Yes, your Roblox account turns 13 when you turn 13

As a passionate Roblox gamer and content creator myself, one question I see come up a lot is "does your Roblox account turn 13 when you turn 13?" The short answer is – yes! According to Roblox‘s official help site, if your account‘s birth date is set correctly, the privacy and chat settings will automatically update to "13+" on the day of your 13th birthday.

Why 13+ is important on Roblox

Reaching age 13+ on Roblox is a major milestone. According to Roblox‘s community standards, users must be over 13 to access key social features like:

  • Unrestricted chat
  • Ability to say more phrases and words
  • Posting on forums
  • Commenting on blog posts
  • More profile customization options

This table shows the differences:

FeatureUnder 13Age 13+
Unfiltered chat
Profile customizationLimitedFull
Forum posting
Blog commenting

As you can see, 13+ unlocks crucial communication abilities. So getting your true age verified correctly is very important.

When your account ages up

Expert studies show that over 50% of Roblox users are under 13 years old. So thousands of accounts reach 13 each day!

According to Roblox‘s own Help site, if your birth date is set properly, the 13+ update happens automatically on your 13th birthday. No action is needed.

Some key things occur:

  • Chat filter and restrictions get removed
  • Age verification pop up may appear (optional)
  • Privacy settings change to defaults for 13+ users

If your birth date is wrong, contact Roblox Support to get it corrected.

Manual age verification

You don‘t have to wait until your birthday to verify your age if you‘re already over 13.

According to Roblox‘s FAQ, users 13+ can manually verify their age to access 13+ features early. You‘ll need:

  • Government-issued photo ID like a driver‘s license
  • Webcam/mobile device to scan ID verification QR code

Once successfully scanned, the system will unlock all age 13+ features on your account immediately.

Is Roblox safe for under 13 users?

As a long-time member of the Roblox community, player safety is my top priority – especially for younger gamers.

Roblox is relatively safe with the right parental controls. However, according to cybersecurity experts, users under 13 can still be exposed to risks like:

  • Identity theft
  • Cyberbullying
  • Predators masking as friendly users

This table outlines key risks and recommended safety steps:

RiskSafety recommendations
Identity theftDon‘t share real name, use avatar name only
PredatorsParental supervision when chatting/friending, block suspicious users
CyberbullyingSet account to filter offensive terms, report abusive chat to Roblox
Inappropriate contentParental controls limiting game access, close supervision as games are user-created

With good digital literacy habits and engaged parental management, Roblox can be a safe environment for younger gamers. But risks still remain that require vigiliance.

Final thoughts

Reaching age 13 is an exciting gaming milestone on Roblox opening communication and creative opportunities. While Roblox takes some safety steps around under 13 accounts, the platform still requires close parental supervision for younger users.

Through in-depth guides like this, I aim to promote better public understanding of gaming platforms like Roblox so we can work together to enhance player safety.

There is still more Roblox can improve in their age verification and content moderation systems. But overall, I remain passionate about the incredible creativity and innovation happening in the Roblox community spanning all ages.

What has your or your child‘s experience been like on Roblox? I welcome further discussion in the comments!

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