How Many Cars Can You Store in GTA 5 Offline? The Complete Vehicle Storage Guide

As an avid GTA fan and content creator focused on optimization and emerging updates in the world of Grand Theft Auto, one of the most common questions I‘m asked is: how many vehicles can you store in GTA 5‘s offline single player mode?

The answer is you can store a maximum of 18 vehicles across Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. This breaks down as:

  • 4 purchasable garages slots per character
  • Plus 2 additional garage slots for Michael
  • Plus 2 additional garage slots for Franklin
  • Plus 1 additional garage slot each for Trevor‘s 2 safehouses

So let‘s take a deeper look at strategies for managing these 18 total garage spaces when playing GTA 5 offline…

An Overview of GTA 5 Offline Car Storage Locations

When you‘re playing GTA 5 in offline mode, outside of the purchasable garages, additional parking spaces become available at each protagonist‘s default safehouse:


  • 4 Car Garage
  • 2 Car Garage at Safehouse


  • 4 Car Garage
  • 2 Car Garage at Safehouse


  • 4 Car Garage
  • 1 Car Garage at Sandy Shores Safehouse
  • 1 Car Garage at Vanilla Unicorn Safehouse

I‘ve put together this map of all the garage locations across Los Santos and Blaine County:

GTA 5 Offline Garage Locations

As you can see, the garages are reasonably well spread out across the entire map.

So no matter where you tend to spend the most time within the open world, you‘ll always have quick access to a garage for storing new acquisitions.

Strategies for Managing 18 Cars in GTA 5 Offline

While 18 vehicles may seem limiting compared to GTA Online‘s capacities, it‘s still enough room to enjoy GTA 5‘s vast open world to the fullest in offline mode.

Based on the hundreds of hours I‘ve put into perfecting single player garage optimization, here are my top tips:

1. Use Michael‘s and Franklin‘s 2-Car Garages for Favorite Vehicles

Since these characters have bonus parking spots at their safehouse garages, take advantage by storing your 2 most valued or frequently used cars in each.

2. Rotate Less Important Vehicles In & Out of Standard Garages

Use the 4 default garage slots per character to cycle through less essential vehicles that you‘re testing out or joyriding. No need tying up permanent space if they‘re not vital to your missions or play style.

3. Re-Evaluate Garaged Cars Every 5-10 Hours of Gameplay

As you continue to unlock new vehicles and evolve your approach to missions/exploration, reassess if an existing garaged car still deserves one of your precious 18 spots. Out with the old, in with the new.

4. Prioritize Rare, Upgraded, & Valuable Vehicles

Store the hard-to-obtain or personally customized rides you definitely don‘t want to lose. The rare Vinewood classic you finally spotted or the Comet you just spent $100k upgrading.

5. Leverage Impounds If Needed

Make use of Los Santos’ disastrous impound system. If you unexpectedly snag an amazing new car but all garages are full, park your least useful vehicle, get it impounded, then use that empty garage spot for the new keeper. Just don’t forget to break your previous car back out of the impound eventually!

Analysis of Car Resale Values in GTA 5 Offline

Selling cars is GTA Online is a reliable source of income. But unfortunately offline does NOT let you sell purchased vehicles. However, examining base car price and worth still gives insight into which rides provide good valuation:

VehicleBase Value
Dewbauchee Massacro$275,000
Pegassi Monroe$260,000
Truffade Adder$1,000,000
Grotti Cheetah$650,000

As you can see, hypercars like the Adder provide extremely good built-in value from Rockstar. So they’re always worthwhile grabs even if you can’t technically sell in offline.

Rarer vehicles also deserve garage spots even if base price is lower:

VehicleBase ValueSpawn Rate
Emperor ETR1$1,500Extremely Rare
Canis Bodhi$14,000Rare
Bravado Duneloader$25,000Rare

I‘m hopeful that future GTA 5 patches may allow selling cars offline to unlock funds for customizations/upgrades. Fingers crossed!

Either way, think carefully about which vehicles occupy those coveted garage spaces. Ruthlessly cull less useful rides as your collection grows. And most importantly…happy hunting!

Let me know if you have any other questions about optimizing your GTA 5 offline garage and rides.

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