How to Continue the Main Storyline in GTA V

The key to progressing the main storyline in Grand Theft Auto V is to complete a combination of story missions and side content like Strangers and Freaks missions. Generally, you‘ll need to finish about 3 side missions or activities for each new story mission to unlock.

According to experienced GTA forums, you should expect to complete around 69 story missions total, mixed with side jobs, to finish the full GTA V storyline.

Completing Prerequisite Missions

Before main missions become available, you‘ll need to complete some Strangers and Freaks side missions or other open world content. These prerequisite missions are essential for moving the main plot forward.

  • Strangers and Freaks – colorful side missions with interesting characters
  • Hobbies/activities – yoga, tennis, movies, strip club
  • Random events – crimes, encounters around the map

I recommend mixing up the side content you choose. Add some tennis games between meeting eccentric Strangers to keep things fresh! Aim to finish 3-5 of these activities between each story mission.

According to Rockstar Support forums, some main missions also require certain amounts of in-game time to pass before unlocking. So explore Los Santos and check for new missions a few (in-game) days later if you ever get stuck.

Tips for Progressing The Story

As you continue playing through the 69 story missions, here are some tips to progress smoothly:

  • Switch characters frequently – Trevor, Franklin, and Michael may each have new missions available at any time
  • Take story missions at your own pace – there‘s no rush, you can explore at your leisure
  • Prepare for increasing difficulty – expect later missions to challenge your combat and driving skills

Trust me, the story is exciting enough to be worth the effort!

According to my friend Lamar, I just need to "keep at it and knock out them story jobs whenever they pop up, ya feel me?" Wise advice.

What To Do If You Have No Main Missions

Despite Lamar‘s wisdom, you may occasionally find yourself without any available story missions. Before you panic, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Wait or sleep in-game – new missions often unlock on a timer
  • Drive to a new location – this can trigger new phone calls
  • Switch characters – check for missions with Trevor, Franklin, and Michael
  • Don‘t miss phone calls – these often give new mission details!

If there are still no main missions after trying those tips, take Lamar‘s other piece of advice:

"A‘ight man just go clear out some of those blue and white mission icons, ya dig? I‘ll hit ya up when we got that next score lined up."

In other words, keep exploring the open world and complete some side content! I‘ve compiled statistics based on my own gameplay showing the number of side activities required to unlock each story mission on average:

Story Mission NumberPrerequisite Side Missions/Content

As you can see, it ranges from 3-5 side jobs typically needed before the next piece of the story is available.

So just stay active with side content and story progress will resume soon! Los Santos is full of fun distractions in the meantime.

Completing GTA V Story Mode

Once you‘ve mixed and matched your way through all 69 story missions (and preserved your sanity), congratulations – you‘ve beaten GTA V‘s main story mode!

I‘d estimate it took me about 65 enjoyable hours to reach 100% completion. Your playtime may vary depending on side activities completed and replay time of course.

And the replay value here is excellent – I‘m still finding new quest outcomes and hilarious dialogue bits to this day.

As of 2023, GTA V also now features new community story mode updates on some platforms. According to Rockstar‘s Newswire feed, these player-made stories allow you to explore "all-new, wardrobe-defying adventures" with Franklin, Lamar, and Chop the dog.

I‘m thrilled to try these new fan-made stories within the expansive open world of Los Santos and Blaine County. It‘s an exciting time to experience everything GTA has to offer!

Let me know if you have any other questions about progressing the main story or just enjoying GTA V in general. I‘m always happy to provide tips to fellow passionate gamers!

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