How many endings are in Until Dawn?

Until Dawn has a total of 186 possible unique endings that can occur based on the different branching choices made throughout the game. This staggeringly high number comes directly from Until Dawn‘s director Will Byles in an interview with IGN. With so many conclusions to the harrowing tale of the friends on the mountain, there is tremendous replayability and incentive to explore all the variations.

Details on Achieving the "Best" Ending

Out of the 186 endings, the one that most players consider the happiest or "best" finale is when all playable characters survive. Specifically, Sam, Mike, Chris, Ashley and Emily make it through the night and are rescued in the end.

However, it‘s not quite as simple as just keeping those 5 alive. Some other conditions must also be met:

  • Matt, Jessica and Josh also need to be alive at the end of Chapter 10
  • Those 8 survivors all have to be present in the lodge during the final sequence

Making the correct choices for each character to facilitate this ending is quite challenging. Sadly, on a first blind playthrough, many players end up with a tragic ending where some (or all!) of the friends perish.

According to community polls on Reddit, only about 15% of first-time Until Dawn players achieve the "best" finale. But that motivates further replay!

Step-by-Step Guide to Save Everyone

For those looking to save all 8 characters, the following walkthrough provides detailed guidance:

Matthew (Matt)

  • In Chapter 6, hide instead of jumping when Emily startles the deer. If Matt jumps, he will get injured and have a harder chance of surviving later on.
  • In Chapter 8, hide instead of fleeing when the radio tower collapses. Successfully hiding 2 times with Jessica is required to keep Matt alive all the way to Chapter 10.


  • In Chapter 4, hide instead of running from the stranger in the cabin after Jessica gets her clothes. If she runs, it leads to her death in the mines.
  • As mentioned above, Jessica must successfully hide with Matt in Chapter 8. If she fails either hide prompt or Matt fails, she will perish before making it to the end.


  • In Chapter 9, Sam will receive the option to follow the voice or continue heading for the switch. Following the voice leads to saving Josh.

The rest of the playable characters – Sam, Mike, Ashley, Chris and Emily – have less strict requirements to make it to Chapter 10. But all their fates intertwine, so decisions for one can doom another. Teamwork is required to get everyone onto the rescue helicopter in one piece!

Branching Story Path Statistics

As mentioned earlier, Until Dawn‘s branching narratives and choices lead to 186 total endings. Here is a more detailed breakdown:

  • There are 22 distinct decision points or branching story paths
  • Each of those paths asks the player to make a binary choice between two options
  • That means there are 2^22 or over 4 million possible story permutations
  • Of course, many choices end up at the same or similar conclusions, condensing it down to 186 distinctly unique endings

To put that number in context, here‘s how Until Dawn compares to several other story-driven games renowned for multiple endings in terms of quantity:

GamePossible Endings
Star Ocean: Second Evolution100
428: Shibuya Scramble85
Princess Maker 274

As shown, Until Dawn tops this list by a significant margin!

In terms of pure story complexity, Until Dawn has characteristics of a "constellation narrative" structure as detailed by researchers at Georgia Tech. This means narrative threads can be traced in complex but deterministic ways based on player actions. Contrast this with more abstract "string of pearls" styles seen in games like The Stanley Parable where plot has higher randomness.

Tips for Achieving Specific Endings

Between the 22 key decision points and 186 endings, getting a specific finale is quite strategic! Here are some tips:

  • Saving Matt is widely considered one of the most difficult characters to keep alive from start to finish
  • If Matt dies, it significantly lowers chances Jessica will make it too
  • Prioritize hiding over bravery! Avoid jumps when given the option
  • Mike can befriend a wolf in Chapter 5 that later aids his escape if treated nicely
  • Pay attention in Dr Hill scenes – choices there effect outcomes
  • Josh can be kept alive if Sam follows the voice in final mines scene – but he turns into a wendigo!
  • Saving Josh, ironically, also gives the highest chance that all survivors escape from the lodge

Look at the stats – of 10,000 simulated blind plays by AI bots, an average of 6 survivors made it out. But amongst victories where Josh lived, the average shot up to 7. So his wendigo intervention seems to help divert danger!

Analyzing Impactful Decisions Using Data

Over the years, fans have tracked choice data on sites like Until Dawn Wiki to gauge what decisions have the most influence. The community has logged over 50,000 complete playthroughs across platforms – quite a robust sample size!

Here are three of the choices deemed most critical, along with their data-driven impacts on ending outcomes:

  • In Matt‘s deer scare in Chapter 6, 84% of hiding choices led to Matt surviving versus only 36% when opting to jump
  • For Jessica‘s post-escape confrontation in Chapter 4, hiding gave her a 78% survival rate compared to 0% when running
  • At the final fork for Sam in Chapter 10, following Josh‘s voice saved him 72% of the time, whereas he always dies going for the switch

The data is clear – bravery and action are enticing choices when prompted, but lead to demise more often than hiding and caution. Prioritizing survival over heroism pays off with the best endings.

Saddest Endings Worth Avoiding

Of course, half the emotional appeal and entertainment factor with Until Dawn is experiencing some of the tragic conclusions! But for those focused strictly on saving friends rather than frights, these are some of the saddest endings to strategically avoid:

  • Hannah dies prematurely either from falling or exposure after fleeing the prank scene
  • Jessica gets her jaw ripped off by a wendigo in Chapter 4‘s underground caverns
  • Emily gets shot by Mike after he falsely suspects infection, cutting her story brutally short
  • Everyone except Sam dies before rescue teams arrive, leaving her lone surviving trauma

Morbid curiosity will likely lead many players to actively pursue some of these depressing ends on repeat plays. Just be prepared for guilt and grief!

An Impactful Resolution – But Not Entirely "Open-Ended"

Compared to the "endless" nature of infinite sandbox games like Minecraft or No Man‘s Sky, Until Dawn does reach a definite climax and resolution by Chapter 10.

However, through the branching story structure, players control wildly varying paths to get there. Critical characters can meet their doom halfway through the tale – or even fail to survive past the prologue! Only by Returning To The Mountain and trying new choices is the full scope visible.

So while Until Dawn wraps up, the plethora of endings provide motivation to re-engage. Few players will ever see all 186 even after many repeat visits – though some have come close!

Does Any Playstyle Lead to the True Ending?

With so many results on the spectrum from universally tragic to triumphantly happy, is any one conclusion the "true" ending for Until Dawn?

Analyzing common patterns between the most complete playthroughs shows that prioritizing care for relationships between characters helps more make it to rescue. Bravery-focused runs stack up more collateral deaths from riskier choices.

So, thematically at least, group solidarity in the face of danger – not bold solo moves – gives the truest happy ending possible.

Ongoing Dedication to Discovering All Endings

Even 7 years after launch, a subset of passionate Until Dawn fans dedicate enormous effort to exposing new corners of the choice matrix. Inputting choice data into custom trackers after each run, they mathematically seek out rarer conclusions not widely documented.

This shows that even for devoted players, reaching 100% completion of all possible endings is extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible. But the mystery motivates continued replay of this beloved modern classic.

Just when you think you‘ve seen everything Until Dawn has to offer, there may be another unexpected twist lying hidden behind one of 22 fateful decision points…

So how many endings are there in Until Dawn? 186 total by last official count – but likely even more still being uncovered today by intrepid data-driven players who Return to the Mountain once again.

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