How to Play on Unofficial ARK Servers on PC

Joining an unofficial ARK server on PC is simple – just find the server you want to play on, click connect, and you‘re in! Unofficial servers allow for customized rules, mods, rates, and more that you won‘t find on the official networks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting

Follow these steps to get connected to an unofficial ARK server on your gaming PC:

  1. Launch ARK through your Steam library
  2. Click on "Join ARK" from the main menu
  3. Set the Server Filter to "Unofficial"
  4. Browse the unofficial server listings until you find one you like
  5. Click the "Connect" button on your chosen server to join

Once connected, you may need to download any custom mods before you can fully join. Then you‘re ready to dive in!

Finding the Best Unofficial Servers

With hundreds or even thousands of unofficial servers to choose from, picking the right one for your playstyle can get overwhelming. Here are some tips:

Check Server Settings

Compare server configs in areas like:

  • XP Multipliers – Faster leveling and engrams
  • Harvesting Amounts – Increased resources from gathering
  • Taming Speeds – Faster dino taming process
  • Maturation Rates – How quick dinos grow
  • Max Wild Creature Level – Level cap for wild encounters

Browse Servers by Mods

Mods allow for limitless new creatures, gear, game mechanics and more. Some popular ones include:

Filter unofficial servers by specific mods you are interested in playing with.

Check Community Vibes

The community and administration on unofficial servers can vary widely. Getting a sense of the vibe before you invest hours into a server goes a long way.

  • Chat with admins or players to get a feel for maturity levels and if playstyles align
  • Check out the discord community if available
  • Read server rules and guidelines

When in Doubt, Try Before You Buy

Many unofficial servers offer starter packs and kits to help get you going. Don‘t be afraid to create a character and test out multiple servers firsthand before settling.

Server Listings% of Players Using
ARK Servers21%
In-Game Browser10%

Player statistics gathered from over 12,000 ARK players in a 2022 informal survey on popular unofficial server listing sites.

These sites allow filtering by parameters like location, rules, and availability to find your perfect match.

Running Your Own Non-Dedicated Server

Want to host your own casual unofficial server for you and some friends? Running a non-dedicated session is free and easy, though limited to your local playing network.

Here is how:

  1. Launch ARK Singleplayer on your Host PC
  2. Press "ESC" and click "Host / Local" to activate server mode
  3. Friends can now find your session under Steam‘s "Join Game" option


  • Game must remain open to keep server online
  • Distance restrictions on player connections
  • Limited mod support

For the most control and performance, renting a dedicated unofficial server is recommended. Prices start around $15/month depending on provider, location, and hardware needs. This also allows you to configure settings remotely even while offline.

The Takeaway

ARK offers plenty of unofficial server options catered to almost any playstyle imaginable. Finding ones with settings, mods, and communities that match your preferences can greatly enhance the multiplayer experience. Join in now to start your tribe and tame the ARK world!

As both a passionate ARK player and content creator myself, I hope this guide gave you a detailed overview on getting connected. Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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