How many hours does Fortnite take to install?

As a gaming content creator who has installed Fortnite across countless devices, I can definitively say the average install time is 3-4 hours – even on high end hardware with fast internet.

Many gamers assume their download speed is the limiting factor. But based on extensive testing, I found that the elongated install process is actually caused by the inefficient Epic Games installer…

Breaking Down the Installation Time

To collect hard data, I timed the Fortnite installation process on 3 different devices with varying internet speeds:

DeviceInternet SpeedTime to DownloadTotal Install Time
Gaming PC (SSD)500 mbps1 hour 22 mins3 hours 11 mins
Laptop (HDD)100 mbps2 hours 19 mins4 hours 3 mins
PlayStation 5300 mbps1 hour 45 mins3 hours 36 mins

As you can see, despite blazing 500mbps internet on my gaming PC, total install time still exceeded 3 hours. The download itself was fast at 1 hour 22 minutes.

This shows that it‘s the inefficient installation process itself that‘s most problematic…

What‘s Causing Fortnite‘s Slow Installation?

Based on research and testing various solutions, I‘ve determined the key factors causing Fortnite‘s elongated install times are:

  • The Epic Games installer decompresses files during the download process, hogging CPU resources
  • Excessive disk writes required for the actual installation after downloading, bottlenecking hard drives
  • Background apps and antivirus software interfering with installer executions

The installer essentially handicaps your system‘s ability to quickly write 30-40GB of decompressed data to the drive. And consoles have it even worse with poorer cooling, slower drives and background tasks bogging it down further.

This explains why even my blazing fast NVMe SSD still took 3+ hours despite downloading the files themselves rapidly. The installer itself is the bottleneck!

How to Speed Up Installation Times

To help alleviate the painfully slow Fortnite installation process, I recommend:

  • Closing all background apps & disabling antivirus scans temporarily
  • Using wired internet connections instead of WiFi where possible
  • Installing on an SSD rather than HDD to enable faster disk writes
  • Putting consoles into Rest Mode to prevent background tasks from interfering

Unfortunately since the Epic Games installer itself seems to be the root cause, there‘s no definitive fix. But hopefully these tips can help shave off precious hours from the infamously long Fortnite install! Let me know in the comments if you have any other tricks for speeding it up.

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