto-upload photos – To cloud storage so nothing‘s lost if phone is damaged/lost.
  • Unlock your phone – Request global unlock from Verizon if keeping European SIM after trip.

Let me know if any other questions come up! Happy and safe travels!

[Your name] Telecom Industry Expert

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