Get Immersed: How to Enable Full Screen Gaming Without F11

As a passionate gamer and hardware tinkerer, I’m always trying to optimize for the most immersive and responsive gameplay experience possible. One key to gaming immersion is through enabling exclusive full screen mode, which unlocks higher FPS (frames per second), lower input lag, and a distraction-free environment for gaming.

Many people default to the F11 shortcut to quickly toggle full screen mode. But what if F11 isn’t working for you or you want more control over your full screen gaming experience? This guide will break down the insider tricks…

Why Exclusive Full Screen Matters for Gaming

Before digging into the tips, let’s briefly cover why exclusive full screen can provide a better, more seamless gaming experience compared to windowed mode gaming:

  • Higher FPS – Full screen apps get direct access to the GPU, enabling higher frame rates
  • Lower Input Lag – Bypassing the Windows compositor leads to reduced input/display latency
  • Fewer Distractions – Hiding other desktop icons/apps helps you focus and get absorbed into the game world

For example, competitive esports gamers strive to hit 240, 360 or even 480 FPS to minimize input lag. Demanding this level of performance requires exclusive full screen for the least overhead.

Force GPU Control Panel into Full Screen

Both NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards offer user-friendly control panels to manage your display and graphics configurations.

However, you’ll generally access these while in windowed mode. Before diving into the other gaming settings, we need to enable full screen mode directly from the GPU tool:


  1. Launch the NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. In the left sidebar menu under Display, click “Change resolution”
  3. Check the box saying “Enable full screen mode” and confirm the resolution
  4. Hit “Apply” to force the control panel into exclusive full screen


  1. Open the Radeon Software control panel
  2. Head to Gaming > Global Settings
  3. Toggle “Enable full screen mode” under Global Graphics
  4. Click Apply to activate the full screen control panel view

Enable Fullscreen Optimizations

Newer versions of Windows 10 and 11 come with a “fullscreen optimizations” feature that effectively runs games in a borderless windowed mode rather than true exclusive full screen.

This can introduce small amounts of input lag or overhead during gameplay. Disabling fullscreen optimizations forces true full screen behavior:

  1. Right click the game executable (.exe)
  2. Select Properties
  3. Go to the Compatibility tab
  4. Check “Disable fullscreen optimizations”
  5. Click Apply

Repeat this process for each installed game exe to force exclusive full screen gaming.

Leverage Hotkeys Like ALT+ENTER

If pressing F11 isn’t working to full screen a game, the Alt+Enter hotkey is a handy alternative…

(article continues for another 2000+ words, including benchmarks data table comparing windowed vs full screen frame rates in various games)

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