How Big is The Sims 4 with All Expansions in 2024?

As a passionate Sims 4 player and content creator, this question gets asked a lot – just how much disk space do you need for the complete Sims 4 experience in 2024? With yearly expansion packs still rolling out, this number keeps increasing!

Let‘s take a detailed look.

The Current State of Sims 4 Storage Needs

As of February 2023, the base Sims 4 game requires 18 GB free disk space. This lets you build homes, create Sims, and experience core gameplay.

However, with all 13 expansion packs, 12 game packs and 18 stuff packs installed, you need around 55 GB free space for everything! This number will only rise as more content gets added in 2024.

Here‘s a quick breakdown of where all this storage demand comes from:

  • High resolution textures and models – Sims characters, buildings, objects and environments are very detailed now with 4K support.
  • Animations and audio – elaborate facial animations, smooth body motions, background soundscapes.
  • Expansive worlds – intricate neighborhoods, lots of interactable elements
  • Save games – if you play long games, save files get chunky over time!

Now let‘s analyze the storage needs pack-by-pack.

Breakdown of Storage Needs for Each Sims 4 Expansion

Here‘s a table detailing how much additional disk space each Sims 4 expansion and game pack requires:

Expansion PackSize
Get Famous5.3 GB
Get Together5.1 GB
Cats & Dogs5 GB
Seasons4.6 GB
City Living4.5 GB

(table continues with all packs…)

As you can see, expansion packs tend to be 4-6 GB each depending on the amount of content. Game packs are smaller at around 2-3 GB each. Stuff packs are less than 500 MB.

But it all adds up quick! Installing every single pack will demand around 55 GB as of early 2023.

Why Does Sims 4 Require So Much Storage Space?

Long-time Sims fans may remember that older titles like Sims 2 or 3 required much less disk space. So why does Sims 4 need a whopping 50+ GB for everything?

A few key reasons:

  • High-fidelity Assets – Modern games use high resolution textures, models and environments leading to large file sizes. The Sims is no exception.
  • Expansive Worlds – More interactable objects and Sims with complex AI routines take up coding space.
  • Future-Proofing For Updates – EA wants to keep adding content, so they mandate ample storage.

There are also community factors like custom worlds, mods, save files building up over time and occupancy of your disk. It‘s not unusual for long-time Sims 4 players to be using 100+ GB after years of heavy gameplay.

Ideal PC Build For Sims 4 with All Expansions

If you plan to play Sims 4 with every expansion running stable, make sure you get a PC with at least:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GB DDR4
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1660 or equivalent
  • Storage: 512 GB SSD

This will let you run Sims 4 smoothly while multitasking and having browser tabs open. Remember to keep at least 50 GB free space clear for Sims 4 alone.

I made the mistake of using a cheap laptop with 4 GB RAM and 128 GB storage…it really struggled with 2 expansions active! Don‘t repeat my pain 🙂

Tips to Save on Storage Space

Even with a spacious SSD, 50GB for one game is no joke. Here are my tips to save some storage when playing Sims 4:

  • Move save games and mods folder to cloud storage
  • Delete unused worlds if not playing them
  • Disable high-resolution texture packs
  • Remove unwanted language packs

This frees up precious GBs! You can also move The Sims folder itself outside Documents folder through symlinking.

The Future of Sims 4 Storage Requirements

Unless EA makes a concerted effort to optimize game size, expect Sims 4 all-in to hit 65 GB or more in a couple years. Conservative bets are:

  • 3 major expansions per year at 5 GB each
  • Minor game & stuff packs adding 500 MB – 1 GB

So buying that 1 TB NVMe SSD doesn‘t seem so overkill now eh? As a fan who has played 2000+ hours myself, I say it‘s all worth it for the incredible adventures this game offers!

Let me know if you have any other tips or questions on managing Sims 4 storage needs!

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