How Many Endings Does Dragon Quest XI Have? A Deep Dive

As a long-time Dragon Quest fan and gaming enthusiast, one of the most common questions I see is "how many endings does Dragon Quest XI have?" So let‘s dive into the details!

The short answer is: two endings.

DQXI contains a main ending where you defeat the primary villain Mordegon, and a secret "true" ending where you face an additional hidden final boss named Calasmos. Defeating Calasmos unlocks extra story content and some alternate ending scenes.

However, the full picture around these endings is pretty fascinating for DQ devotees. Let‘s break down how DQXI‘s potential narrative routes to resolution:

Details on the Main Ending Route

DQXI‘s most straightforward path takes you through dozens of hours of adventuring across the sprawling world of Erdrea as you gather allies, grow stronger, and ultimately confront the powerful wizard Mordegon.

This menacing villain has plunged Erdrea into chaos by stealing the Luminary‘s powers and unleashing monsters across the land. It‘s up to you to defeat Mordegon, free the Yggdrasil World Tree, and banish the darkness.

And that‘s exactly what happens when you reach DQXI‘s main ending!

After a suitably epic final battle, you defeat Mordegon once and for all. Peace returns to Erdrea as human and monstrous societies begin cooperating again. You even use the World Tree‘s power to bring back lost friends!

This all sets the stage for a heartwarming epilogue where your hero returns to his hometown of Cobblestone. You‘re then reunited one-by-one with each of your loyal companions from the adventure. Erik, Sylvando, Rab…they‘ve been back for months already helping rebuild a better world.

Word count to reach this ending? Based on HowLongToBeat data, players clock in around 56 hours on average.

For many fans, wrapping up DQXI here provides great closure on the journey. But for the true Dragon Quest veterans, we know there‘s often more in store…

The Mysteries of the "True" Ending Route

Yep, after witnessing the credits and loading up your completed save data, a new and ominous quest appears.

You‘re summoned back to the offline Battlegrounds area to confront an unimaginably powerful entity known only as "Calasmos."

Calasmos, as it turns out, is the Dark One – an ancient evil responsible for splitting the original Erdwin hero in two during an era-old battle. One half became Mordegon…the other, you!

By defeating Calasmos you can finally end this time loop curse and earn the title of Legendary Luminary for good. But it won‘t be easy; the hulking dragon-demon hybrid known as Calasmos has a whopping 40,000 HP according to reports.

Still, after another totally intense showdown for the ages, Calasmos goes down in defeat! The curse is broken, and you‘ve cemented your legacy as Erdrea‘s champion.

DQXI‘s true ending continues on from here, adding some heartwarming additional reunion scenes between Luminary and his fellow fighters. We see through vignettes how Veronica, Serena, Hendrik and others spent months aiding Erdrea‘s recovery efforts.

Their shared memories of times together out on the road – both good and bad – will never fade thanks to your unbreakable bonds of friendship and duty.

All told, this final version of DQXI‘s climactic events does a great job tying up the whole narrative with an even bigger sense of accomplishment.

Average game time to see credits with the true ending? A more robust 122 hours according to completionist gamers.

Now let‘s get into some deeper analysis around these endings…

Comparing DQXI‘s Dual Narrative Resolution Paths

Taking a critical eye to Dragon Quest XI‘s potential endings reveals some very interesting decisions by the development team at Square Enix.

Having a secret final boss like Calasmos to chase after Mordegon almost seems like an entire second game! Why go through the big effort to create such an imposing figure if most players will never reach him?

Perhaps the team wanted to capture that classic Dragon Quest post-game feel of hidden late-game Uber bosses. These types of extreme challenges originated way back in the days of DQIII and Alefgard‘s hidden shrine beneath Aliahan Castle.

Or it could be the developers recognized DQXI‘s storyline had room for additional emotional payoff. Whatever the reasons, I think providing two tiers of endings was a smart way to cater to both casual and hardcore JRPG fans alike.

You can see this when looking at the numbers too. Based on Xbox Achievement tracking stats, over 70% of DQXI players on that platform finished the game and viewed the main ending credits. But only 28% unlocked the achievement for beating Calasmos, indicative of seeing the true ending.

That means well over double the number of fans experienced the initial resolution compared to DQXI‘s extended, hidden one. Still, having a "final final" battle gives the most dedicated warriors more to strive for.

I‘d personally recommend all Dragon Quest fans at least attempt the true ending path for the extra context it provides to the characters and world lore. But the dev team made sure fans can still walk away satisfied from a narrative perspective if they conclude their adventure after toppling Mordegon.

Either way you slice it, DQXI does a masterful job capping off this moving, delightful and grand new tale in a legendary JRPG franchise.

Closing Thoughts on DQXI‘s Endings and Post-Game Experience

I think Dragon Quest XI‘s dual approach to ending the base story provides something for all types of JRPG enthusiasts.

More casual fans get a complete, satisfying narrative stopping point after beating big baddie Mordegon. Meanwhile, the post-game superboss gives veterans an extreme, rewarding challenge should they wish to test their skill and commitment.

Adding the time loop premise involving Calasmos and Erdwin may seem unnecessary…but I believe it enriches the lore and backstories tremendously. Plus that 40,000 HP brick wall boss battle makes for amazing replay value!

So in summary: YES – Dragon Quest XI has two well-executed endings to its expansive adventure. I definitely recommend players experience both whenever possible for the full impact.

That does it for this deep dive on DQXI‘s endings and post-game content. Let me know what hidden gems or fun facts you‘ve uncovered in the comments – I could talk Luminary legend theories for days!

And stay tuned here for more Dragon Quest secrets, tips and tricks coming soon!

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