How to Have Fun in Destiny 2: A Passionate Player‘s Perspective

As a hardcore fan who has sunk over 1000 hours into Bungie‘s iconic loot shooter franchise, I can definitively say that the most fun comes from immersing in the vast worlds, wielding cool weapons/abilities to defeat enemies with style, and playing incredible co-op/competitive modes with friends new and old. From solo story adventures to intense PvP action, Destiny 2 offers endless avenues for thrilling experiences catered to all player types.

Solo Play – Adventure Awaits

While best enjoyed with others, Destiny 2 also provides over 100 hours of solo story campaigns and expansions to experience. These offer an immersive dive into the game‘s lore as you learn more backstories of key characters like Cayde-6, Savathun, Saint-14 while exploring the secrets of Awoken culture, Vex machines, or the Darkness itself.

And it doesn‘t stop there. Activities like hunting secrets, scannables, region chests, and other collectibles across the game‘s wide array of destinations offers a distinctly treasure-hunt style gameplay loop for wandering solo players. With hundreds of lore pages to discover, this content can easily stretch your playtime beyond finishing the main narratives.

When you add aspirational activities like solo flawless dungeon runs, legend/master Lost Sectors, and secret exotic missions into the mix, Destiny 2 can almost become a completely different game that rewards true mastery of your Guardian‘s skills and equipment. Speaking of which…

With over 100 exotic weapons/armor and hundreds of legendary weapons to build loadouts from, the potential combinations enable practically endless avenues for fun through experimentation. Will you spec completely into Grenades as a Sunbreaker Titan? Or focus on mobility and smoke bombs as a Nightstalker Hunter? The freedom truly lies in your hands here.

Playing With Others – Power in Numbers

However, much of Destiny‘s longevity comes from activities focused on playing together. Over 70% of players participate in cooperative PvE activities like strikes, raids, seasonal content or open world patrols according to player statistics aggregated by

And the reasons are obvious for this heavy engagement. These activities let players truly flex their creative muscles when constructing synergistic fireteam builds to take on challenging Nightfalls or new Vow of the Disciple raid challenges.

With nearly 100 exotic armors between 3 classes as well, the possible setup variations enabling different ability uptime, survivability, damage bonuses, and more easily reaches into the thousands before even considering customizing weapons, subclasses, or seasonal artifact mods. This vast build diversity keeps experimenting with friends refreshing even after hundreds of hours played together.

Those friends also enhance the overall experience. Having an existing social circle to play with makes everything more enjoyable. But Destiny 2 also fosters making new connections via its clan feature or LFG system to find likeminded players wanting to take on an activity. Countless player stories exist of friendships initiated in a random Vault of Glass raid group that eventually manifested into real-life meetups.

For players favoring competition over cooperation, the Crucible and Gambit versus modes offer thrilling showcases for skill expression against others. There is an innate drive to improve your capabilities when battling enemies with human intelligence as opposed to simple AI scripts. Seeing yourself outplay an opponent in an evenly matched duel or watching your combat rating/rank increase from a win streak triggers dopamine hits that leave you chasing that high again.

And communicating tactical adjustments with team members, executing a coordinated invasion to thwart the enemy, and ultimately the sweet victory of your team coming out on top against all odds taste sweeter than any loot drop when playing with friends new or old.

No matter your preferred activity type, Destiny 2 enables endless avenues for fun with friends for years to come. I know almost 3 years later, I‘m still loading up weekly to knock out new raid challenges or jump into Trials with my regular fireteam. There‘s just an alluring charm to the gameplay Bungie has crafted that no other looter shooter has matched to date.

I hope this perspective gives newcomers and veterans alike inspiration on the many ways to enjoy Destiny 2 as much as I still do. See you star side, Guardians!

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