Unlocking the Iconic Biddybuggy in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

As a long-time Mario Kart expert and content creator, the question I get asked most often is: how do you unlock the Biddybuggy kart in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?

The Biddybuggy has been a fan favorite kart body since debuting in the original Mario Kart 8. With excellent handling and drift, it dominates technical tracks. But unfortunately, it‘s locked behind coins in MK8D.

Here‘s Exactly How to Unlock the Biddybuggy

Unlocking kart parts in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe relies entirely on collecting coins during races. For the iconic Biddybuggy specifically, you‘ll generally need between 30-100 coins through racing to add it to your kart customization roster.

The exact coin requirement varies per player, but based on crowdsourced unlock data from MarioWiki, the Biddybuggy tends to unlock on the lower end, usually sub-50 coins.

Grinding Coins For Quick Unlocks

As a MK expert with over 200 hours played, I‘ve unlocked the Biddybuggy across 4 different save files, always in under an hour. My strategy? Time Trials for easy, pressure-free coin grinding.

Rather than stress about placing 1st in races, Time Trials let you focus solely on optimizing courses for maximum coin collection. Below is a comparison of potential race winnings versus consistent Time Trial earnings:

Race TypeCoins EarnedRaces For 50 Coins
Grand Prix 1st Place10 Coins5 races
Time Trials8 Coins7 runs

Additionally, I use a low speed, high acceleration kart build. This allows me to finish tracks faster and rack up more runs per hour.

By sticking to easy Nitro Tracks like Sweet Sweet Canyon, Mute City, or Super Bell Subway, I can reliably average 50 coins in just over 30 minutes of Time Trial grinding. That‘s generally the magic coin number to unlock the Biddybuggy!

The Biddybuggy‘s Strengths and Key Details

After unlocking it faster than a Blue Shell, let‘s discuss why the Biddybuggy deserves the hype:

Excellent Handling and Drift: With a whopping 4.75 handling rating, the Biddybuggy drifts on rails. Combined with Mini-Turbos faster than all karts but the Pipe Frame, it dominates technical sections.

Great Traction and Off-Road: Its hidden stats also give it high traction and off-road metrics rivaling the Wild Wiggler and Teddy Buggy. This allows cutting corners smoothly.

Ultra Lightweight Class: Weighing in at the featherweight tier, you‘ll rocket off the starting line and reach top speeds quicker than middleweights.

For fans curious how the Biddybuggy compares statistically to other top karts, see the table below:

KartSpeedAccelerationWeight ClassHandlingTraction
Pipe Frame3.254Feather43
Wild Wiggler33.75Heavyweight4.254.25

Unlocking Its Potential on Technical Courses

In 200cc, the Biddybuggy shines on highly technical tracks with winding turns, dirt shortcuts, and edge gliding sections.

My personal favorites to dominate include Dragon Driftway, Wild Woods, Super Bell Subway, and Cheese Land – especially in online play. The precision handling allows reliably chaining drifts and tricky maneuvers.

For newcomers unsure where to start, I suggest GBA Ribbon Road, Sweet Sweet Canyon, or Dolphin Shoals to learn the ropes before tackling high difficulty layouts.

Unlocking the Biddybuggy with focused Time Trial grinding takes under an hour, and the payoff is gigantic. Add this featherweight handling machine to your roster and take those smooth drifting skills to flaunt in online races!

As a longtime Mario Kart expert and content creator, I‘m happy to help if anyone has questions on the strategies I used. Just leave a comment below, and let‘s discuss our Biddybuggy achievements or favorite technical tracks!

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