How to Diagnose and Treat Joy-Con Drift Sickness

As a competitive Smash Bros player, I suffered major You-Can‘t-Fight-City-Hall drifting before discovering the complex realm of repairs. Follow my diagnosis guide to test, fix, and prevent Joy-Con infectivity across all Switch systems.

Section 1: Manifestations and Detection

Drift reveals itself through characters like Mario drifting off platforms, but can onset subtly. Use the Controller Test under System Settings (shown below) to expose its nefarious influence over your inputs.

[Image screenshots]

Surveys by consumer groups peg drift rates at ~40%, but true figures are likely higher as issues manifest over months of use. The culprit: microscopic dust infiltrating the controller potentiometer contacts. Here‘s an electron microscope scan:

[Dust scan image]

Cleaning or replacing the potentiometer strip fixes drifting if caught early, but Nintendo‘s reluctance to address drift through improved sealing or replacing parts dooms all Joy-Con.

I‘ve compiled complaints data from gaming forums below:

[Drift complaint stats table]

Now that you‘ve diagnosed sickness, let‘s explore treatment options.

Section 2: Field Medic Procedures

  • Recalibration video guide
  • Firmware update methods
  • Repair wait time graphs
  • Local shop reliability reviews

Section 3: Prevention and Protection

To delay infection…

  • Teardown discoveries
  • Macro dust images
  • Novel storage solutions

Section 4: Life Expectancy and Prognosis

Over months of use, expect…

  • Battery graphs
  • Microswitch analysis
  • Critique of fragility

Section 5: Community FAQs

Q1. How can I prevent charging port cracks?
Q2. Does spray contact cleaner work?

Based on my 100+ hours in controller diagnostics across regions, here are your best bets…

In closing, with care and diligence, your Joy-Con may survive to see the next Smash Bros. iteration. Share your experiences battling drift below!

  • Renowned Switch repair wizard

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