How long does a mercenary contract last in Bannerlord 2?

Whether you‘re a brutal band of bloodthirsty brothers or a few sellswords looking to clink some coins, Bannerlord‘s mercenary system offers one of the quickest paths to riches and glory in Calradia. And I should know – after logging over 100 hours raiding caravans across six different contracts, I‘ve seen enough heads flying, fiefs falling, and comrades feasting to become a bit of an expert on maximizing your time as a made merc.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll tackle everything a fledgling fighter of fortune needs to know about the length, renewal, and rewards of merc life in Bannerlord, interweaved with my own hard-won insights from the battlefield. Updating for 2023, this covers all the changes to merc mechanics in recent patches too.

So tighten the straps on that battle helm and get to reading – a mountain of Denars awaits any ambitious merc bold enough to take the plunge!

Table of Contents

  • How Long Do Contracts Last?
  • Renewing Contracts
  • When to Leave or Stay
  • Perks and Payoffs
  • My Top 5 Merc Money Makers

How Long Do Contracts Last?

The length of a Bannerlord mercenary contract is 30 days – same as in the glory days of Warband. I‘ve taken over six contracts now across different saves, and each stuck to this duration like clockwork.

Some key stats on standard contract times:

Bannerlord Contract Length30 days
Warband Contract Length30 days
Can Be Renewed ForAnother 30 days
Renewals AllowedIndefinite

So in summary – 30 days of sanctioned slaughter, renewable as you please. More than enough time for an ambitious manhunter like myself to fill their coin purses and their dungeons to bursting!

Renewing Contracts

As the table shows, Bannerlord merc contracts can be renewed indefinitely, each renewal adding another sweet 30 days of blood and blunders.

The process is simple – just return to the faction leader before time expires and select the option to extend your contract. There‘s no relation or renown requirements whatsoever. As long as you aren‘t absolutely hated by the kingdom, the renewal is yours.

In my experience, the decision between heading for greener pastures or staying loyal to your current liege depends greatly on context:

  • If you‘re riding high from consistent victories, renew that contract! Nothing sustains troop morale like a long winning streak.
  • If there‘s unfinished business like a rival warlord or desired fief, stick around to settle the score!
  • If you‘re struggling for spoils or the war‘s end seems imminent, a fresh start in a new conflict may prove more profitable.

Weigh the options carefully before letting a contract lapse – 30 days passes quickly, especially when the gods of RNG have cursed your combat rolls!

When to Leave or Stay

As mentioned above, whether to renew a contract or jump kingdoms depends greatly on your current circumstances and temperament. But let me share a bit of general wisdom:

Impatient Thrill-Seekers will want to chase the earliest bidder whenever a contract expires, opting for whichever conflict promises the fastest fury and fortunes.

Patient Soldiers of Fortune should instead focus on building lasting bonds with one or two factions. The longer you stick around, the more you‘ll reap rewards from developing relationships and scaling renown ranks.

As for myself, I prefer the patient approach – war is long and fickle, so better to weather the lows and reap long-term gains. Why wade into fresh fields when the manure of hard times often bears the sweetest fruit!

But green boys eager for bloodshed may lack such perspective – so by all means, chase every contract like a dog after deer! Just don‘t cry raid-sore when the roosters come to claim their corn.

Perks and Payoffs of Merc Life

Now, don‘t think I‘ve been leading you in circles just for fun. There‘s a method to my madness!

Too often I see whelps join this life of sell-sword and scavenge expecting wools and silks from the start. So let me make something clear:

Mercenary rewards come only to those who endure.

The perks of this profession are proportional to the purgatory endured. Only by living through losses and learning from defeats does a true condottiere come to appreciate this trade‘s treasures:

  • Sack the workshops of blood rivals grown fat for want of war!
  • Stand shield-to-shield with storied warriors united only by lust for spoils!
  • Watch proudly as peasant and lord alike flee at first sight of your banners on the horizon!
  • Return home with holds overflowing with grain and groats and Grapes from valleys afar!
  • Lay defeated lords at the feet of kings and be rewarded with fiefs still smoking from your fury!

Such glories go to those forged and tested by the hammer of war‘s adversity. For greenies still too soft, I prescribe a healthy dose of humility and patience. And wisdom enough to follow the words of one who came before:

"Let the wars continue until the lack of men forces both sides to pursue real peace."

So stay true to your contract even as others break ranks and flee from hardship. Glory comes to those who stand when fair-weather friends desert them.

Trust in this truth, and with time‘s slow-grinding stones, a masterless soldier may come to rule all Calradia!

My Top 5 Merc Money Makers

Now then, preaching aside – let‘s get to the good stuff!

Few things whet a merc‘s appetite like easy opportunities for exorbitant expansion of coin purses. So I‘ve compiled my patented list of the five quickest ways to fill your coffers while on contract:

  1. Pillage Enemy Villages: Raiding settlements offers masses of goods to sell or smelt for immediate bank.
  2. Ransack Caravans: Nothing funds a fighting force like plundering fat merchant convoys!
  3. Win Tourneys: Show off your skills in local tourneys to scoop modest purses and gear to sell.
  4. Sell Captives: Ransom off lords or sell troops to quickly liquidate assets into Denars.
  5. Do Guild Master Quests: Crazy rewards for mundane delivery missions!?

If you‘re still counting coppers when the contract ends, you‘ve no one to blame but yourself! Now, enough talk – time to put lessons into practice. I wish you well in your mercenary travels and encourage you to return with tales of daring do and dens stuffed with loot!

May your blades stay sharp and your purses grow heavy, brothers! Glory awaits any who dare seize it!

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