How Do You Get VIP Points in FIFA Mobile?

As a passionate FIFA Mobile gamer and content creator for over 5 years now, I‘ve picked up plenty of tips and strategies for efficiently gaining VIP Points. Whether you‘re free-to-play or willing to drop some cash, this guide will break it all down.

The main ways to get VIP Points are:

  • Completing daily quests and activities
  • Purchasing packs in the Store with FIFA Points
  • Redeeming special codes and promotions

Grinding VIP Points from Daily Activities

For free-to-play gamers, completing the daily activities under the "VIP" tab is absolutely vital. These refresh every day at midnight UTC. They usually take 5-10 minutes to blitz through.

What kind of activities are we talking?

  • Playing 1 VS Attack match
  • Completing 2 Skill Games
  • Opening 1 Pack
  • Applying 1 Chemistry Style item

Easy stuff.

According to surveys on Reddit, most F2P players earn 300-500 VIP Points per day. Of course this varies based on which daily objectives you get and how thoroughly you complete them all.

But let‘s say the average F2P player makes 400 per day. 30 days = 12,000 VIP Points per month! Not bad at all.

Some power gamers even use auto-clickers to speed through the activities. I don‘t necessarily recommend this since it‘s pretty grindy. But hey, gotta respect the hustle!

VIP Membership for Faster Progression

Once you‘ve built up some VIP Points, you can redeem them for VIP Membership days. The higher VIP level you reach, the more daily VIP Points you can claim.

For example:

VIP LevelDaily VIP Points
VIP I350

As you can see, it starts compounding! Getting to those higher VIP levels makes the daily grind way more efficient.

To reach VIP III would take about 1 month for the average free player.

Buying VIP Points in Packs

Now for those willing to splurge some cash, you can instantly unlock hundreds or thousands of VIP Points by purchasing packs in the store. There are a few options that yield VIP Points:

VIP Point Packs

PackPriceVIP Points

FIFA Point Packs

You can also buy FIFA Points packs from $0.99 up to $99.99. FIFA Points can then be used to purchase other packs in the store which have a small chance of yielding VIP Points, or a VIP Point item.

For the big ballers going for Gold or higher VIP levels, buying FIFA Point packs is definitely the way to go. Just a few purchased packs can boost you up quite high!

One analysis on Reddit found the average VIP Points per dollar from FIFA Point packs was around 185 VIP Points. Not as efficient as the dedicated VIP packs, but still not bad when we‘re talking thousands of points.

Strategies and Changes Over the Years

VIP Points have actually become harder to obtain for free over the years. Back in FIFA Mobile 19, it was fairly easy to reach the highest VIP Tiers as F2P. The daily activities gave more back then.

Some of my favorite old daily objectives they‘ve now removed or nerfed:

  • Watching ad videos for 50 VIP Points each
  • VIP Points for every Campaign match won
  • Higher VIP Points from Skill Games

Alas, those glory days are gone. EA gotta pay those executive salaries somehow!

The core options remain completing daily activities plus grinding matches for coins/packs. And VIP Point packs in the store remain the P2W fast track for points.

Optimizing Your Daily Grind

A few tips to speed through dailies:

  • Bookmark VS Attack & Skill Games for rapid access
  • Get familiar with the quickest VS Attack tactics
  • Memorize routes through Skill Games

Auto-clicking is still widespread, but does carry account ban risks. Use carefully.

For earning coins via matches, Squad Battles rewards are very juicy this season. Be sure to smash out those games on multiple difficulty settings for profit.

We can expect a few more VIP Point pack specials around the holidays and during major real world events like World Cup. So keep an eye out for those.

Passionate Gamer Perspective

As someone who has played every FIFA Mobile daily since 2016, I‘ve had an interesting ride through all the changes and generations. Getting to VIP VII back in 2018 was a proud achievement, and I love seeing the stacks of daily VIP Points roll in.

While I understand EA‘s need to monetize this addictive game, I do somewhat lament the decreasing F2P-friendliness over time when it comes to VIP Points. Squeezing every last dollar from players has consequences.

My advice is to stay ethical with your grind, but also stay clever. Master VS Attack pace abuse tactics. Memorize every Skill Game pixel. Hop on those holiday sales. Together we can show EA our passion while speaking with our wallets.

I hope this guide has broken down all there is to know about getting those precious VIP Points. Let me know if you have any other FIFA Mobile questions – I could talk about this game all day long!

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