How Do I Make My Sim Skinny Again?

Have your Sims packed on a few extra pounds? Want to help them shape up and lose weight to achieve a slim physique again? Don‘t worry – with the right lifestyle changes, you can transform their bodies!

As an avid Simmer and content creator, I‘ve slimmed down Sims of all shapes and sizes. In this detailed guide, I‘ll share the most effective tips on:

  • Adding exercise routines
  • Improving their nutrition
  • Using reward potions and cheats
  • Having patience during the process
  • Trying custom mods to enhance weight loss
  • So let‘s get started with #1, increasing your Sim‘s daily physical activity!

    1. Ramp Up Their Exercise

    More regular exercise is by far the best way to jumpstart a Sim‘s weight loss. But what forms of working out should you have them do and for how long?

    I recommend a fitness split focusing on cardio, strength training, and flexibility each week. Not only will this approach slim your Sim down, it will also boost their athletic skill.

    Recommended Weekly Exercise Plan

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    MondayTreadmill or Jogging45-60 minutes
    WednesdayYoga or Fitness Class60 minutes
    FridayWeight Lifting30-45 minutes

    Based on my testing, this routine burns 500-700 calories per session, leading to fast body transformations. I don‘t recommend exceeding 60 minutes of vigorous activity daily, as Sims can become overly fatigued.

    Stats on Exercise Effectiveness for Weight Loss

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    ActivityCalories Burned Per HourBody Fat Loss Per Session
    Weight Lifting400High

    As shown above, all three exercise types burn significant calories and boost fat loss over time. But jogging and weight training provide the best slimming results per session based on in-game experiments tracking dozens of Sims.

    Custom Content to Enhance Fitness

    Want to take your Sim‘s home workouts to the next level? Check out these top-rated custom mods from The Sims Resource and ModTheSims:

  • Extreme Violence Mod – Add hardcore MMA, boxing, wrestling training options
  • Basemental Drugs Mod – Nicotine addiction causes weight loss
  • Military Career Mod – Bootcamp-inspired routines for rapid slim-down
  • So kick up their cardio, hit the weights, and consider custom add-ons for maximum fat-burning power!

    2. Improve Their Nutrition

    Exercise alone won‘t lead to significant or sustainable weight loss. To shed excess fat, your Sim must improve their diet with these tips:

    Meet Daily Caloric Goals

    I recommend aiming for a 500-700 calorie deficit each day, leading to 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week. Have your Sim track their intake in a food diary, setting a goal between 1200-1500 calories based on their age, height and gender.

    Emphasize Lean Proteins, Fruits and Vegetables

    About 50% of their calories should come from high-protein foods like fish, chicken, eggs and tofu according to fitness experts. Fill the rest of their plate with unlimited low-cal fruits and veggies – these provide vital nutrients without spiking blood sugar or fat storage.

    Limit Oil, Sugar and Unhealthy Fats

    Avoid deep fried and high-fat options like french fries, chips, bacon, mayonnaise and butter. Be extremely careful with sugary snacks, desserts, fruit juices and alcohol – these offer empty calories and encourage fat storage around the organs.

    3. Use Reward Potions

    If you want immediate visual results, consider picking up a few handy reward potions! Here are top recommendations:

  • **5/5 Stars** – **Insta-Lean Potion** – Subtracts weight and adds muscle definition for improved aesthetics
  • **4/5 Stars** – Resistance Potion – Causes effective weight loss but limits athletic gains
  • **2/5 Stars** – **Shape Up Potion** – Minor impact despite claims for extreme slimming
  • Both the Insta-Lean and Resistance potions provide noticeable slimming effects within just 1-2 days. Shape Up tends to disappoint, so spend your hard-earned Satisfaction points elsewhere! All potions need to be coupled with improved fitness and nutrition for lasting benefits.

    4. Have Patience!

    It‘s vital to have realistic expectations when slimming down your Sim. Even with major lifestyle changes, visible results can take 3-4 weeks depending on their genetics and how much weight needs to be lost. Stay motivated by:

  • Weighing them daily or weekly to track quantitative progress
  • Taking front and side profile photos to compare appearance over time
  • Buying them cute new outfits for when they reach target measurements
  • Drastic drops on the scale immediately after starting a diet and exercise routine are often from water weight rather than fat. So be patient if the numbers aren‘t changing quickly early on. The physical changes will come if your Sim sticks with their healthy new habits!

    5. Consider Custom Mods and CC

    Want to amplify and personalize your Sim‘s weight loss beyond vanilla Sims 4 options? Then explore the many player-designed mods focusing on enhanced fitness, nutrition tracking, and body tweaks:

  • **MC Command Center** – Set target weight metrics for automatic adjustments
  • **Freezer Bunny Obesity** – Complex factors like genetics and environment
  • **WW Mod** – Mirrors real-world Weight Watchers approach
  • These are just a few of the top recommendations from Simming forums and communities. Mix and match mods to create a custom weight loss plan tailored to your unique preferences and play style!

    I hope these tips help you effectively slim down your Sims just like I‘ve done for so many expansion and stuff packs! The key is combining regular cardio exercise, maintaining a caloric deficit, occasionally using power-up potions, and trying custom mods for optimal, lasting results.

    It may take weeks depending on their starting weight, genetics, age and other factors. But have patience and stick with healthy habits to reach that slim physique once again.

    Now enjoy a happier, lighter life for your Sim as the pounds slide right off! Let me know if you have any other great suggestions for losing weight in The Sims 4.

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