Has Batman Ever Kissed Harley Quinn? Analyzing the Complex Bond Between Two Iconic Characters


As an avid gamer and Batman lore enthusiast, one question I get asked a lot is — Has Batman, the Dark Knight himself with a notoriously strict no-killing code, ever kissed the infamously chaotic Harley Quinn?

At first glance, it seems unlikely. Yet there have been some intriguing hints across their 80+ year history that suggest more emotional bonds under the surface.

In this article, I‘ll analyze whether Batman and Harley Quinn have locked lips before as friends or foes over the years. Strap in for a wild ride covering comic books, animated shows, movies and more spanning decades of DC history between these two complex characters!

The Unexpected Kiss in Suicide Squad (2016)

Let‘s start with the one literal kiss between Batman and Harley Quinn shown on-screen so far — a nonconsensual one in the 2016 Suicide Squad film.

In one scene, Batman pulls an unconscious Harley Quinn out of a river and attempts to resuscitate her. As he does mouth-to-mouth, she startles awake and takes the chance to kiss Batman on the lips!


Suicide Squad (2016) Kiss Scene. Image credit: Warner Bros

Batman‘s reaction says it all — he looks disgusted and wants none of it.

So while technically their lips have met due to Harley‘s impulsiveness, it was more CPR than real kissing!

Viewer reactions proved divided — some found it a lighthearted easter egg while others considered it distasteful, particularly given Harley‘s unconscious state when Batman revived her.

Regardless, we can confirm only one literal kiss initiated against Batman‘s will.

Their Core Relationship — Foes with Intriguing Hints

Across the broader canon, Batman and Harley remain strongly adversorial with her criminal antics as his nemesis Joker‘s lover/accomplice putting them at odds.

However, there have also been some subtler emotional hints that suggest deeper bonds under the surface:

Batman Showing Reluctant Fondness

In multiple comic issues and the iconic 90s animated series, Batman has occasional moments of sympathy where he encourages Harley to leave her abusive relationship with the Joker:

"You don‘t need Joker. You don‘t need anyone. You have talent, Harleen. A lot of talent." – Batman, The Animated Series (1994)

He shows reluctance to harm her at times despite viewing her as dangerous threat.

Harley Showing Attraction

While mostly unrequited, Harley herself often finds Batman‘s brooding charisma alluring and repeatedly flirts or makes overtures towards him:

"A girl can‘t help but ask herself – what‘s Batman got that I ain‘t got?" – Harley Quinn (The Animated Series)

So while Batman remains indifferent, Harley suggests interest in him as more than just another punching bag.


Harley Quinn flirting with Batman (Batman: The Animated Series)

These hints of fondness or attraction add intrigue often highlighted in fanfiction and online debates.

But crucially, they‘ve mostly remained subtle subtext rather than concrete evidence of real romance.

Their Relationship Across mediums

Let‘s analyze how the Batman/Harley dynamic plays out with more details across comic books, shows and video games:

In Comic Books

Background Context

  • Harley Quinn first appeared in Batman comics in 1999 as the Joker‘s sidekick
  • Over 30 years, she‘s grown from a henchwoman into one of DC‘s most popular antiheroines
  • Her abusive relationship with the psychopathic Joker has been central to many storylines

Notable Moments

While remaining enemies, some comic issues provided hints of mutual emotional understanding:

  • Batman: Harley Quinn #1 (2000) – Harley rescues Batman showing her antiheroism
  • Injustice: Gods Among Us – Alternate reality with them as allies against Superman‘s regime
  • Harleen limited series (2019) – Retells Harley‘s origins, with Bruce trying to reason with her misguided obsession over the Joker

So again, more emotional context than actual kissing or dating.


Harley Quinn rescuing Batman in one comic issue adding layers to their dynamic

In Animation and TV Shows

Both characters have repeatedly clashed with deliciously complex chemistry in shows like Batman: The Animated Series (1992), The Batman (2000s animated series) and the popular adult comedy Harley Quinn (2019 animated series):

  • Famously in B: TAS "Harley‘s Holiday" (1993), Batman stops her crime spree but also shows faith she can reform
  • In The Batman (2000s), she frequently obsesses over wanting to impress him
  • No kissing but emotional turmoil as she struggles to openly show her growing inner admiration for Batman who represents stability starkly opposite to the chaotic abusive Joker


The Batman (2000s animated series)

So again, across shows we see their chemistry manifest more as Harley having bottled-up attraction towards Batman who remains unaware and adversary.

In Gaming

Finally, in hit video games like the Arkham Series (Batman Games), Injustice, Lego Batman etc – Batman and Harley remain popular playable characters often thrown on the same side in gameplay.

Notable Moments:

  • Arkham Knight (2015) – Harley is fascinated by Batman‘s dual Bruce Wayne/Batman persona
  • Lego Batman humorously leans into their bizarre chemistry with flirty interactions
  • Gotham Knights (Upcoming 2022) – Set in universe where Joker is dead, potential for Batman/Harley teamup and new story directions

So their dynamic continues with Harley intrigued by Batman‘s stoicism and grudging respect.


Lego Batman games leaning into Batman/Harley chemistry

Evolution Over the Years

Analyzing across decades from her first debut in 1992 shows an intriguing pattern:

YearDynamicType of Storylines
1990sBlack & White FoesBatman foiling Harley‘s criminal plans with Joker
2000sGrowing hints of fondnessHarley showing more inner admiration for Batman
2010sOpenly complex chemistryFocus on their personality clashes with emotional bonds subtly acknowledged
2020s???Gotham Knights game could explode their dynamic further

So while their core relationship remains antagonistic, later years have slowly added more layers – most often with Harley seeking Batman‘s guidance as she considers reforming while denying her attraction.

Meanwhile, Batman shifts from pure foe to showing occasional sympathy seeing good hidden in her.

This sets the stage well IF creators ever choose to transform their bond into an actual affair. Based on past patterns, it remains possible but would require a shocking traumatic catalyst driving Harley further down her chaotic path.


So in my expert analysis as an avid gamer and DC fan – have Batman and Harley Quinn kissed?

Literally, only once – an uninvited smooch from Harley in Suicide Squad (2016).

The broader evidence shows their long history as complex adversaries – Batman as brooding lawful hero, Harley Quinn the chaotic criminal mischief maker.

However, it also reveals the possibility of deeper bonds. Harley has repeatedly shown awkward hidden attraction towards the very stable disciplined Batman so unlike her abusive lover Joker. Meanwhile, Batman has occasionally revealed more sympathy for Harley seeking good in her beyond the violent criminal.

So in essence, their relationship stands as:

  • ❌ Not romantic (currently)
  • 🤝 Complex chemistry filled with potential

This tension continues to intrigue fans with "what if" scenarios for years. And upcoming projects like 2022‘s Gotham Knights game provide opportunities to transform their dynamic into fresh new directions!

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