How to Play Spider-Man PS4 Silver Lining DLC: The Ultimate Guide

As a long-time fan of Spider-Man games, I was thrilled when Insomniac Games released the “Silver Lining” downloadable content for Marvel’s Spider-Man on PlayStation 4. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to access and complete this exciting expansion!

Overview of Silver Lining DLC

Silver Lining serves as the final chapter in “The City That Never Sleeps” three-part story expansion for Spider-Man. It continues the emotional, high-stakes narrative established by previous DLC chapters The Heist and Turf Wars.

Without getting into heavy spoilers, Silver Lining sees Spidey team-up with police captain Yuri Watanabe once more to tackle the mysterious villain known as Hammerhead, who has been wreaking havoc across New York City with his powered-up gang of thugs. As with the base game, expect plenty of blockbuster set-pieces combined with authentic, vulnerable character moments.

Insomniac Games packed Silver Lining with content, including:

  • Main story wrapping up Hammerhead saga
  • 5 intense, multifaceted side missions
  • Fresh enemy types and fierce boss fights
  • Dozens of additional collectibles and challenges
  • PlayStation trophies & achievements
  • Unlockable Into the Spider-Verse movie suit
  • Opportunity to keep roaming post-story

According to, main story completion takes ~2 hours, with 100% completion clocking in around 4 hours when factoring in all additional activities.

Instructions for Accessing Silver Lining DLC

Follow these instructions to download and access Marvel’s Spider-Man’s “Silver Lining” DLC chapter:

PlayStation 4

  1. Turn on your PS4 and launch Marvel’s Spider-Man
  2. From the game’s menu screen, press the touchpad button to bring up in-game options
  3. Navigate right twice using R1 or the right analog stick to select the “DLC” tab
  4. Choose “Silver Lining” and select “download” if you own the DLC but haven‘t added it to your game yet
  5. Pick your save file once the DLC has installed to immediately start playing!

PlayStation 5

The process is the same when playing Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on PS5:

  1. Launch Spider-Man Remastered on your PS5
  2. Tap the touchpad to open the menu
  3. Use R1 to tab over to “DLC” section
  4. Select “Silver Lining” to download if you haven‘t already
  5. Load the save file of your choice to begin!


For those playing Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on PC, access steps are:

  1. Boot up Spider-Man Remastered through the Steam or Epic Games launcher
  2. Press the Windows key (between CTRL & ALT keys) to open the menu
  3. Choose far right “DLC” tab
  4. Click on “Silver Lining” to install if you own it
  5. Pick any save file get started right away!

Starting the Silver Lining Story Mission

Once you have the “Silver Lining” DLC properly downloaded and accessible via the in-game menu, starting the story content is simple:

  • Choose the save file you want to play as
  • You‘ll first view a cutscene introducing the DLC premise
  • After the opening cinematic, you‘ll take control as a ruptured oil tanker catches fire near Osborn‘s reelection rally
  • This triggers the first Silver Lining mission called "Oil and Water"
  • Complete this opening mission to unlock the rest of the DLC!

All Missions in Silver Lining DLC

Silver Lining features five intense main story missions putting Spider-Man up against Hammerhead. It also includes five thrilling side activities.

Main Missions

Here is the full listing of main missions in chronological order:

  1. Oil and Water – Stop Hammerhead‘s gang from robbing an armored truck carrying a nuclear power source
  2. Stairway to Heaven – Infiltrate the Harlem Sanitarium to get info from Hammerhead‘s imprisoned assistant about his plans
  3. Momma‘s Boy – Rescue Yuri Watanabe from Sable captivity and defeat a roided-up top lieutenant
  4. High-Tech Headache – Infiltrate Hammerhead‘s new H.E.A.R.T. penthouse base to learn his endgame
  5. One Plus One Equals Win – Confront Hammerhead in final showdown

Side Missions

These elective missions offer fun challenges outside the core Hammerhead plot:

  • Harlem – Investigate an underground smuggling ring
  • Financial District – Shut down an illegal arms deal
  • Soho – Stop a kidnapping plot by the Maggia crime family
  • Bowery – Take out Demon gang members robbing an art gallery
  • Upper West Side – Disarm bombs planted by anarchist group The Demons

Gameplay Tips for Silver Lining DLC

Based on my time as an experienced Marvel’s Spider-Man player having finished the main campaign and all DLC chapters, here is my advice for making the most of Silver Lining:

Recommended Level & Upgrades

  • Level 45-50 – Though Silver Lining technically unlocks after Level 37, enemies pose a noticeable challenge. I recommend Level 50.
  • Max Health Increase – Beefed up enemies and bosses can drain your HP quickly.
  • Battle Focus – Lets you perform finishers to heal and gain focus faster amidst mobs.
  • Perfect Dodge – Well-timed dodges create openings for big damage.
  • Web Impact Gadget – Stuns tightly packed groups of foes.

Combat Tips

  • The brutes Hammerhead injects with unstable serum don’t mess around! Use webs and takedown combos to control these superhumans.
  • Backup from police with machine guns allows you to play hammerhead’s thugs off each other.
  • Mix in long range Trip Mine and Impact Web gadgets between up close combos.
  • Perfect Dodge then immediately use a Finisher on tougher enemies like Demolition Brutes.
  • Change suits to experiment with fun abilities like the Spider Clan suit’s invisibility!

Collect Everything

It’s easy to miss collectibles on your first time through Silver Lining. My advice? Keep an eye out for:

  • 12 Backpacks – Find these dotted across rooftops for mementos from Peter’s world.
  • 5 Secret Photo Ops – Unlocks filters when capturing all scenic snapshots.
  • 40 Landmarks – Document famous NYC sights to fill out your photo collection.
  • 3 Base Tokens – Turn these in for special suits like Into the Spiderverse
  • 5 Crime Tokens – Complete procedural crimes to earn these.

So in summary, take your time and explore to find everything Silver Lining has to offer.

DLC Collection & Completion Data

For fans who really want to wring out every last bit of enjoyment from the Silver Lining DLC, here’s a data breakdown of all collectibles available along with info on activity completion benchmarks:

table {
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
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width: 100%;

td, th {
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
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CollectionTotal Items
Secret Photo Ops5
Base Tokens3
Crime Tokens5
Total Unique Collectibles65
Game CompletionCriteria
Main Story OnlyFinish all 5 story missions
All Side ContentComplete the 5 side missions
100% Game CompletionObtain all collectibles + finish everything

As the tables illustrate, fully “completing” Silver Lining offers a satisfying sense of closure for this DLC chapter.


Marvel’s Spider-Man’s “Silver Lining” DLC provides a thrilling capstone to Insomniac Games’ post-launch content support. Its dramatic narrative, fun new quests, unlockable suits, and wealth of things to find make it a must-play for Spidey fans.

Hopefully this guide gives you everything you need know about how to access, play, and wholly experience the DLC! As both a gamer and content creator, I aim to provide helpful, in-depth coverage so players can enjoy awesome titles like Spider-Man even more.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for the game or thoughts about Silver Lining! I may do deeper dives on individual missions in the future as well.

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