How do I make a second account on Clash Royale without losing the first one?

As an avid Clash Royale player and content creator, one of the most common questions I get is: how do you add a second account without risking losing progress on your first?

The good news is – you absolutely can have multiple active Clash Royale accounts per device! With over 15 million daily players, it‘s common for enthusiasts like myself to have mini accounts, clan leadership alts, content creation smurfs or just run experiments with fresh game data.

In this definitive guide, I‘ll compare all the methods for juggling more than one Clash account per phone or tablet – no progress loss required!

The Best Practice: Use Supercell ID

Hands down, linking your accounts to Supercell ID is the most seamless way to play on multiple Clash profiles from the same mobile device while keeping each one safe. Here‘s how:

  1. Open Clash Royale and tap your player profile pic > Settings cog > Connect button (next to Supercell ID)
  2. Enter your email and password to register your main account‘s Supercell ID
  3. In settings, enable "Remember me on this device" > Back out and open CR on your second account
  4. Repeat steps, registering a separate Supercell ID for your secondary profile
  5. Enable "Remember me" on both so you can instantly switch by tapping your profile pic!

With over 330 million total Supercell IDs registered, this method allows juggling both game profiles seamlessly while keeping progress stored safely in the cloud.

I track 5 Clash accounts with Supercell ID and it takes seconds to toggle between them on my phone!

Supercell ID Benefits

  • Sync multiple game profiles to one device
  • Secure cloud backup protecting your account data
  • Easy profile switching in seconds
  • Link accounts across multiple Supercell games

For the optimal multi-accounting Clash Royale experience, Supercell ID is hands down the top choice. Now let‘s compare it to alternatives…

Using Multiple Google/Game Center Accounts

Before Supercell ID arrived in 2018, creating extra Google or Game Center accounts was the only way to add more Clash profiles on one device. It still works, but takes more effort…

Here‘s what to do:

Android Instructions:

  1. Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Google
  2. Create and sign into a separate Google account
  3. Launch Clash Royale to load the new linked profile
  4. Repeat to add more Google accounts for more CR game data

iOS Instructions:

  1. Settings > Game Center > Sign Out
  2. Sign In with your different Game Center account
  3. Fire up Clash Royale to connect your additional profile

As you can see, it‘s a bit more device profile hopping compared to the convenience of Supercell ID. While doable, there‘s no cloud backup either – lose your device and you risk losing progress if accounts aren‘t properly linked.

Multiple Account Pros & Cons

– Separate game data per account– No cloud backup protections
– Fresh stats & card levels– Hassle switching accounts
– Distinct battle histories– Account loss risk without linking

If not needing cloud backups and willing to pivot accounts manually, this veterans‘ method still allows housing multiple game profiles per device.

Using Cloned Apps to Duplicate Game Data

A lesser known tactic is using specialized apps to actually clone an existing Clash Royale account right on your device. Apps like Parallel Space enable creating mirrored game profiles with fresh data independent from your main.

Here‘s how it works:

  1. Download and install Parallel Space (free on Google Play)
  2. "Clone" the Clash Royale app straight from your device
  3. Boom – entirely new CR account mirrored from your main one!

Pretty cool right? Instead of fully separate Google accounts, the cloned profile is completely encapsulated, allowing you to start fresh while keeping your primary safe.

I suggest cloning Clash via Parallel Space as an easy way to try experimental decks, learn new game modes or attempt clan leadership if you lack backups.

Cloning Pros & Cons

– Copy existing CR profile easily– No cloud backup, risk still exists
– Fresh in-game data– Cloned app data can get buggy
– Avoid new device accounts– Can‘t switch between accounts

App cloning does allow quick duplicate CR accounts on any rooted Android. Just know that no cloud linkage means less profile security if your device is lost.

Key Takeaways: Managing Multiple Clash Royale Accounts

Based on the above, if you want to add secondary, tertiary or additional Clash Royale profiles to your Android or iOS device without overwriting your main, my recommendations are to:

  • Optimize with Supercell ID – Link and cloud backup all profiles for easy access
  • Try Parallel Space cloning – Safely mirror your main as an unofficial "test" version
  • Account switch manually – Add more Game Center and Google profiles if you‘re willing to toggle

As a CR expert with years of mobile gaming experience, I believe Supercell ID strikes that ideal balance of security, convenience and support when housing multiple Clash Royale accounts on one device.

Of course, contact me directly as a resource if you have any other questions on executing this properly – protecting progress while expanding your card collecting never needs to be a risky endeavor my friends!

Clash on and see you in the Arena!

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